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LTTP Saints Row 2--best gang life simulator since GTA: SA


I recently made a thread asking if Saints Row 2 was worth playing. a lot of people suggested that I should give it a go, saying it was the best entry into the Saints Row series. well I bought the game on the 5th and have been playing it non stop for the last week. I'm currently sitting at around 90 percent completion and felt compelled to give my opinion on the game because wow... its REALLY good

I guess i'll begin by addressing my thread title. GTA San Andreas was and is a great game, although perhaps not on the strength of its game mechanics, which were never very good to begin with and have aged rather poorly. I'm talking shooting, driving, melee combat, etc. these are things that Saints Row 2 does much, much better (and of course you would expect it to). what San Andreas excels at is creating a mood and storytelling. it really draws you in to its 1990s image of California gang life. there are several contributing factors that play into this, including San Andreas' masterful soundtrack, its (mostly) phenomenal voice acting, and even its mission structure, which has players tagging up their hoods and committing other illicit activities in order to contest disputed gang territories.

Saints Row 2 hits on several similar notes with particular respect to mission and activity structure. assaulting gang strongholds allows players to gain control over a rival hood, or zone, and random pushbacks from the evicted gang means they can always be taken back from you, lending a tug-of-war feel to the proceedings. player-initiated drive-bys also contribute to this idea that youre fighting a turf war. hop into a car and shoot some rival gang members and you can begin this activity, which of course raises your notoriety with the targeted gang and results in ever more difficult enemies being sent after you. unlike GTA, notoriety not only gets the police on your ass, but also members of Stillwater's three primary gangs, the Ronin, the Sons of Samedi, and The Brotherhood. its even possible to piss off multiple factions at the same time, which can lead to some hilarious combat encounters. and needless to say, there are some great story-driven moments that have you burning a rival gangs weed farm, trashing another's gambling den, and so on.

with regards to some of those things that might be considered as adding to the "flavor" of gang life, players can also outfit their gangs with several different styles of dress, pick from a (small) assortment of different graffiti designs, choose which vehicles your gangsters ride in, and most importantly, you can customize your own character to reflect any or all of these things. this is something that I think GTA should explore in future games, although I realize Rockstar are very keen on telling very directed stories with narrowly defined characters. the character creator in Saints Row 2 is quite robust, allowing you to sculpt the gangster that YOU want. then there are the many clothing options to choose from. I role-played as a fast talking chola who drove around in a 50s convertible and had the in-game radio set exclusively to the easy listening station. then for a brief moment I changed my entire gangs style to that of 1980s retro, changing my own hair style and attire to match. I inhabited the life of a gang member of my own choosing and it was fantastic that the game allowed me such a freedom.

which is really where it all comes full circle, isn't it? people loved GTA SA for all the freedom of play it gave them, and I feel like Saints Row 2 nails that sense of freedom down entirely in ways that GTA has been reluctant to pursue.

naturally, however, the game isn't without its fault and I'm not without my nitpicks. the soundtrack doesn't even begin to approach that of San Andreas, although there are some inspired track choices (the easy listening and world music tracks in particular). technically, the game can be a bit of a mess, with persistent tearing and some truly awful dips in framerate, especially when in or around water (ive got a high tolerance for this kind of stuff, though). the game also features some laughably poor boss encounters that never present a real challenge, even on the game's highest difficulty, which I played on. when the reward for completing a series of side missions is infinite machine gun ammo, boss battles turn into a joke, so its got some balancing and pacing issues with its unlock system.

that said, I have enjoyed Saints Row 2 tremendously for its expansive sandbox and range of player freedom. in my original thread I also mentioned that SR2 interested me because I felt the later games became too silly or goofy. well Saints Row 2 manages to be silly and goofy without compromising its seriousness. there's some real dramatic weight to the game that I really enjoyed
Carlos and Aisha's deaths are the most notable call outs here

anyway I feel like I'm rambling and I probably haven't made my point as clearly as I meant to in my mind so I'll quite writing now. final word: Saints Row 2 is fantastic and it gets my highest recommendation.

Ric Flair

Best Saints Row game in my opinion. It had plenty of customization and a great blend of gameplay and ridiculous story the whole way through.
Best Saints Row game in my opinion. It had plenty of customization and a great blend of gameplay and ridiculous story the whole way through.

Everyone always points to the customization as a reason why it's better then the later games in the series, but I didn't even care about that and thought 2 was better. The story and city variety were just way better as well.

I mean I really liked 3 and 4 as well but the city just wasn't satisfying compared to 2, even if they may have looked better.


I really miss the coop helicopter missions. They make it so its on rails in later games (for missions at least), instead of one person flying/one person shooting. Flying helicopters while your buddy guns down everyone felt great.


The plot and the amount of customization I had access to really makes this one of my favorite open world games. Beating the shit out of people with my sick breakdancing moves was rad and I didn't have to resort to some stupid ass-on-face meme hand to hand combat.

This is a good fix.


Sons of Samedi sparked my obsession with Haitian voodoo culture, and now I still can't get enough

Best. Gang. Ever.
Stilwater > Steelport

The expanded Stilwater in SR2 has such a good city layout that I still remember it vividly even though I haven't popped the game in for awhile. There are so many cool spots tucked into the map (the secret islands, the underground caverns, the Volition offices, the giant pirate ship) and the city has so much character for it.

I think, when I consider why I think SR2 is better than SRTT or SRIV, Stilwater simply being the superior city has a lot to do with it.

I also think, since the original poster brought up GTA: SA for comparison, SF and LV are two of the best and most memorable cities in all of the GTA games as well. The city layout really matters in an open-world game like this.
Stilwater > Steelport

The expanded Stilwater in SR2 has such a good city layout that I still remember it vividly even though I haven't popped the game in for awhile. There are so many cool spots tucked into the map (the secret islands, the underground caverns, the Volition offices, the giant pirate ship) and the city has so much character for it.

I think, when I consider why I think SR2 is better than SRTT or SRIV, Stilwater simply being the superior city has a lot to do with it.

I also think, since the original poster brought up GTA: SA for comparison, SF and LV are two of the best and most memorable cities in all of the GTA games as well. The city layout really matters in an open-world game like this.
That's not the only thing that makes it better, NPCs in SR2 are much more varied and have way better AI routines. I'll never forget the first time I played SR2, there was a full on pedestrian fist/knife fight across the street without me ever being the cause of it.
I desperately need a true sequel. Saints Row 3 was a downgrade in terms of content and features and Saints Row 4 is in a completely different franchise.
This is weird. I just bought this today for my PC:?

Hopefully it'll run fine for you. It's ported by potato.

Fantastic game. So much fun was had with that game. The Third definitely took it into an entirely silly direction. Didn't mind it, but I kinda missed the first two games semi-serious elements.


It's a shame we never got a Saint's Row 3 and are stuck with The Third instead. I played 2 hours of IV and feel no motivation to go past that.

RIP Stilwater.


Nice write up, it's definitely the best SR game. Particularly in its time, when weighed against GTA4 which went in the realism direction it was great that SR2 recaptured the fun of the original GTA games and tied it together with a surprisingly compelling story. Still remember dragging NPCs to the top of a multi storey car park and throwing them off it - good times :)


If they had of fixed the car handling, it would of been GOAT status.

That being said, the series peaked at 2. A fantastic game.
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