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Lost In Translation

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I realize I'm late to the party and I remember seeing previous topics on this movie before but I just got done seeing it. All I can say was I was really impressed, it's already got a piece of my heart and is one of the best movies I've seen in awhile. Damn. I really feel like I'm overreacting but it was just that good to me.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I've had it since it came out on DVD, it might be the best movie I've ever seen.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
It's one of the best new movies I've seen in years.

Deku Tree

I thought it was OK, but not that great. The acting was top notch. But I felt like the story was missing something, not exactly sure what though.


Unconfirmed Member
The story wasn't perfect, but the interaction between the characters was. And the cinematography was gorgeous.

I was crying my eyes out at the end. :(


Lambtron said:
The story wasn't perfect, but the interaction between the characters was. And the cinematography was gorgeous.

I was crying my eyes out at the end. :(

I came really close but my lil bro was in the room and I have to be tough.


Unconfirmed Member
tt_deeb said:
I came really close but my lil bro was in the room and I have to be tough.

I was with some friends so I held it in as best I could until the credits were on, then ran to the bathroom bawling.

But they all know I'm a big pussy anyway.
Bah, poor people are afraid of crying. I cried my heart out during Return of the King. Nothing wrong with that.

Anyways, I enjoy Lost in Translation quite a bit, but really more for all the funny Japanese moments than the actual plot.. which I found to be a little on the average side, but more decent than majority of films lately. Pretty good film overall though.


I've said it a million times on these forums and others before...there is NO PLOT.

Its a character study. Its as if someone were following you around with a camera documenting various moments of your life and exposing the intracacies, details, and beauty of said moments. That is what this movie is about. There may be multiple climaxes of different magnitudes, but there is not one set structure to base a traditional story around. Hence, it is a character study. That's why you probably thought something was missing. :p


I fail to see what people liked about this movie . Really it has no story, no real characters. It's just a fantastic real world set piece masquerading as an art movie.

The following bob the angry flower strip sums up the movie rather well.



Asthetically I thought it was a rather pleasing movie. Lots of nice shots of Japan and some good music. However, overall it was a very pretentious movie. That comic summed it up pretty well but the feeling it gave off was basically "We're two people connecting in a special way in a strange land in a way that's really DEEP and MEANINGFUL." Or something like that.


How is it deep and meaningful? Its simple and sweet. Its about connecting with other people in order to satisfy our MOST BASIC needs.


Belfast said:
How is it deep and meaningful? Its simple and sweet. Its about connecting with other people in order to satisfy our MOST BASIC needs.

Fine then substitute simple and sweet for deep and meaningful in my original post and it's the same basic idea.


LIT left me numb. Pachinko's comic is the truth.

And Scarlett Johansen looks like Gumby from OA.
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