I'm cool, I'm fine
We're cool, xam
I've kept it together until the last few hours. At least give me credit for that.
I'm cool, I'm fine
We're cool, xam
Do you just collect/make gifs for these games or...?
look here guys, we have a pile on
can someone please explain why they're voting for us?
is there actually an argument there with any substance? or are you just marching to the beat of Flux's drum and playing follow-the-leader with the last minute bandwagon to save your own arses?
Okay. If Town genuinely gives weight to the word of someone who immediately put the game into chaos with a shifty role claim and constantly cites "Woof 2 Woof 2" like it's supposed to mean something to the rest of us, then fine.
Even if the people voting for us aren't scum, they aren't strong Town members whose reasoning I would put much faith in.
look here guys, we have a pile on
can someone please explain why they're voting for us?
is there actually an argument there with any substance? or are you just marching to the beat of Flux's drum and playing follow-the-leader with the last minute bandwagon to save your own arses?
Okay. If Town genuinely gives weight to the word of someone who immediately put the game into chaos with a shifty role claim and constantly cites "Woof 2 Woof 2" like it's supposed to mean something to the rest of us, then fine.
Even if the people voting for us aren't scum, they aren't strong Town members whose reasoning I would put much faith in.
Okay. If Town genuinely gives weight to the word of someone who immediately put the game into chaos with a shifty role claim and constantly cites "Woof 2 Woof 2" like it's supposed to mean something to the rest of us, then fine.
A question to our trackers: Who do you even plan on keeping an eye on during the night phase anyway? Do you have suspicions? Look into our Cops?
A question to our trackers: Who do you even plan on keeping an eye on during the night phase anyway? Do you have suspicions? Look into our Cops?
I've kept it together until the last few hours. At least give me credit for that.
Everyone that uses Cabot instead of cabot as intended is scum.
Pretty sure that's everyone here.
A question to our trackers: Who do you even plan on keeping an eye on during the night phase anyway? Do you have suspicions? Look into our Cops?
My phone autocorrects to Cabot cause it's not a real word so phone assumes it's a proper noun.Everyone that uses Cabot instead of cabot as intended is scum.
Pretty sure that's everyone here.
My phone autocorrects to Cabot cause it's not a real word so phone assumes it's a proper noun.
look here guys, we have a pile on
can someone please explain why they're voting for us?
is there actually an argument there with any substance? or are you just marching to the beat of Flux's drum and playing follow-the-leader with the last minute bandwagon to save your own arses?
Okay. If Town genuinely gives weight to the word of someone who immediately put the game into chaos with a shifty role claim and constantly cites "Woof 2 Woof 2" like it's supposed to mean something to the rest of us, then fine.
Even if the people voting for us aren't scum, they aren't strong Town members whose reasoning I would put much faith in.
You changed avatars in the hopes that we won't recognize you, hmm?
They shouldn't tell us
How much does the scum team wanna know this so they can react accordingly?
Whoa whoa lover. Don't let scum know where to look. Let Blawl track whoever the duck they want and let's not tell Mafia everything we're going to do tonight as town, k?
look here guys, we have a pile on
can someone please explain why they're voting for us?
is there actually an argument there with any substance? or are you just marching to the beat of Flux's drum and playing follow-the-leader with the last minute bandwagon to save your own arses?
Okay. If Town genuinely gives weight to the word of someone who immediately put the game into chaos with a shifty role claim and constantly cites "Woof 2 Woof 2" like it's supposed to mean something to the rest of us, then fine.
Even if the people voting for us aren't scum, they aren't strong Town members whose reasoning I would put much faith in.
Right, they shouldn't. Sorry, the final hour kind of got me on edge.
You changed avatars in the hopes that we won't recognize you, hmm?
Same character. Just what he uses on Gafia. I changed mine to Orta from the same franchise (Panzer Dragoon) so we could match. Guess it doesn't work so well.
Well Tim's vote on me, contradicting his feelings on Hyperkitty being scum doesn't match up especially in the case that we WERE in a straight 7 for 7 tie. If he wanted to get rid of his main suspicions, he would have told you what's up through love chat (I'm making that inference due to both of you jumping between voting decisions through game one) and switched up the votes to get rid of Hyperkitty. Literally a win/win scenario for Tim's agenda and lower's the group count to point out scum more.
Maybe Tim panicked once the pressure went on and gunned for me once I made the mistake of the context-less post.
Am I not supposed to cite previous experiences as a way to relate them to ongoing events?
Splinter said smart players do it
Because you guys have done barely enough to have a presence in the game. First, the behavior is very much unlike Tim, but the most reasonable explanation for that is that he's been held back by having a partner. He can't play as risky as he normally would. So, to keep himself and his partner alive, he plays cautiously, sticks to the margins of the game. All enough so that people don't look at you twice, because you're contributing the bare minimum. But you're both detached. It's very apparent.
My vote for Hyper was super funny in regards to Launch's post and nothing more. How could you not see this Splinter? It was mostly because I have faith in Launch and trust his opinion. Anyway Hyper stuck out to me because he plays very different to what I've seen him do ever before.
I decided to let imy vote stay there, because cabot and Splinter pushed in the direction of UltraBoo. HyKi were in the lead and not long after attention was drawn to Boo. Interesting is Flux not seeing this (don't know if that was intentionally or not). Anyway Czar and Never did pile onto that vote afterwards, that's correct.
Those two are null reads for me, I expected way more activity and productivity from Tim, Never didn't offer much as well. My Lover has stronger feelings for you, which may be why my vote ends up in your direction.
The one team I feel as scum are still Splintbot. As my partner said earlier, we won't get traction in that direction and the vote would be a lost cause today.
(Yesterday, 12:33 AM)Town wise, I'm looking at:
Sophia & [m] Ty4on
Karkador & [m] Zippedpinhead
*Splinter & [m] Cabot
thoughts as they come to me:
- Sophia is trying to win Miss Congeniality
- BooB needs to hop off my man's dick, but hopefully having a more active partner will now mean that he can now actually share love with somebody else without trying to get all up in my relationship
- Kark is very belligerent and attention-whoring, probs town
- I don't approve of people giving the Splinter/cabot pair brownie points just because they're posting a lot
- lmao @ the idea of a 'second phase' to Flux's claim, as if it was well thought out enough to actually have anything substantial to it beyond trying to stimulate discussion (if town) / cause chaos (if scum)
- I like batsnacks's attempts to contribute with these plans of his, the only issue is that they all fall apart as they rely on too many people telling the truth and staying alive in a game of liars and death
- LMQ is deflecting discussion, him and G seem to be going through the motions and are being far too elliptic, even by the standards of this game
- Hyperactivity is too busy screwing around *somewhere else*, him and Kitty just seem generally off and at a remove from proceedings
Absolutely shameless, show me where we pushed it.
I said I was voting for ultraboo and gave my reasons. I don't remember pushing anyone else to do the same.
Not to the extent you do it, sweetheart. Me and Tim made up a drinking game about it.
I was going to bring that up tomorrow, but Flux started a bandwaggon on CzarNever with his reasoning. I'll do my best in the time that is left.
Were these disagreements brought up in your chat?
UltraJay is the smart vote
me and Tim have a power role
me and Tim have a power role
me and Tim have a power role
Just caught up and was just about to vote for you two, until you said thisalso
me and Tim have a power role
I don't understand what you're saying, tbqh, but let me try and interpret
Me and Tim were going back and forth between your pairs for a while, and full of doubts about basically everything, major D1 jitters, but we felt that Hyper's responses to being questioned were genuine so we moved to the players who we felt were scummiest. That's it.
I was getting scummy vibes from coppa and flame at first too, but I cooled on them a bit. Like my one true love said, they aren't being self-conscious in the way scum is usually...
Who is being self-conscious is Launch. And Gor's posts feel like he's compensating for scum guilt with his over-the-top posting. Would vote.
As for whoever asked about kitty, I'd say scum kitty is often a bit more devoid of passion when giving his opinions. As if he is going through the motions.
Vote: Kingkitty
Kark is being very obtuse and it'd be hilarious if it hadn't taken up a whole page. Not sure if there is scum there though.
There's no guarantee we have an alignment cop if we have millers. Stop setup specing on day one, it's embarrassing.
I have not seen a good reason to move my vote off hypitty. I am willing to switch to avoid a tie, but other than that I'm good.
I was hoping to get some reads from hyper before I go, but his responses to me earlier felt genuine. Won't be around for deadline.
Vote: Boo Boo'n
Our role name is One True Pairing.
me and Tim have a power role
...Our role name is One True Pairing.
Role claims are boring.Tim's told me not to spill the details, because it's useless if scum know about it beyond the fact that we have it
but Tim's not here, so I'm in a bit of a quandary
I'm more interested in this. If you were to boil down to the essence of you chat's suspicions, what would they be?no, last night was the first time me and Tim were properly able to chat
before that it's been a bit of him, bit of me, because we've been busy and kept missing each other, and I didn't always record all my thoughts
I'm more interested in this. If you were to boil down to the essence of you chat's suspicions, what would they be?