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LTTP: The Rocky series (the first one all the way through Creed)

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Technically this is a slight bit of a RTTP as I have seen IV (more than once, because it was the only thing on when I was on vacation more than once), but everything else was brand new to me. Did a marathon with friends this past week, so I guess my thoughts are below:

Rocky I: Not what I was expecting, but I liked it. This one honestly isn't so much of a sports movie, and the romance and just Rocky's general life seems to be more central. Oh, and the boxing here is kinda crummy in terms of choreography (which is perfectly understandable for a number of reasons, and like I mentioned it doesn't matter quite as much). With the most notable thing that actually carries throughout most of the films: goddamn nobody blocks. Like, I don't know much boxing, but you really shouldn't just be taking every freaking shot to the face. Also, I actually didn't know that he lost coming into the film, which I honestly kind of like.

Rocky II: A bit of a shift in that yeah, it's more about the sport and ends with Rocky victorious, but still feels a lot like a followup to the first film, as it should. I definitely enjoyed this one.

Rocky III: This is the one that really didn't do it for me, and felt easily the least essential. It just wasn't that good, to be honest. It represents a pretty obvious shift into Rocky just being some big superstar and the best boxer in the world, and really doesn't feel much like the first two films. I liked the pure stupidity of the "Wrestling vs Boxing" match, though, even if it makes no goddamn sense if you try to think about it. Also, it's here that Adrian kind of stops being a character of her own and morphs into "wife of Rocky". Like, she feels like a totally different character than who she was, and a far less interesting one at that. Oh, and the movie seems to have forgotten that the second film ended on Rocky's eye being messed up to the point that it was seriously questioned if he should even do THAT fight.

Rocky IV: This honestly may be the reason I like Rocky III the least, because IV feels like it does what III wanted to better. The big character death, more silly nature overall, all that stuff. It's still very different than the first 2, and it's honestly pretty ridiculous in a lot of ways, but I like it. The biggest knock against it I have is... it's kind of a short movie, and they clearly realized that and fluffed it up to make the run-time look more respectable. It's like an hour and a half, but they clearly jammed stuff in to get to that total, most noticeably all the full musical sequences. Most notably when Rocky goes driving and it's pretty much the equivalent of an AMV of the Rocky series up until that point. Still, that's a damn fine training montage in this one, and I really do like the film.

Rocky V: I feel like I had heard this one is disliked, but I actually rather enjoyed it. After III and IV, the overall feeling of the movie jumps back to something more akin to the first two, with them thrust back into more modest living, and the damage Rocky's taken being an important plot point. The big point of contention is probably Tommy Gunn, who straight up sucks, and... I honestly love that the movie made that kind of the point. Like it starts off with him being all chummy, and I didn't really like him then, so I love that it spiraled to the point where you're cheering for Rocky kicking the crap out of him in the end. Also nice little bit how it plays against that desire to keep dragging Rocky into the ring, and it kind of really fits how things end with a street brawl instead of boxing match in defiance of that.

Rocky Balboa: I liked this one okay, but it may be the one I have the least to say about, outside of I guess II. Nice means of bringing Rocky back to being an underdog, and I actually like the way it kind of ends in an homage to the first movie with a lost split decision. Not my favorite, and it didn't blow me away, but it was nice. Also, I actually thought until I looked it up that the actress for Adrian must have died for her to be written out, but apparently not. And Paulie sure must've lived a sad life to have stayed in that same meat packing plant job all this time. At least he had that brief moment with the robot in IV. Also, Rocky's brain damage from V got magically better, I guess.

Creed: So this was an interesting movie, but ultimately I felt it didn't quite click. Like, maybe there were just too many plot threads running through it that none of them ended up feeling especially developed. Perhaps the biggest issue for me, though, was that Apollo's presence was reduced to just a name call, and due to the setup it wasn't really anything else. It really would've been nice to see them try to build some kind of great connection between Adonis and his father in some way, though I guess starting off with him being born after Apollo's death didn't really leave as much room. I don't know, just felt like more could've/should've been done there. Or maybe actually give Apollo's wife a role with more meat in it or something. Also, I'm not going to touch on the music style being different because it is what it is, but it really didn't nail the training montage, which is a shame. Like, it had a couple separated bits of training montages instead or something, and that just didn't work as well. And what happened to the extended cast from Rocky Balboa for that matter? On the plus side, though, this actually felt like proper boxing, with people blocking and everything, so that's cool! Though redoing the callback to Rocky I via the lost split decision is kind of distracting when they did it in Rocky Balboa as well. I guess if you watched them when they came out it'd be fine, but it kind of irked me when watching them in a row. But yeah, not a bad movie, just felt it really didn't live up to what it could've been, which is a shame.

So I guess my tldr is that I enjoyed them all to some degree at least outside of finding III a bit crummy, and Creed a tad disappointing. Also, Paulie is a weird character, just kind of quietly shifting from massive douche to loveable goofball throughout the films.


Not much to add here; I pretty much agree with everything you said.

Indeed, Rocky IV is just stupid fun, and could also be called "Rocky: The Music Video."

Wasn't a big fan of V...I thought the best part of it was the kid training up to
beat the crap out of the schoolyard bullies
, which hits close to home for me.

I just recently saw Creed for the first time. I will have to watch it again, because I was with a few family members, so it didn't have my full attention. The actual boxing sequences were very well done, I thought.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I did the same as you recently.

Rocky 1 and 2 are nice and work nicely together as one film. I'm always surprised (due to parodies) how heartfelt and sincere they are. Rocky is a character written with genuine compassion for the proletariat and the films have a love for the common man. It gets lost until Balboa, but I respect so much how down to earth and loving he is as a character.

The first two have aged quite poorly in terms of the direction. The fights in them are not visually interesting - Stallone and Carl goddamn Weathers carry those parts.

3 is good for the Creed-Balboa friendship and the incredible montage, but it straddles the line between the seriousness of 1/2 and the absurdity of 4, as you say. His motivation for the big fight is ridiculous too. All it takes is his wife saying fight lol.

4 is brilliant in a different way. It is everything that the series is parodied as. Bombastic and stupid.

5 is awful. There isn't even a boxing match! The kid jealousy thing is so poorly conceived it is hard to believe it got past the ideas stage.

FUCK PAULIE and his motherfucking robot!!!

Balboa is the best Rocky film. It feels very personal, like 1 and 2 but shows Stallone's development as a film maker. It was the perfect ending to the series. Conceptually the idea of him fighting again at that age was absurd and the training was very rushed, but the whole film was about beating his own demons, so I don't mind that all too much. This quiet moments in this film as stunning.

Creed is also brilliant, but it rehashes a lot of the themes of Balboa. Rocky's character development in that are basically ignored and repeated - he gets over his wife again and conquers his own - albeit different - demons. That said, Creed is great (Jordan is a fantastic actor) and the fights are the best in the series.


Great series, I always wanted a series based on Mick when he was younger, hopefully now that the universe expanded some, we can get that someday.


I often hear people say 1 is the best. I like 1 & 2 but 3 & 4 are my favs, pure over the top 80's cheese.

5....I mean Balboa was pretty decent. Not the best but better than I was expecting. Nice follow up to the originals. (We don't acknowledge that other Rocky 5)

Haven't seen Creed yet. I'll probably buy it on blu-ray at some point.


I think Creed is almost as good as Rocky 1. It's like the Force Awakens for the Rocky franchise, but better.

Creed was great and was a perfect mix of new and old, even more so than Force Awakens as the nostalgia/callbacks in TFA seem much more forced, particularly upon second or subsequent viewings.
Creed is a much better film than IV. I think you're getting hung up on wanting Adonis to have bonded with his dad and, lacking that, his step-mom, but the intent was to focus on his relationship with Rocky.

Still, I get why VI is enjoyable (and I like it too).

III's villain is great though. :) Hey woman! Hey woman! :)

For me it's: I > Creed > Balboa > III > IV > II > V
I think Creed is almost as good as Rocky 1. It's like the Force Awakens for the Rocky franchise, but better.

Fury Road > Creed > The Force Awakens in terms of revisiting a decades-old franchise.

That said I'm more excited about Episode VIII than Creed 2 because well, I am not a crazy person.


Rocky Balboa: I liked this one okay, but it may be the one I have the least to say about, outside of I guess II. Nice means of bringing Rocky back to being an underdog, and I actually like the way it kind of ends in an homage to the first movie with a lost split decision. Not my favorite, and it didn't blow me away, but it was nice. Also, I actually thought until I looked it up that the actress for Adrian must have died for her to be written out, but apparently not. And Paulie sure must've lived a sad life to have stayed in that same meat packing plant job all this time. At least he had that brief moment with the robot in IV. Also, Rocky's brain damage from V got magically better, I guess.

I think Rocky Balboa was a retcon that ignored the existence of V.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Creed was great and was a perfect mix of new and old, even more so than Force Awakens as the nostalgia/callbacks in TFA seem much more forced, particularly upon second or subsequent viewings.

It would work much better if it weren't for Balboa, which revisits original ground but from a new perspective in a far more interesting and thoughtful manner. Still excellent, mind.

I think Rocky Balboa was a retcon that ignored the existence of V.

Stallone said this:

When Rocky was diagnosed with brain damage, it must be noted that many athletes have a form of brain damage including football players, soccer players, and other individuals in contact sports such as rugby, etc. Rocky never went for a second opinion and yielded to his wife's wishes to stop. So with the advent of new research techniques into brain damage, Rocky’s was found to be normal among fighters and he was suffering the results of a severe concussion. By today's standards Rocky Balboa would be given a clean bill of health for fighters. In the film, Rocky is told that he has to train differently because he has lost a great deal of flexibility and mobility so hence the heavy weight training and power lifting that built Rocky into the shape that makes him a worthy opponent. P.S. he's still not in the same shape as he was in ROCKY IV, he's just stronger. Thank you.

translation: what's rocky v? no, no, rocky's surname begins with a b not a v


I think Rocky Balboa was a retcon that ignored the existence of V.

It would work much better if it weren't for Balboa, which revisits original ground but from a new perspective in a far more interesting and thoughtful manner. Still excellent, mind.

Stallone said this:

translation: what's rocky v? no, no, rocky's surname begins with a b not a v
Fair enough, though for what it's worth Rocky Balboa seems to at least be built somewhat off of the idea that it takes place after V (it readily explains why he's no longer some rich dude living in a mansion, and there's that callback to the "home team" thing with his kid). And in the end, that whole matter being swept under the rug honestly bothers me less than the serious and severe eye injury mentioned in II never being talked about again.

And yeah, I'm probably being overly harsh on Creed. I guess the various points of overlap just hit a lot weaker to me by virtue of marathoning the series. But for whatever reason it just didn't click with me quite as much as I'd hoped it would going in, which is a shame. Maybe down the road it'll work better for me on a rewatch, though. And it definitely, definitely does deserve props for the great fight coreagraphy, yeah.
Rocky is a masterpiece

Rocky II is great, but I don't know, it feels too much like a beat-by-beat of the first one with an altered ending

Rocky III: Come on, Creed. It's fun and all, but dumb.

Rocky IV: Might as well of been a fucking cartoon

Rocky V: Not really as bad as most say it is, but still pretty poor overall

Rocky Balboa: Solid movie, but god, so boring. Even the fight itself is so dull I almost feel asleep

Creed: Great, easily the best one since the first two


The original is a classic. If you didn't find yourself deeply moved by its rags to riches story then I think we value very different things from these types of movies.
Didn't watch any of these until last year, now all I'm missing is Rocky V.

I was pleasantly surprised by Rocky, I didn't expect to enjoy it nearly as much as I did, surprisingly heartfelt and still my favourite of the lot.
Speaking of surprises I feel like Rocky Balboa was a lot better than it had any right to be, that brilliantly cheese motivational speech he gives to his son, man...
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