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Madden NFL 06 - IGN review


works for Gamestop (lol)

9.0 Presentation
New celebrations, replays and an updated Tony Bruno show add on to the typical excellence in accessibility of all EA Sports titles.
8.0 Graphics
Nothing noticeably upgraded from 2005, besides head tracking by receivers. Same animations and no significant improvements to player models.
8.5 Sound
THX is provided for this year's version, plus Madden chimes in with some player specific banter, and more in depth game commentary. Much improved.
8.5 Gameplay
QB Vision isn?t what it?s cracked up to be, but the AI remains some of the best ever in a sports game.
9.0 Lasting Appeal
2005 may wind up back in your console, but improved Franchise and the new Superstar mode will shave many hours off the ol? social life.
(out of 10 / not an average)

It?s likely Tiburon did a little experimentation on this, the last Madden released before the next gen systems drop, to test out some ideas. In the first year where Madden is all we get when it comes to licensed pro football, I was expecting more. But then again, maybe EA?s exclusivity with the NFL will hamper their annual improvements, being that their only opponent this year is what, Blitz? A franchise that became so enjoyable and successful like this one will incidentally force itself under a microscope to be revered or criticized when any radical change occurs.

Despite those faults, however, Madden NFL 06 is still a fantastic game, just not as much fun to play as it has been the last few years. This was bound to happen with how well it?s been consistently improving over time. For those gamers who only buy Madden as their one game a year, maybe this could be your favorite installment yet, but for everyone else, 2006 feels like a stutter step or experimental addition to the franchise that has failed to outdo itself for the first time in recent memory.


Hmm, interesting. I see all these review sites are saving the 9+ scores for next gen X360 Madden.

Wario you need a more eye pleasing title! Look what it says under the Madden 06 heading on page 1!

EA's gridiron is still great, but fails to outdo itself for the first time in recent years.

No competition = no improvement of course!


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.


hurray for buying the same crap every year!

Challenge Everything? EA sure challenging a lot by updating the rosters and re-packaging for full price. :lol

The only version that is worth $50 IMO is for Xbox360.


:lol :lol :lol Who is this chump!?

1) NFL exculisivity came too late to really be able to heavily incoporate it.

2) Not enough improvements!? What the fuck this is the biggest change in the franchise from one year to another ever. Hell: http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3142128&did=1 That outlines it pretty well.

3) Why isn't it as fun as it has been in the last few years? If anything I'd say this one is more fun due to the offensive focus.


Paladin, vatstep, fuzzy... here's the first paragraph of the review:

August 5, 2005 - Credit where credit's due, Tiburon annually manages to find ways to creatively invoke refreshing new substance into the Madden franchise every successive year -- when all it really needs to do is update rosters to sell, and sell big. It's a commendable stance that EA Sports has taken with regards to it meal ticket, as there has never been new stuff just for the sake of throwing in something fresh. These improvements have been significant ones too, albeit sometimes very small. Rarely, in its 16 years of life, has the series stuttered or stepped back due to a faulty new feature or detrimental gameplay implementation... and in the last few years Madden has been nothing less than immersive and fun.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
This is by far the most realistic Madden review I've ever read, and I haven't even played the game yet. It's about time Madden wasn't an automatic 9.(x).


Rorschach said:
Hey, guys, take me out of the league. No way in hell I'm playing an 8.8 game!!!!!

Yeah, same here. I only buy 9.0 or above! Sorry EA, but WWE Raw 2 is calling me!


I agree its not worth 50 bucks. thats why im getting it at fry's for 37.99 :D
I find none of EA's games are worth 50 bucks (except battlefield 2 and maybe burnout)
and Madden fans have the nerve to say Mario Kart Double Dash is a re-hash.

what are you TALKING about dude? that is a fucking stupid comment. you're a complete tool unless you show me where someone said "Pfft! MK: DD is just a re-hash! i'm going to go play madden! you lose nintendo!"

Whatever helps better convince yourself that you didn't make an assy purchase.

to my knowledge no one has "purchased" madden on these boards yet. infact, i don't even think it's released until tuesday... WTF!!!!!

paladin i have a feeling you don't play madden anyways. why would you even come into this thread and make a jackass out of yourself? no offense of course


captmcblack said:
*awaits Gamespot's review ANXIOUSLY*

The Internet may be awash in flames on that day.

Is Madden really that big and did people actually believe the previous games deserved the 9.+ scores?
That review/score is what I expected. But what I'm REALLY curious about is how EA will handle '07, what with NO competition to consider during the entire development schedule (unlike this year's).


FrenchMovieTheme said:
what are you TALKING about dude? that is a fucking stupid comment. you're a complete tool unless you show me where someone said "Pfft! MK: DD is just a re-hash! i'm going to go play madden! you lose nintendo!"

to my knowledge no one has "purchased" madden on these boards yet. infact, i don't even think it's released until tuesday... WTF!!!!!

paladin i have a feeling you don't play madden anyways. why would you even come into this thread and make a jackass out of yourself? no offense of course
I second this except I totally mean to offend his dumb ass.
I refuse to read sports game reviews anymore. Within 24 hours of buying '06 us GAFers will know every single balance issue in the game, and it'll just fucking piss me off even worse because not a single review mentioed them. And lets face, I'm buying Madden no matter what anyway.
listen guys, i am a huge madden supporter, but if you asked me to review a sports game that comes out yearly that i like (whether it be madden or nhl 2kx or whatever), i would probably give it in the 8 range. not because they aren't fantastic games, but a game that comes out every year shouldn't get 9.5, 10, etc.

people (who oddly enough dont even play these games btw...) act like every year there should be a revolution with madden. well let me ask you this, wtf do you want? you want EA to change the dynamics of football? you want them to somehow change how the game is played? let me tell you something, EA (just like nintendo and your favorite company) is a business. and if EA starts putting out bullshit like "NEW TO MADDEN 2007! THE TURDUCKEN GLOVES! NOW YOU CONTROL WHERE YOUR RB RUNS WITH NEW MOTION SENSITIVE CONTROL GLOVES INCLUDED IN EVERY BOX! NOW YOU FEEL THE ACTION!" see how that shit rolls over with casual fans. im honestly curious what you want out of EA or any other sports company as a yearly update that you aren't getting now.

it is nice to say things like "oooh boo EA all you care about is money, where is the innovation!" but you have to understand that most people who buy madden (i.e. not you) dont WANT a revolution every year. we are content with upgrades such as vision passing, improved DB AI, new animations, etc. why is that so hard to accept? why is that such a tough pill for you to swallow?

now seriously, to all the assholes who like to come into madden threads and talk shit when a) they dont play madden and b) they wouldn't play madden even if the game was played with some type of crazy "innovative" new style, shut the fuck up and stop wasting your time
All I ask is that for one year EA doesn't add anything new, and fixes the problems that are already there! Not introduce new ones. Screw "innovation" for a year.


Cerebral Palsy said:
All I ask is that for one year EA doesn't add anything new, and fixes the problems that are already there! Not introduce new ones. Screw "innovation" for a year.

Out of curiosity, what problems do you want to see fixed from Madden 2005?


FrenchMovieTheme said:
listen guys, i am a huge madden supporter, but if you asked me to review a sports game that comes out yearly that i like (whether it be madden or nhl 2kx or whatever), i would probably give it in the 8 range. not because they aren't fantastic games, but a game that comes out every year shouldn't get 9.5, 10, etc.

people (who oddly enough dont even play these games btw...) act like every year there should be a revolution with madden. well let me ask you this, wtf do you want? you want EA to change the dynamics of football? you want them to somehow change how the game is played? let me tell you something, EA (just like nintendo and your favorite company) is a business. and if EA starts putting out bullshit like "NEW TO MADDEN 2007! THE TURDUCKEN GLOVES! NOW YOU CONTROL WHERE YOUR RB RUNS WITH NEW MOTION SENSITIVE CONTROL GLOVES INCLUDED IN EVERY BOX! NOW YOU FEEL THE ACTION!" see how that shit rolls over with casual fans. im honestly curious what you want out of EA or any other sports company as a yearly update that you aren't getting now.

it is nice to say things like "oooh boo EA all you care about is money, where is the innovation!" but you have to understand that most people who buy madden (i.e. not you) dont WANT a revolution every year. we are content with upgrades such as vision passing, improved DB AI, new animations, etc. why is that so hard to accept? why is that such a tough pill for you to swallow?

now seriously, to all the assholes who like to come into madden threads and talk shit when a) they dont play madden and b) they wouldn't play madden even if the game was played with some type of crazy "innovative" new style, shut the fuck up and stop wasting your time

If EA truely cared about innovation, they'd jack it up to 13 players per team and make the field 200 yards long. And what about two...no THREE footballs on the field at a time!?! It'd be like NFL pinball or something. That would be xtreme to the max.
Wellington said:
Out of curiosity, what problems do you want to see fixed from Madden 2005?

Well, to be fair... From what I've heard they have fixed most of the '05 bugs (i.e. fatigue bug) I had problems with. The only thing I'm worried about right now is the passing game. It sounds worse than NCAA at this point. I can't wait to hear the people who did nothing but cry in the NCAA tourny on Aug 9th.


intangibles, motherfucker
Mrbob said:
There is no way possible Madden passing would be worse than NCAA.

Agreed. Everytime my QB would have some numbers like 2/20 when most throws were perfect, i felt like unleashing the wrath of hell on the ncaa disk.
Mrbob said:
There is no way possible Madden passing would be worse than NCAA.

I hope not. That isn't the conclusion I came to after reading what Wellington has said. The short range passing game sounds way too easy, and the deep ball just as effective as NCAA. Maybe I'm wrong? Hope I am. CK?

Wellington said:
It isn't. There are some potential problems which IGN curiously doesn't mention.

Ah good. Please go into detail though if you have the time.


It's on par with last year's game, relax chums. In fact it's a lot better because of the added accuracy and finesse due to the passing cone bonuses.



I haven't played a Madden since 2002, and yet I probably play that game religiously. Hence, the game rocks.

What in the world can you do to a football game anyway? I like the vision cone idea, and I like all the other stuff that EA managed to put in this year.

I'll be happy when I plunk down 50 dollars within the next week or two for this game.


IGN seems to have a beef with the difficulty of the passing vision, with it being aimed more towards the hardcore Madden player.

I'm fine with that. For the casuals who don't like it, turn it off. But having followed pastapadre's superstar thread on Maddennation and reading of his improvements with the passing vision (and he's using Grossman, no less), I am down for this game no questions asked.

Also who is Ed Lewis? :lol


I dont know how much has changed but playing this at E3 Vision Cone was easy to use after you get used to it which didnt take long. After me first game i pretty much had it down.


Unison said:
This is why EA sees fit to charge $60 for it.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol



I've preordered Madden for my PSP and PS2. I'm curious to know if they fixed the running game and defensive exploits from last year. EA really needs to fix whats wrong this game before trying to bring up some new crap that only lasts for a year or so before they cut it out. I dont see some of these additions as innovations but moreso as gimmicks just to get people to purchase the game every year.

I love NFL2K5 and I wont discard it. Im dealing with only having Madden but despite what the Madden whores say, competition breads innovation and success. Having someone close on your *** lights a fire under the companies butt to get things in gear. Where is the fire going to come from for 2007?
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