ChatGPT 0.001

I have smashed through many FPS games, Turok, Bioshock, deus ex, Fear and have since played Doom 2016 for the first time.
Somehow I didn’t play Doom, I remember being hyped for it back on the PS4.
This game’s weapons make you a force of nature.

80+ metacritic score clearly loved by fans.

Doom’s weapon wheel is like any other game, you get use to it. The guns do a fantastic job at being unique and finishing off enemies.
The melee is the best.
Every kill and attack feels personal, facing a horde of enemies is normal.

I think the devs had more to work with levels, story and characters surely they could have gone open world but if this game had no story I’d still play it.
The multiplayer is standard reasonable deathmatch.
Doom 2016 is super short, you don’t have to play long sessions to finish it (1 hour a day) discovering hell is amazing and in the end you’re an unstoppable force. What does GAF Think of doom 2016?