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LTTP: Soul Sacrifice Delta

(Some spoilers, nothing too big I suppose, proceed at your own risk though since it might spoil 10 hrs or so into the game)

Optional BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIv1aSZ9DFk (you can right click -> Loop to make it loop)

I've always been in a somewhat weird spot when it comes to Soul Sacrifice. It was likely more than a year ago that I downloaded the demo of the original game, fell in love with the lore and how expansive the demo was (I believe I played 5+ hours of it with no end in sight, amazing move by the devs, only saw Bravely Default have such an expansive demo).

I got stuck somewhere on the way in the original game (If memory serves, it was close to the beginnings of the Magusar arc), and got distracted by other games. It didn't help that I felt like I had to grind a lot for Offerings and that I wasn't getting anywhere.

Anyway, I picked up SSD for super cheap several months ago, and only yesterday decided to focus on it (alongside Ghost Trick). I recall giving Delta a little whirl right after buying it to see if there were any immediate changes, though apparently I had not finished the prologue. ;_; I had to replay the last two Chapters of the Sorcerer's Ordeal... God damn, Soul Sacrifice has the most harrowing and sad prologue I've ever seen (yes I've played the prologue of TLOU). God damn.

Anyways, let's first start with the changes I noticed from the original game:
1) Apparently now one can use evasive/heal spells without deactivating the current Offering, that helps a lot.
2) It seems that the game has much more of a leeway than the original in terms of awarding points for Light Injuries, Nearly Unscathed, and whatnot. I recall the original giving "Nearly Unscathed" in a very small margin, with a slightly bigger error margin for Light Injuries. In Delta, though, I ended up getting points for "Light Injuries" even when I went below half HP. Which sucks because I think they worked better in the original, when they were far harder to get.
3) Ars Magica is a nice addition.
4) Factions. Currently on the third chapter of Seeing Red (did Carnatux's arc (which still got me), Sympatha's arc and only have Grim's first character left). I like the spin they put on the game, though I do have a question- why the hell does using Fate always save the soul and add to my Life stat? Shouldn't it be evenly distributed or randomly decided or something?
5) Offering combos are great though I couldn't get my hands on anything like Snowtuft (the ones that work like proximity mines), but Swift Attack is great (Falcon Feather + Weapon Offering).

I'm in love with this game. Sympatha's arc was great. The only drawbacks, IMO, are the aforementioned "giving points for avoiding damage too easily" thing and that there isn't any storyless Pacts so far (they were good for grinding Offerings and XP, without the story baggage since I'd rather not go back to a character's Pacts after finishing their story).


Yeah I picked this up recently as well and I'm enjoying it. I also bought it in a sale yonks a'go and after finishing the Freedom Wars main story stuff I didn't feel like continuing on and thought I'd try another game of this type.

Really like the way skills work and how fluid everything feels.


SSDelta is the only game (aside from P4G, obviously) that it will convince me to buy a Vita, someday.

There is absolutely no chance to see this remastered on Ps4. Sadly.


I'm not really familiar with the game itself at all, but I loved the soundtrack. Wataru Hokoyama really needs to work on more games.
This game is truly something else, there's nothing like it in any kind of media, story-wise. If you thought the prologue was sad, just wait for the rest of the game...

Glad you're enjoying it OP, the story and soundtrack are what really makes the game special for me, but the gameplay isn't too shabby either. If you wanna play some pacts online, hit me up on PSN!
4) Factions. Currently on the third chapter of Seeing Red (did Carnatux's arc (which still got me), Sympatha's arc and only have Grim's first character left). I like the spin they put on the game, though I do have a question- why the hell does using Fate always save the soul and add to my Life stat? Shouldn't it be evenly distributed or randomly decided or something?

I played the game a while ago, but I think other characters influence the outcome when you choose Fate. For instance, when I used someone from the Red Faction, Avalon was it, I forgot the names of every Faction except Grimm, and they chose to sacrifice, while I chose Fate, it would always end in a Sacrifice. When I chose to play with someone from the other Faction it would always end in a Save. If you mix it and choose to bring one that would Sacrifice and the other would Save, with you being the Tie Breaker, choosing Fate was really a flip of the coin. Though I'm not quite sure because it's been a while since I last played it.

But the game is awesome. I enjoyed it way more than I expected and even went for the platinum. The multiplayer was also really fun, and helping others that just started was really enjoyable, though some missions were hell because everyone would just pick the Offering you get from the demon from Toukiden, the electrical one, and we would fight an opponent that would take decreased damage from electrical Offerings. Good times.

Still hoping we will get a sequel someday, even if it's only on the PS4, like Gravity Rush.

Oh yeah, the combo I used a lot was using the Evasive Offering that let you go below ground and the using a Weapon Offering, primarily the Spear Offering you get from Red Riding Hood. Bursting out of the earth so high that you can easily damage parts that are harder to reach was awesome.
SSDelta is the only game (aside from P4G, obviously) that it will convince me to buy a Vita, someday.

There is absolutely no chance to see this remastered on Ps4. Sadly.

There is absolutely no chance to avoid PS4 port begging in a Vita exclusive's LTTP thread, sadly.
I really liked this game, bought it day one. I hope a sequel is made, even if its ps4 only. Would be a shame to let the series die on the vita. The story and lore is awesome
I recently picked up maybe the last Asia Soul Sacrifice Delta english version (I know I need to create an asia account to play online) because the first one was reallly a good surprise. That dark fantasy universe, these sumptuous and disturbing musics, I was worried to get a straight mh clone but I was really surprised how it has its own idendity, even I find it more challenging than MH.

For those whom have played delta, is this one feels more like a "sequel" or a "Soul sacrifice 1.5"?
I recently picked up maybe the last Asia Soul Sacrifice Delta english version (I know I need to create an asia account to play online) because the first one was reallly a good surprise. That dark fantasy universe, these sumptuous and disturbing musics, I was worried to get a straight mh clone but was really surprised how it has its own idendity even I find it more challenging than MH.

For those whom have played delta, is this one feels more like a "sequel" or a "Soul sacrifice 1.5"?

More of a 1.5/Definitive Edition than a sequel, which adds all the DLC misions, new offerings, combos, stories, rebalances some Offerings, adds a new Faction and several other things.

Dr. Buni

I miss this game, I had a blast playing on the Vita. Visually, thematically and to a lesser extent gameplay-wise*, it edges ahead of Monster Hunter, although not really music-wise...

*I don't think the gameplay is better than MonHun, but I did have more fun with it


The narration got to me at times. I love the horrors, the tragedies and what not but there is only so much of the slow, dramatic voice with long ass pauses that I can take. The written lore stuff hidden in the grimoire is a joy to read in comparison.

Late game grind became rather boring. It was hugely unnecessary as well given I was able to solo most enemies and the AI should I choose to bring them with me were extremely competent if you keep them leveled up.

This game sits firmly in 3rd place of its genre for me and the ones claiming first and second (MH & GE) have been long timers with plenty of time to adjust and add to their games. I think that says quite a bit consider SS is a new IP and all. I really wish this game saw more success.

Also, counter hits using the tunnelling evasive offering and the fist type attack offering is very satisfying.
VSing NPC characters was kind of shit though. Glad they are few and far in between.
The narration got to me at times. I love the horrors, the tragedies and what not but there is only so much of the slow, dramatic voice with long ass pauses that I can take. The written lore stuff hidden in the grimoire is a joy to read in comparison.

Late game grind became rather boring. It was hugely unnecessary as well given I was able to solo most enemies and the AI should I choose to bring them with me were extremely competent if you keep them leveled up.

This game sits firmly in 3rd place of its genre for me and the ones claiming first and second (MH & GE) have been long timers with plenty of time to adjust and add to their games. I think that says quite a bit consider SS is a new IP and all. I really wish this game saw more success.

Also, counter hits using the tunnelling evasive offering and the fist type attack offering is very satisfying.
VSing NPC characters was kind of shit though. Glad they are few and far in between.


if that's possible, well, fuck


I just picked this up a few weeks ago and its freaking AMAZING.

Never played the original.

I heard MH comparisons but this is NOTHING like MH. I have so many more options, and I'm 10000x faster.

The lore and the story is also much darker and much more involved. I LOVE it.

I bought it for my buddy just so we can co op, I'm so excited.

I've been playing this when I am at home, in front of the PS4 and could be playing uncharted instead. THAT is how good it is.


Considering this with the latest sale before it ends in a few hours... what are the immediate improvements over the original??


One of my fav Vita games for sure, as mentioned the lore is simply INCREDIBLE. Gameplay is fast paced and so many options available. And online was a blast, really satisfying being sacrificed just help finish a boss and then even being to help while dead was a nice touch. Best new IP this gen imo, such a shame it's never gonna get another sequel although Gravity Rush did so who knows :')
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