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Knows the Score
So, I should preface this by noting I've never really played any of the Metal Gear games or paid much attention to them over the years.

Seen a little bit of the first one while a friend points out the cleverness of being prompted to look at the case for a hint, or having to switch controller ports to beat a boss. I played a bit of whichever one crossed over with Ape Escape, and about 30 minutes of Rising until the soundtrack became intolerable so in general I've not really spent much time in that world.

On a whim I decided to try Ground Zeroes as it had been a freebie recently, and once I was able to get used to the controls found I was quite enjoying it. Wasn't great at the stealth stuff but it didn't really matter as I could go into most situations guns blazing and I think I cleared the entire base of undesirables. Probably got a ranking of ZZ or something but it was kind of mindless fun.

Eventually finished up this bit and escaped which kicked off a fairly elaborate end sequence where there are a bunch of oil rigs and someone had a bomb in her bum. This doesn't go well for her.

So anyway, Jack Bauer wakes up in bed with a hook for a hand at the end of that game/beginning of this one. There's some murdering and stuff and then Jack Bauer turns up with a bandaged face to rescue an emaciated Jack Bauer out of the Lost Boys who is almost 2D after sleeping for years. Oh and there a bit where you choose a face for what seems like no discernible reason. Then a lot of stumbling around slowly. Round about now Firestorm appears with the "Are you my Mummy?" kid from Doctor Who and I do rather wonder what I've let myself in for. EXPLOSIONS! Was hoping for a dance number as some light relief part way through.

This all comes to a close eventually, but it was all quite exhausting and not at all what I expected to tbh. Doc Scurlock is off on a horse somewhere with someone I assume is actually supposed to be an actual real in-game character and not some sort of meta commentary on videogames in horse form.

Anyway, are the previous games like this? I kind of expected some sort of combat simulator thing and got something quite different. I'm not even sure if I enjoyed it but I suppose it's compelling enough to return to.
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