Doth Togo said:Do a search next time, dumbass.
:lolGoreomedy said:If I've offended your territorial sensibilities.... my job is done!
B'z-chan said:Goreomedy yes it is the second order i think.
madara said:What the bloddy freakn hell? Is my local network airing one too far in advance or was there episode past Dec 8th one where everyone was saying that was last one for about month?
Last episode I seen was huge cliffhanger where Charlie was strung up and barely lived. Then had just found a metal thing in ground. Six mins into this one and makes no freak sense. Last time I trust what people say is last episode I guess, had turn it off. Guess I wait for dvd now
madara said:What the bloddy freakn hell? Is my local network airing one too far in advance or was there episode past Dec 8th one where everyone was saying that was last one for about month?
Last episode I seen was huge cliffhanger where Charlie was strung up and barely lived. Then had just found a metal thing in ground. Six mins into this one and makes no freak sense. Last time I trust what people say is last episode I guess, had turn it off. Guess I wait for dvd now
VPhys said:I think this was the first lackluster episode of Lost. It was just 40 minutes of nothing. The toy airplane in the case was extremely dissatisfying.
Memles said:I have to note, I loved the touch where we had already seen Kate need help to disarm the gun in the pilot, so her being in cahoots with the guys seemed unlikely with the "I don't know how to use a gun" remark matching up with, at the very least, her earlier reaction to a similar situation. Threw me, and it was a neat little trick.
pnjtony said:There'll be more to the toy plane. I do think it was what was actually in the saftey deposit box. She was willing to set up a bank heist and kill for it and she was willing to dig up a body to get to it. Here's the kicker...It was in the Marshal's briefcase with his guns. It was in an envelope marked personal effects. Why not marked as evidence considering that's what she was being hauled in for (so we can assume).
Tazznum1 said:The envelope was marked that because they took it off a dead person (the one she killed). Do we know that the personal effects envelope was not in an evidence envelope? How do we not know that when she was arrested they didn't realize this envelope was what she was after and therefore just thought it was personal property?
Teflar said:If it was from a dead body, wouldn't it be evidence? I was under the impression it was just what was in Kate's pocket, purse, whatever. I.e. personal effects and not related to her crimes. I also still don't buy that it was what was in the deposit box.
Doth Togo said:Anyone like the part where the waves were crashing on the beach? Phuket Island, anyone? I thought that was eerie as it was so recent. Nuances like this are why this show is the best on TV and further proves J.J. Abrams is a genius.
alejob said:What/where is phucket island? Are you(and they) relating this to the tsunami? Hmm, if so, Brilliant!