I love the Vita version and I sunk more hours into it compared to my PS3 version (which surprised me).
I assumed "hey, it's a beat em up. I'll probably play couch co-op a bunch", but the Vita version has the major advantage of letting you activate the shiny-spots and runes using the touch screen. Seems like a silly feature but you're going to be doing that a lot during the game, so it's pretty convenient.
The console version is perfectly fine, of course, but if you like your Vita and you plan to play through it single-player anyway... well...
Both games perform fine on Vita from what I remember, but it has been a few years.
Dragon's Crown has some frame rate issues, when there's a LOT happening on screen, but it looks gorgeous I think. Same goes for Muramasa, but that game runs very fluid.
Thanks. I've never played Dragon's Crown, but it looks great. It's basically Golden Axe with RPG elements, right?
I played Muramasa for the first time a couple of years back on the Wii. What a gorgeous and atmospheric game! The unit designs and backgrounds where just

. I remember you could collect these objects that would transport you around the world map, but I loved any excuse to run through those beautiful environments, so never used them. The isn't just a button masher either. Even those random flashmobs can cause you trouble if you're not careful. At the time, I could only really play early on Sat and Sunday mornings. Whenever I found one of those hot springs (I think the monkeys normally took you there), I would lay the controller down and listen to the relaxing music while making myself a pot of tea before carrying on with the game. I remember thinking at the time, "this is nostalgia in the making". It really was, and the game is definitely in my top 10 of of all time.
Next year I will likely have a 2 hour daily train commute, so might get a Vita. Apart from those two, I'm also thinking of picking up Persona 4 and Monkey Ball. I suppose I could get a Switch Lite, but I'll be living in London, and I think an older console is probably less likely to get me stabbed for...