It's all fine and dandy, and many a time I've been tempted to sell my crappy PC and buy some high end Mac so that I can have something fresh and new, especially now that I don't even play games on a computer... but...
Macs are just not an all purpose machine that I sorely need. For example, they don't have a fragment of all the quirky CD image editing software that I have on the PC. Can I copy an ISO file I made out of my import PS2 game to a PS2 HDD using a Mac? HELL NO. Noone will ever bother to write a software for Mac that does that, or if someone bothers that's going to be months after the original on the PC came out. So I want to run this EXE installer that will install some software on my Pocket PC? Tough luck. How am I going to do that on the Mac? Low profile type of software of that kind, is completely (or almost completely) non existing on the Mac, and it would force me to basically keep two computers on the same desk, which I have no intention of doing. Thus, Mac looks good to me only on the superficial level of having something shinier and cooler than my old computer.
I'm not even going into the price issue. Comparing only Dell with Apple is utterly ridiculous from the consumer standpoint, when I can buy cheaper from other dealers, or build my own machine for even less. It's Apple's problem that I can't do the same with Macs, not mine.