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Low Carb High Fat diet worth it?

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Okay so I started this diet 2 weeks and went 7 days before I started to feel a bit sick, the eggs, bacon and salad were fine but my stomach just for some reason does not agree with meat without anything else so getting something like a cheese burger without the bun which is apparently good for the diet or just grilled chicken was hard to eat. Now I lost about 3lb in this week so I thought that was pretty good and in general I just have less of an appetite than before which was attributing to my weight gain (I'm not big, I just want to slim down). So right now I am eating my normal foods which includes grains and bread but to a MUCH lesser degree.

I would like to loose the weight a bit faster so I am thinking about just going back on it again, but is it really worth it? I would like to know from people here and if you have some good food ideas while on the diet please post those too so I can be tempted to go back lol


Any sort of diet that restricts certain foods is going to take adjustment.

The safest method is simply portion control... calories in < calories out


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Just avoid added sugar and refined grains and you will be fine, no fancy diet needed.

I lost 30 pounds making that lifestyle change and it is incredible:

1. Everything starts to taste better
2. You feel tired at night, sleep well and awake feeling rested. I used to stay up until 2 am every night. Now 11 rolls around and I am out like a light.
3. Your longterm life will thank you. Sugar is terrible for you the way western civilization, especially the USA treats it.


Just avoid added sugar and refined grains and you will be fine, no fancy diet needed.

I lost 30 pounds making that lifestyle change and it is incredible:

1. Everything starts to taste better
2. You feel tired at night, sleep well and awake feeling rested. I used to stay up until 2 am every night. Now 11 rolls around and I am out like a light.
3. Your longterm life will thank you. Sugar is terrible for you the way western civilization, especially the USA treats it.

Well sugar is almost 100% out of my diet, haven't had pop in a month. Also I have maybe like a buns worth of bread a day if that? So no idea if that last part is okay or not lol


It works because fat (and i am assuming protein too?) is so satiating that you end up eating at a deficit and most people can do it without counting calories. Do something you think you can stick to for for life though and not just to lose the weight. I do a moderate protein, moderate fat, like 15-20 percent carb diet and that allows me to squeeze in cheats on certain days like if I go out to a pub with friends, my carbs can cover like the bun of a burger or something. Also don't discount leafy green veggies, only a few grams or carbs per 100 g of something like spinach and packed with lots of vital nutrients. I lost about 94 pounds and maintained it over the last 3 years eating this way but also lifting weights and doing cardio 5-6 days a week.
Any sort of diet that restricts certain foods is going to take adjustment.

The safest method is simply portion control... calories in < calories out

I've never succeeded at low carb and the collapse is always hard.

I've logged onto my fitness pal three months in a row now. I've lost 25 pounds just counting calories and eating a balanced diet. It's so much easier for me and feels like a lifestyle change compared to a diet.

It's not as efficient for fat loss, but sustainability mattets
I've never succeeded at low carb and the collapse is always hard.

I've logged onto my fitness pal three months in a row now. I've lost 25 pounds just counting calories and eating a balanced diet. It's so much easier for me and feels like a lifestyle change compared to a diet.

It's not as efficient for fat loss, but sustainability mattets


Regardless of what crazy diet you're on, calories out > calories in is key.

Regardless of what crazy diet you're on, calories out > calories in is key.

It's as simple as that really. It's not restrictive either. The application even has restaurant menus and lets you scan bar codes. If I feel like a burger I get one. I eat healthy most of the time, but because counting calories isn't as restrictive I can indulge when I get urges without guilt. Just eat a healthier lunch or walk more that day. This is why it feels like a lifestyle change rather than a diet.
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