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Lufia/Estpolis III: Ruins Chaser MP3 request.

A long long time ago (1998), when Lufia/Estpolis III had just been cancelled, Mr. Yukio Nakajima, the game's composer donated a musical track to the now forfeit (har har) Forfeit Island webpage.

Forfeit Island was pretty much the premier Lufia/Estpolis fansite back in the day. They're obviously no longer around, or I'd download the file from there.

Forfeit Island said:
Forfeit Island was fortunate enough to be contacted by someone closely-associated with Neverland Company and the Estpolis III project. This person is Yukio Nakajima. Mr. Nakajima has most graciously donated an MP3 file of his work which was played during the Tokyo Game Show demonstration of Estpolis III. While it is not used in the game, it should show people the great soundtrack you can expect with Estpolis III. The tune is a radical departure from Yasunori Shiono's (Lufia I/II's composer) orchestral tracks, but it is appropriate considering the modern world in which Estpolis III will take place. Fans of Lufia II should recognize a familiar melody towards the end of the song. The MP3 is now available in the Music section. A thousand thanks to Mr. Nakajima for this most generous contribution.

If anyone has this mp3, I'd appreciate if someone could host it for me or whatever.

I'm not expecting much because this is 1998 after all.


i have it, but i'm not at home now and i won't be around for the rest of the evening. if nobody else responds, i'll PM you when i get a chance.

song goddamn rules, i might add. the lufia III that never was. snif.
That song did indeed kick ass and showed more promise for the series than any of the games that followed. I've got in hanging around on a DVD here somewhere...
Holy shit. Awesomeness.

I didn't have a PC at the time, so I was unable to download it at all. (Did stream it though!) And I've regretted it ever since.


I have it on my home computer as well. Nice remix of one of Shiono's tunes.

I really wish Shiono had moved on to do other games cause he was pretty damn good for his time if you ask me XD.
He was. I loved the soundtracks from Lufia/Estpolis I and II.

I've unfortunately never had a chance to pick up GBC and GBA games because I heard they're well, rather bad compared to the SFC games...

Also, I believe I hazily remember Mr. Nakajima donating some more tracks after the game was officially defunct. Or am I crazy?


The GBC and GBA games are terrrrrrible although the GBC game is a little better overall.

I'm really farking surprised at the gushing Kitsune gave Ruins of Lore/Silence way back when it was first released.
Well they suck because NeverLand didn't have much to do with them, no? I know for sure they had no connection with the GBA game.

I recall YOUR initial impressions of the GBA title being at least semi-positive.
Well from what I hear about the GBC game, wasn't it mainly the randomized dungeons sucking rather than the rest? I heard the battle system was pretty good, and the story was hilarious (at least for having the dumbest hero ever).

I've been meaning to at least get the GBC one...

But: Did the Ruins Chaser composer release some more tracks after the game died? I could have sworn I read that...


I recall gushing about the audio, visual, and some other cosmetic things being like Lufia 2. Then I played through the game more and just found it to be awful as a game overall although it had some decent concepts.

Btw, I also have the character designs for Ruins Chasers and the colorized versions of them that were later released on my PC at home.


needs to show more effort.
my sole reason (at the time) for buying a gba because of multiple people's loving comments on the gba lufia... you people suck =\


I did say the job system was kind of like Dragon Quest's job system but it's really not executed well after the initial neato effect. It was Kitsune that went apeshit over it.
Damn. If I do have it somewhere its mixed somewhere in 150GB of files from my last backup. I can probably short term host if somebody wants (and somebody else offers the file...), otherwise I can't really help. -_-;

The GBC game struck me as pretty by the book with the obvious restrictions of the GBC platform and an odd 9-man battle system, but for some reason my sister (normally not a game player) put in a full 60+ hours.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
The GBA one was disappointing as all hell... long and boring dungeons, slow combat... I loved Lufia 2 so much on the SNES and have been waiting for a proper sequel for like YEARS. Sigh... doesn't look like we're gonna get another one any time soon, either...


speedpop said:
What!? There was going to be an official Lufia III by NeverLand??


Yup, but then they moved onto "The Legend Returns" and scrapped 3. TLR definitely takes place the first two games, but not necessarily part 3.

Considerng TLR was a GBC game, it was pretty damn good. The music and battle system held up well. The random dungeons were probably the most hated point.


Should be in your box soon. I can toss up the pics of the character designs from Ruins Chasers when I find the disc as well.

I also think I have the story premise of it around here too.


the GBC lufia is not summed up perfectly by "shit" or any short, dismissive term. one of my big regrets is that it got cut from the EGM review schedule (this was back when i was a freelancer in 2001 and they did mini-reviews by one person of a single game.)

first off, the battle system is hella unique and a DAMN sight better than lufia II's. it's interesting.

the music also rocks, and the story is typical lufia (sinistrals, etc.) but that means it also has the lufia charm. it's not fascinating stuff, well below lufia II, but it's not so bad.

the dungeons are SO fucking repetitive though. yes. they pretty much kill the game.

the GBA lufia is so, so, so very meh. bad photocopy by a team of unimaginitive hacks.


I'd say the sum of the parts that made up the GBC Lufia were shit but it did have some novel concepts. The battle system as you point out had some interesting ideas but I never really liked how it panned out (I can't recall my specific complaints because I haven't played the game in ages). The music was alright as I recall but a far cry from either Lufia or Lufia II. The story was god awful from what I remember as well. The one thing I was fond of was Milka though. I liked her character design and her in the game from what I can recollect.


Shouta said:
The battle system as you point out had some interesting ideas but I never really liked how it panned out
that would still make it better than lufia II ... or lufia GBA. =)

lufia II's battle system was generic and weak for when the game came out; lufia GBA's was a tedious travesty by the time it came out.


Generic sure but it did play out better on the whole. Combat was never bothersome in Lufia II whereas it was in Lufia GBC (for me). Lufia GBA was a travesty though =/.


needs to show more effort.
I liked combat in lufia 2

1. ability to avoid enemies meant I didn't have to fight battles when I was getting really sick of it.

2. The... whatever it was called... IP gauge? gave sorta the fisrt taste of the "limit break" that I can remember

3. Battles didn't take forever

4. you had a pet that you could feed and change to different types with different personalities. That was pretty new at the time, for me at least.

and if the battle system was really that bad and tedious, none of us would have ever made it through the ancient dungeon.
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