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Looks like Republican Congressmen are starting to threaten Trump now



The Senate on Wednesday narrowly voted down a resolution to repeal an Obama-era rule restricting methane emissions from drilling operations on public lands — with three Republicans joining every Democrat to preserve the rule.

The 51-to-49 vote marked the first time since Trump’s election that Republicans have failed in their attempt to use the Congressional Review Act to overturn Obama-era rules. Thirteen other resolutions, based on the 1996 law that allows Congress to overturn rules within 60 legislative workdays of their adoption, succeeded.

Thursday is the deadline for using the Congressional Review Act this way.

The methane emissions rule, issued by the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management in November, addresses a potent greenhouse gas that is accelerating climate change.

The rule would force oil and gas companies to capture methane that had been previously burned off or “flared” at drilling sites. According to federal estimates, the rule would prevent roughly 180,000 tons a year of methane from escaping into the atmosphere and would boost federal revenue because firms pay only royalties on the oil and gas they capture and contain.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) unexpectedly voted no against a motion to proceed with consideration of the resolution, along with GOP Sens. Susan Collins (Maine) and Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.). Two Democrats who had considered backing the rule’s elimination — Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota and Joe Manchin of West Virginia — voted against the motion, as well.

This was supposed to be an easy vote for the Republicans to pass thanks to the reduced requirements to 51 votes. For McCain and Graham to break ranks like this makes me believe Congress will move faster against Trump than I expected.



This was supposed to be an easy vote for the Republicans to pass thanks to the reduced requirements to 51 votes. For McCain and Graham to break ranks like this makes me believe Congress will move faster against Trump than I expected.

Graham was against it for reasons other than the FBI firing. And McCain had a shouting match with someone and voted agains it out of spite. Don't read too much into this.
Doesn't matter with the current media cycle and blood in the water any loss for Republicans just makes Trump look incompetent and weak. I will take it.


Kills Photobucket
Fuck talk. Soon as a special prosecutor is appointed, and Trump's FBI stooge is denied confirmation, then they'll have done something.

Until then, this is nothing more than the same bullshit posturing they do.


McCain must have been going through old boxes and found his spine. It'd be nice if this was the start of a trend, but I'm not holding my breath.
If the last 30 years of McCain's actions have taught us, a single yank on the chain is all that's required to get him to fall back in line. Wake me up when something about our situation actually changes for the better and McCain was there leading it.


These may not be directly related to the investigation but make no mistake, more and more of these kinds of "reasons" will suddenly be enough to compel politicians to vote against him as more polls come out showing D+16 and their seats being in danger.
Not an excuse because bending to pressure like they are, the moderate GOPers are still spineless

But it was always going to take time for them to start moving. Despite people on here thinking they've done nothing, people should read what a lot of republicans are saying about them. They are ready to KILL Graham and McCain


McCain had some fiery disagreement with Senator Cornyn (second in charge for the Senate Republicans after Turtle) on the Senate floor during the vote. It ended with him giving the clerk a thumbs down for his vote and storming off.
That's the same Senator that McCain screamed "FUCK YOU!" at in the middle of the Senate room many years back, so maybe McCain just really hates Cornyn (no one could blame him) and voted No purely out of spite.


It's actually in the Senate leadership's interest to hedge their bets against Trump. A few Senators warming up to a special investigation is all they need should Trump step out of line.
I'll believe it when I see it (when they block the clearly biased fuck that Trump ends up nominating for the position of FBI director)
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