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Lttp: Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max, what in the world of ISM's have I done?!


Some background info: I recently fancied trying out a bit of 2D fighting games again, and I thought it would be nice to have a game to have on the go when commuting to work. I did a few searches on my PSVita on the store and found Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max, orginally released for the PSP.

Sweet....I thought. Then I booted it up and I felt like a walked into a science class of Einstein with the quantum, relativity, string theories of X-ism, V-ism and Y-isms.

For the record: I haven't played Street Fighter since SFII, and I'm not talking any fancy versions of SFII.

I'm talking the first version on the SNES --->

I was terrible at it then, as I seem to be with SFA3M.

I am 32 btw, so no I'm not a mountain-dew-drinking and doritos-munching kiddo simply bored as hell with older games and not being part of the whole original build up of the Street Fighter franchise, I've been around since the NES and Master System. I am not completely foreign to fighters, but I am much more familar with 3D fighters. I play a lot of the Dead or Alive series, as of newer time, mainly DoA5. I'm not particular great at it, but I can kick some ass against the AI at least. Two other fighters I've spent a lot of time with are Tekken Tag Tournament back and Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution back on the old PS2.

I know, it's probably a terrible place to play fighters on a handheld without a six face button controller or an arcade stick, and this version of the game may not be the best conversion (Wikipedia says it's a quite good conversion of the arcade hit at least), but I kind of want to have it for travel.

I'm overwhelmed by all the options from the get go:
The title screen is crowded with so many modes I think Windows control panel has less options. There are a ton of fighters which I have never seen before since SFII, I've tried a few of the classics out; Ken, Ryu and Chun-Li, but I just plain suck at it. I even have the damn difficulty on the lowest star. I've realized I should stick to one fighter and have had some luck with a fast and cute little fighter called Sakura, which I've successfully fought through 3-4 arcade mode fights with, and each time I win I'm like:


Then the fun ends. I get my ass completely handed to me. I've met this huge guy called T Hawk, which stands taller than a T-Rex fully grown and he just completely wrecks me and sends me back to schooling in my very fitting outfit.

Which brings me too some questions:
1. Should I play the game on Turbo 2 speed? Any reason I should slow it down with Turbo 1 or perhaps not? I'm guessing they are both way faster than the original SFII on the SNES.

2. My biggest point; what in the world is X-ism, A-ism and Y-ism?! It's like I've walked into a math class and I'm sitting there like:


What even is this?! There's a charge bar, which I presume is related to these mystical ISM's at the bottom of the screen filling up and I have literally no idea how to set it off!

So Street Fighting gaffers, help me out to at least be able to play this game at a low, but fun level! Or have I started on a version which is way beyond my simple comprehension to even understand?

For the record, I'm not in any way pulling this game down! It looks beautiful with it's detailed 2D art and the fighters are animated fantastic.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
The ISMS are basically just what way to activate your special and what kind of special you want. You have the normal variety where you power up the gauge in 3 slots, you have the slightly higher tier where you have a much stronger special for a single bar instead of slots, and you have the expert one where your doing a whole much of combos of your choice for a limited period.

Also yes, Sakura <3 (Capcom, adult Sakura in SF5 plz ><)

Alpha 3 has always been one of my favorite Street Fighters of all time. I say its a toss up between that and third strike

And yeah, most of the time, to set off your special its just some combination of down forward and square. There are quite a few for each character though, but that's usually the basic one


EDIT: Watch this

The game has a manual ya know :p

...AND HOw the fuck have you not played the the SFA3 releases in the past 15ish years? Did you never have a PSX or something?

X-ISM has 1 bar only, super does Lvl. 3 ver./max ver. of a super move. Does not have air blocking. I think it also has some SF2 stuff implemented in it for links/chains?

A-ISM/Z-ISM: 3 bars, super move does more damage depending on if you expend 2 or 3 bars. Has air blocking, has a guard counter/alpha counter move.

V-ISM: The ISM of pros, this is what majority of pro SFA3 players use. Think of it like Yun and Yang's Gen'ei-jin super where there are after images following them repeating whatever attack they did.
You have no super moves in this ISM, and there are 3 forms of 'Custom Combo' options to use activated either with Light Punch+Kick, Medium Punch+Kick or Hard Punch+Kick. These affect how when the after images will perform perform the last attack you did.
CC mode allows you to do stuff like combo a knocked down opponent with Zangief's grab move, among other things.

I should also note that some characters have unique moves allocated to only 1 or 2 ISMs.

Just stick to A/Z-ISM f you want something simple and enjoy the game.

Also grabs are performed by pressing 2 Punch or Kick buttons.


Well to explain the ism,

X-ism is meant to be similar to super turbo where you can build up your meter to execute a lv3 however because it is more like ssf2t you can not airblock,you have lower defence and can't use the alpha counter if I remember Correctly. However using this ism gives you attack increase.

A-ism basically works like the meters in the previous two alpha games. The meter is divided into 3 sections, these sections represent what type of super you can do. 1 section = lv1 super, two = lv2, etc. The higher the level super the stronger it becomes. This ism allows you to use air block and alpha counter as well as n alpha cancelling I believe as well.

V-ism is the most complex one of the 3 and is recommended to be used if your really good at the game.It basically can use all the techniques from A-ism,but replaces the supers with a custom super. This custom super allows you to string attacks together to make your own custom super, which if used properly can be even more damaging than a lv3 super. In exchange you do less damage than A-ism but also have higher defence as well.

Hopefully this will help you.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Not knowing who T.Hawk is just seems so foreign to me. I can remember reading about the "New Challengers" in Super SFII in EGM back in 1993-1994, leading up to the console release of the game.

But yeah man, check out the digital manual included with the game. It's the little pink book icon on the LiveArea.
Some good answers from all you guys here.

Great link! I'll check it out in more detail later today, he also has videoes for each character too!

The game has a manual ya know :p
I've realised this now, I'll be checking that out too. I just wanted some general tips from players as I feel I may have began playing this series at the deep end of the pool.

...AND HOw the fuck have you not played the the SFA3 releases in the past 15ish years? Did you never have a PSX or something?
I was all PS1 back in the 90's, but I played Tekken and DoA mainly. Kind of just put the SF series to the side after the SNES. None of my friends played them either.

In general, on the PSP: Am I doomed to playing bad with the controller setup on the system, like should I use the d-pad or the small analog stick?


In general, on the PSP: Am I doomed to playing bad with the controller setup on the system, like should I use the d-pad or the small analog stick?

I think a majority of people would agree that the D-pad is the best option for a 2D fighter like SFA3. The small analog stick is terrible for fighters on the PSP in my opinion. As far as other control options go, you could also use a DualShock 3/4 with a Vita TV or a DualShock 3 with a PSP Go if you have those systems. Not sure if a PS3 arcade stick can plug into the USB port on the Vita TV though, I've never tried that on my system.
rarely do the advanced players use the x-ism super turbo mode on ggpo.

I don't think that mode is tournament worthy and is just a bait to get ppl to experience the game using old tactics then slowly introduce them to other mdoes.

Also what do ppl say A2 > A3? Just curious on the reasoning? Is it more "fun" to play or something?


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
rarely do the advanced players use the x-ism super turbo mode on ggpo.

I don't think that mode is tournament worthy and is just a bait to get ppl to experience the game using old tactics then slowly introduce them to other mdoes.

Also what do ppl say A2 > A3? Just curious on the reasoning? Is it more "fun" to play or something?

That crowd is mostly just "purists" who like the more simple style of A2. I think that's ok, but i really loved the variety and additions to A3, especially the characters(Karin and R.Mika 4life)


Also what do ppl say A2 > A3? Just curious on the reasoning? Is it more "fun" to play or something?

Bandwagoning because some veterans liked A2. Also because they never put in enough time into A3.

Edit: Honestly I enjoyed both. I didn't like A3 at first but began to enjoy it for all the things it did. The things that hurt it are balancing problems and glitches, which are problems in A2 as well.


Also what do ppl say A2 > A3? Just curious on the reasoning? Is it more "fun" to play or something?

Well, on higher levels V-ISM turns the game into some pretty stupid shit. You block a string of moves then your guard gets broken and then you're in an infinite combo where the other guy is jabbing you in the corner till the round ends. That might be one of the reasons.

Personally I prefer A2 because A3 just feels like a mishmash of ideas that are flung to the wall to see what sticks. There are some good ideas (guard breaks) and some really bad ones (how stupidly good custom combos are).

And the music in A2 is just miles above A3.

Ninja Dom

How much was Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max?

I know Alpha 3 well pretty well but what was the "Max" part? Is this the same as "Upper"?


How much was Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max?

I know Alpha 3 well pretty well but what was the "Max" part? Is this the same as "Upper"?

No. Upper is a re-released arcade version that basically added the characters from console. Had some tweaks but no one really plays this arcade version iirc (like Alpha 2 Gold). Max is exclusively for PSP, adds characters from the GBA game and also Ingrid.


Sometimes it seems I'm the only one who thinks that way. Thanks for reminding me I'm not alone.
There are many of us.


rarely do the advanced players use the x-ism super turbo mode on ggpo.

I don't think that mode is tournament worthy and is just a bait to get ppl to experience the game using old tactics then slowly introduce them to other mdoes.

Also what do ppl say A2 > A3? Just curious on the reasoning? Is it more "fun" to play or something?

A2 has a lot less silliness, A
Yeah, Alpha 2 is the more balanced game... but Alpha 3 has a truly godly Akuma and I love the combo chains so for me Alpha 3 > Alpha 2.


rarely do the advanced players use the x-ism super turbo mode on ggpo.

I don't think that mode is tournament worthy and is just a bait to get ppl to experience the game using old tactics then slowly introduce them to other mdoes.

Also what do ppl say A2 > A3? Just curious on the reasoning? Is it more "fun" to play or something?

I like 3 a lot, but 2 has a certain melancholy charm to it. Better music, less of a wacky tone.
I think a majority of people would agree that the D-pad is the best option for a 2D fighter like SFA3. The small analog stick is terrible for fighters on the PSP in my opinion. As far as other control options go, you could also use a DualShock 3/4 with a Vita TV or a DualShock 3 with a PSP Go if you have those systems. Not sure if a PS3 arcade stick can plug into the USB port on the Vita TV though, I've never tried that on my system.

So it's the d-pad I should focus on. I just find it hard to the roll from crouched to forward on the d-pad, I guess I just plain suck at fighting games more advanced controls. It just seems easier rolling a stick.

absolutely love the art style in this game.

Might download it now and have a session.

Indeed! It looks very nice on the Vita screen! It defaults with a squashed widescreen mode active, but I switched it to the original 4:3. I only miss a scanline option!

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
The only thing I don't like about Max is Ingrid. She might as well be a fucking KOF character in a SF game. She'd fit right in in a KOF game. But in here? She just feels unbalanced and terribly out of place. Not to mention she's kinda a lazy mashup of Athena and a bit of Hotaru from MOTW.


Sometimes it seems I'm the only one who thinks that way. Thanks for reminding me I'm not alone.

Oh, you're certainly not alone in that. SFA 2 is still my all-time favourite Street Fighter!
3 never really did it for me, even though everything was so much bigger and "better".


Stay with X-ism, OP. It'll give you the strong normals (plain kicks and punches) that you were used to in SFII, and they're good enough so that you can play solely around them. A-ism and V-ism require some combo experience if you want to do decent damage.

Sometimes it seems I'm the only one who thinks that way. Thanks for reminding me I'm not alone.

Alpha 3 is pretty much the underdog against Alpha 2 in terms of popularity. The Alpha series' legacy generally doesn't fare too well among the FGC these days, despite all three titles having been played to death and back, but yeah, most would agree 2 was the 'purest' experience.

Personally, I prefer and got the most mileage out of 2, but I also adore 3 (and even 1) for very different reasons.
Also what do ppl say A2 > A3? Just curious on the reasoning? Is it more "fun" to play or something?

A2 doesn't make you choose an ISM you have super combos and custom combos so you're not locked into any kind of playstyle from the start.

I know Alpha 3 well pretty well but what was the "Max" part? Is this the same as "Upper"?

MAX has an RPG-ish World Tour singleplayer where you can unlock and assign perks to your character IIRC


Of the things Alpha 2 does real good-
1- The varied cast; some from SF2, some from Final Fight with a few new characters thrown in the mix
2- No too mechanics heavy, SFA3 has various mechanics and stuff, but SFA2 made it as simple as possible
3- Dat OST
4- Each character has their own stage, which are all beautifully done

Oh and fun fact about Ken's SFA2 stage

The teddy bear appearance was done to remember a certain programmer, who worked on a port of Strider for the Japanese NEC SuperGrafx. This system was supposed to be hyped as one of the most powerful home systems of its era, possessing hardware that was supposed to be comparable to what the arcades had during that time. People have said that there was a lot of pressure by the company to make this specific port of Strider the best home port possible. Capcom wanted it to not only be as good as the arcade... but even better.
This specific programmer worked long, tireless hours with deadlines fast approaching. Unfortunately, he got so extremely stressed with the monumental task, he snapped and committed suicide as a result. The SuperGrafx version of Strider never did get completed, and the SuperGrafx itself ended up becoming a dud of a system, due to lack of titles. Only less than 6 games have been reported to have been created for it altogether.
The guy loved teddy bears, so that is why the Strider cameo holds one in his honor.

Of the things that I didn't like in SFA2 though
1- Supers requiring you to press multiple buttons for stronger damage
2- Juggling feels weird

Only thing I'm indifferent about
Custom Combos can be wacko, but it was their first appliance in SF games.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
In general, on the PSP: Am I doomed to playing bad with the controller setup on the system, like should I use the d-pad or the small analog stick?

Use whichever you're comfortable with. Honestly, the only major problem is six-button fighter on a four-button layout. The L/R triggers are alright for HP/HK, but they aren't a worthwhile replacement. You CAN use a shortcut (MP+LK IIRC) for PPP/KKK for easier supers, look in the digital manual for that.

Yes, run the game on Turbo-2. It's what most arcades used (IIRC), if not that then lower it to "normal" or Turbo-1 if those are more your speed. It simply cuts frames (IIRC) to speed the game up.


If you're having trouble with motions for special moves, I suggest trying a charge character like E. Honda or Dee Jay.

Just remember that you can charge down/back for your special move while doing other things, such as while jumping forward or while doing a combo of normal attacks and it will open a whole new world of possibilities.

You want to charge down/back instead of just down OR back because this gives you the ability to then shift your thumb either forward or up so that you have the option of doing more than one kind of special move.
Thanks guys, now I've progressed somewhat:

I manage to pull of V-ism moves, some Hadoukens and a cool uppercut move. I've managed to reach fight 10 a couple of times too in arcade mode. It's a brainwashed Ryu which Mr Bison leaves me to fight. Just can't get him down, though I've been close a couple of times.

I had to jack the game speed down to just turbo, normal just seemed a tad too slow. But it helps my terrible skills to have everything moving at a slower pace!


Alpha 3 is pretty much the underdog against Alpha 2 in terms of popularity. The Alpha series' legacy generally doesn't fare too well among the FGC these days, despite all three titles having been played to death and back, but yeah, most would agree 2 was the 'purest' experience.

I tend to take what the FGC care about with a pile of salt. Alpha 2 remains my favorite fighting game ever.

Best Alpha 2 music?

No question.

Runner up.



I started watching the above video and as an avid FG player thought "god this tutorial is for like day 1, never played FG in their life people". Then my mind was blown @ 2:15

"Pressing any direction + an attack button while being hit will slightly decrease the damage taken if your character flashes red"

I've played Alpha 3 since PSX and never knew about this!

EDIT: And there's a version of Just Defend?!?!?!? omg no way! the more you know


My friend! I admire your list!

But it is wrong.

Here is the question AND the answer. Best music in Street Fighter history.

Sad part is, the stage AND the music is epic... and you can only get it once, and only with certain characters.
I knew it would be that. I approve, but Sakura's theme remains tops for me. The stages are all wonderful, though. So many loving details.

Especially Ken's. Morrigan, Strider, Felicia, the little reactions when supers happen, it's just sheer creative fire.


I knew it would be that. I approve, but Sakura's theme remains tops for me. The stages are all wonderful, though. So many loving details.

Especially Ken's. Morrigan, Strider, Felicia, the little reactions when supers happen, it's just sheer creative fire.

Understood. (Not so secretly, Sakura's theme is #2 on my list.)

The game is awesome as a whole. I still play A2 every so often.


Playing this now on Vita and having a blast. I was addicted to the PSone version back in the day; it was one of the few decent 2D games on the console.
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