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LOL.... just.... LOL

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Felidae_Khrall said:
Welcome to 4 years + ago. :) The guys been on several popular talk shows and everything.

D'oh, I just got it sent to me on MSN, ah well, it'll be new to some people :p


Yeah, very old. The guy has been on TV too.. I remember seeing this freshman year of college, 4+ years ago. So i guess your posting it some good by bringing back memories of the good old days when I could enjoy websites like these, and not be stressed about about finding work.


He's been on TV? How popular is he? What shows?

I only remember him from a time I was browsing uglypeople.com...

Oh, good times!

EDIT: Oh shit I'm a member now!!!


yup saw this about three four years ago..... disgusting

"Unfortunately this society has deified the gender boundaries they've established, especially the rules of what boys should and should not enjoy doing. This is why little girls are praised for interest in "boyish" activities, but boys who do the opposite are seldom tolerated. So such a character, by his fairy-like qualities and elfin appearance, represents a literal blaspheme against their "god". No wonder few stage productions have dared to cast a male for this character, despite the many talented actors, songwriters, and directors available! (Only a few like Disney and more recently PJ Hogan have had the guts to do so.) Yet it is for these very reasons that this character suits me perfectly. Besides, the God of Love that Jesus spoke of is the only one I serve. Too bad modern religion seems to have missed that."
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