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Lotsa new Xbox live screens


From IGN:











obviously a lot of potential here. I really hope this thing takes off.. Even if only 10,000 people buy a game at $10-$15 that's a lot of profit for the (small) developers.


Tag of Excellence
It looks very well put together and the frontend is both clean and simple. It's such an utter shame that the pricing structure is going to put off customers. Possibly Microsoft studied it well and realized that the average consumer would willingly pay that amount? Regardless I'm still saddened that it's so high.

Regardless I'm still going to take the plunge and possibly pick up a game or two (YAY HAMSTERBALL).


(more a nerd than a geek)
TekunoRobby said:
It's such an utter shame that the pricing structure is going to put off customers. Possibly Microsoft studied it well and realized that the average consumer would willingly pay that amount? Regardless I'm still saddened that it's so high.

I almost wonder if charging 25 cents per play would have worked... thus lowering the price (at least, the impression of it) and making cash.

I know, we all hate "pay per play", but it WOULD match the arcade concept. Heh.


Tag of Excellence
I know a forum goer that posts here worked on the project so I'm throwing this question out to both him and anyone else that might know.

Is Wild Tangent going to support this product and possibly add "cheap" marketing related games? I wouldn't think porting it over the to Xbox would be all that difficult and plus that's a whole other venue where Wild Tangent could promote their partners.

Ahh what do I know. Sounds like it could work though.


Neo Member
Each game will cost $10 to $15? That's beyond preposterous. You can play hundreds of substantially similar arcade games online for free.

And this price range must be far in excess of the cost of developing and distributing these games.


Isn't polar golf, bowler etc. from wild tangent?

I think $10 is ok price for most of the "shareware" type of games, since they normally sell for around $20 for the pc, but I think it's too much for the old games (those just should be free IMHO). These kinds of games most likely will appeal to an older audience which have more $$$. Anything above $10 is too much though...


Tag of Excellence
thorns said:
Isn't polar golf, bowler etc. from wild tangent?
Yes it is, sorry for being stupid!

Well that gives me hope. Hopefully Wild Tangent will expand and offer free downloadable marketing-type games that they have available for a lot of their partners. The companies get the free publicity and the consumer gets a free game, everybody wins!


Xbox Live Arcade, available November 3, is one of Microsoft's more intriguing ideas for expanding Xbox Live's reach. Here's how it works. You order a free launcher disc from Xbox.com (expect a $5 shipping and handling charge). Once you have the disc, you can go onto Xbox Live and check out all of the currently available games, which are separated into different categories.

Games aren't free and will cost between $9.99-$19.99.

You're asking gamers to pay a minium of $15 to play old games that they can download for free on PC? Any gamer with a broadband connection and a modicum of sense will know where to find them, and since you're dealing with XBL users, they all have that ability. The online LIVE scoreboards and ease of use are the only draw here--will many think it's worth the price?

I think going with an additional XBL yearly fee of $5 for the whole arcade would draw a lot more folks in. Never really saw the appeal when they announced this at E3.


This happens to be a great idea with a terribly bad pricing system. No chance in hell I'm paying $10 or more per game. Offer each one for $2 and I would be inclined to buy a few of them for the leaderboards and such, but this isn't going to fly at the estimated pricing.

I also like the idea of buying the arcade for $5-$10 per year on top of the normal Xbox Live pricing. Make it an option so you can have all the games if you like.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
woo now I can play the jacked up 8 year-old non-port of ms. pac-man on xbox AGAIN!!!

If no other, this game is worth your ten bucks. I am fucking stoked if there's online 2p, which really, how could there not be?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Isn't this one of the characters from Neverending Story?

And yeah, I agree with the sentiments of this all being a great idea, with bad pricing.


Do you guys see what I am bitching about with crappy console emulations???

Ms. Pac Man looks like complete utter shit... that is not what it looked like in the arcade...

I would rather continue to play Ms. Pac Man on MAME. Galaga looks decent because they didn't try to stretch it out to fill the screen... but galaga is still not completely CRISP!


Project Midway said:
yeah, looks very "neat". What kind of game is that Ricochet? Arkanoid -clone? Space Invaders?

Yeah, it's an Arkanoid clone. It's like an "updated" version, with cool powerups and stuff.

Teddman said:
http://xbox.ign.com/articles/555/555172p1.htmlI think going with an additional XBL yearly fee of $5 for the whole arcade would draw a lot more folks in. Never really saw the appeal when they announced this at E3.

I agree. $10+ per game is way too expensive when most of these games can be played for free already.
Master Chieftec said:
Welcome to 20 years ago ...
There's always a market for nostalgia, unfortunately. Pac-man alone is being sold new in at least four different formats right now.

However, some of the games are new, and in the case of Mutant Storm, some of the games are fucking awesome.


Drakken said:
I agree. $10+ per game is way too expensive when most of these games can be played for free already.

The thing to remember is that all of the games have a free trial with them. For example Zuma. Yes, every one of us can got to Zone.msn.com and play the free trial version... but the actual game costs $20 .

I'll get arcade because all I want is 10-15 minutes at a time with these games and that won't cost me a dime. They are just games that you pick up and play quickly.


the price model follows most 'internet' games, where you can play a limited version for free, and then the full version costs $15 or something. I think $10 would have been better to go with, but MS has a office full of MBA and they say higher!
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