I recently upgraded to iPhone 13 from iPhone 6s. When I went to sync to my iTunes on Windows 10. iTunes was updated to latest version before syncing. I noticed all my playlist and burned music files were gone. Only music I have are the bought from Apple. It's like over 500 songs, I really want to avoid burning my CDs again and some CDs are scratched and may not be able to burn.
Any help to recover is appreciated.
Been decades since I converted my CD collection to digital. I used this;
It indexed all the files along with meta-data from an online database. Took me forever as I MASSIVE collection of CDs from over the years collecting but it did the job fine and very quickly.
Scratched CD's, use the toothpaste approach. It mostly always worked for me, even on gaming CD's. Smear the CD in toothpaste over the scratches, let it dry and then gently wash off the excess toothpaste. The amount of scratched CD's I managed to save was unreal, it really worked. Saved music I'd made (and others) from certain death. It isn't 100% but was amazing what I recovered. Of course depends on the quality on the physical CD and the damage to it. Got Some CDs that were scratched beyond belief to rip and they conversions mostly worked fine but you would get ones that would instead of skipping in a loop with the drive try to continually read it, would just skip the damaged part. Was better than nothing. Obviously copies on cheap CD's failed more often though but you'd get most of the track with the odd blip.
Again this is an-oldschool technique but only takes a few minutes to try to see if it works.
Still don't know what to do with my massive CD collection as most are scratched. Thought about leaving them on the road for anyone to take. Could get done for dumping though by the council but I'd say the artwork alone would be a goldmine for an art-student for a collage or some shit if I posted it online. The thought of some cunt asking me to list everything in the massive box though made me second think that idea. What a waste tooo with the amount that I have, complete collections of Bowie, Stevie Wonder, Daft Punk (then) I really have hundreds.