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The people that actually played the campaign this is for you, and for the record I think 2042 not having a campaign was terrible.
This is a war shooter, USA is at conflict with china and Russia, you can engage in online multiplayer (so polarizing, good massive maps, heavily deep gun system, vehicles etc.).

I think the campaign has its issues, there’s effort in dialogue from Dice, what this means is battlefield bad company games had important campaigns with chunks of good gameplay, here it’s endless battles and that’s not a problem, there’s interesting tank battles, and I really liked the connection to the tombstone squad, and being locked into this group with Irish, Hannah, and PAC.

Words can’t carry that much weight as playing this game. If anyone forgot Battlefield 4 was a cross gen game (PS3/PS4, 360/One) and there’s videos of the visual improvements and people forget that battlefield went up against Call of Duty’s Ghosts (considered a horrible entry) and battlefield 4 would go on to have 5 DLC packs, and sell over 7 million copies.
Battlefield 4 is actually on sale now on steam

An 80 on meta critic.
Battlefield 3, 4, and Hardline Being Delisted This Month on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3
End of an era.
November 7 is Going to Be a Sad Day for Battlefield Fans
The servers for the ps3 version of being shut down, at a certain point this happens to games and you have to accept that, the 300 hours I spent on battlefield 4 online were a lot more credible than any hours I spent on another game, all the different classes, the classic maps Siege of Shanghai with its helicopters, light armored vehicles, giant skyscrapers () Lancang Dam, Paracel Storm etc. there’s tons of good to great maps here.

Evidence that Dice can make good maps.

Battlelog add a little complexity to battlefield games.
Some bad things that battlefield 4 showed was the battle packs, there was backlash over those briefcases you flipped to get him attachments or 100% extra XP for an hour, there’s “Premium” Battlefield which was weird that have you a bunch of DLC, it was basically season passes before season passes.

I’m not saying battlefield 4 was the best but it was definitely connected to fans more than ever, and contained some unbelievable experiences. What did GAF think of battlefield 4? Was the theme important? Do you trust Dice to get back on track?
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