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Madeline from Celeste might be trans!


I hate that composer. I was watching TGA last december, Celeste crew comes on, "oooh what lovely ladies worked on this game" I though. Later she was giving an award to someone else, and my whole world shattered when she started to speak and I can't trust anyone anymore.

The game looks nice, though.
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Maybe devs should integrate a “trans mode“ in every game, that changes all male NPCs to wear feminine clothing, have long hair and female animations.
Maybe then they will shut up.

Think of the disabled you abelist!!.

They will never shut up, their game is to find something to be outraged about, trying to appease them only makes them worse, best to ignore.


I hate that composer. I was watching TGA last december, Celeste crew comes on, "oooh what lovely ladies worked on this game" I though. Later she was giving an award to someone else, and my whole world shattered when she started to speak and I can't trust anyone anymore.

The game looks nice, though.

You're not the only one who learned a lesson that day.

Anyway, still not sure why trans/lgbt seems so highly represented in game development but it is. This only seems to happen in games fwiw.
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Without knowing a lot for the story of the game (I played the game one time), but isn't the pill cause she have anxiety issues?




I love Towerfall and I hate this game.

Reviewers giving it perfect tens before release got me really excited, then when I played for myself it was “play these levels exactly how we want or else: the game.”

I’m sick of hearing about it like it’s one of the four gospels or something. It’s super meat boy with an emo story mode at best.


Does nobody think that developers should just go "all in" if they are going to do something like this with representation?

It just feels like such a half-measure. If Madeline is trans then basically open the game with that instead of all this dancing around the issue and hinting etc.

Reminds me of the folks making Marvel movies talking the big talk about "representation" and then the gay guy is just some random extra in their 22nd movie. What the fuck? Just get in there if you are going to do it!

It creates a problem where the more people are demanding LGBTQ representation the more annoying it actually gets and the more it looks like "pandering" when they actually commit to it.

Celeste is an almost 2 year old game now. It's major hype has come and gone and it will not see the same publicity as it had 2 years ago.
So only NOW, 2 years after the fact, they subtly hint that the main character MIGHT be trans?

I don't see how trying to sneak this in under the radar 2 years after the fact is good for anyone?
Why not just make that an aspect of the game from the very beginning?

Personally, I am indifferent to whether a character is or is not this or that but I just don't understand why more "progressive" developers don't wear their heart on their sleeve when it comes to their in-game stuff?

They talk the talk about representation but when it comes down to it they would rather have the money first and "retcon" the representation later on.


I really wonder if it's loneliness of current world and inability to fit in? Were there always so many trans nonbinary? Homosexuality is perfectly normal and as old as civilization but the recent craziness with nonbinary them bullshit is interesting. Seems like everyone comes out as one of "them". Again - it's none of my concern who prefers what. It just starting to look more like desperate search for own community, trying to fit in and look for attention

Seems like we're just dealing with a generation of lonely, confused kids who grew up on videogames and used it as a way to escape their problems. They probably saw it as an industry that would eventually accept them, even if it required a little force in doing so. I have other interests and transgender-ism doesn't come up anywhere near as much.

I think it's mostly because it's being talked about now.

Some decades ago you might have been unhappy with your gender and wanted the benefits of the other gender or you simply were annoyed by people acting differently towards men and women. But it's still quite a leap to the realization that you could actually change your gender or just outright say you are non-binary (and still get through with that) and consequently get treated the way you always wanted to. It's just hard to even imagine if it isn't a thing already.

Also, before the internet, people usually knew your sex by just looking at you. So you wouldn't really ever get in the situation where you would find out how the other side was treated. I only realized how great it is to be female when people mistook me as female because of my nickname and suddenly my reputation went from "pervert loner" to "coolest girl online you can talk about anything with".

In short, you take what you can get to optimize your happiness.

Yeah agreed. IMO there's been a growing tendency for people to think of themselves as post-human due to the inflation of the internet in daily life. It's a place where people perceive themselves to be outside of their own body. They sort of become a thinking thing existing in a place where normal social interaction and gender rules don't apply.

I'm not talking about anything as cool as Ghost in the Shell, but it's predicated on being able to live a type of existence away from a lot of restraints in the physical world. Of course it's only perceived to be this way by the person themselves, which in turn makes it that people feel they have more choice in aspects like gender, sex, etc.

Quite interesting really. I can't pretend to fully understand though.
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Does nobody think that developers should just go "all in" if they are going to do something like this with representation?

It just feels like such a half-measure. If Madeline is trans then basically open the game with that instead of all this dancing around the issue and hinting etc.

Reminds me of the folks making Marvel movies talking the big talk about "representation" and then the gay guy is just some random extra in their 22nd movie. What the fuck? Just get in there if you are going to do it!

It creates a problem where the more people are demanding LGBTQ representation the more annoying it actually gets and the more it looks like "pandering" when they actually commit to it.

Celeste is an almost 2 year old game now. It's major hype has come and gone and it will not see the same publicity as it had 2 years ago.
So only NOW, 2 years after the fact, they subtly hint that the main character MIGHT be trans?

I don't see how trying to sneak this in under the radar 2 years after the fact is good for anyone?
Why not just make that an aspect of the game from the very beginning?

Personally, I am indifferent to whether a character is or is not this or that but I just don't understand why more "progressive" developers don't wear their heart on their sleeve when it comes to their in-game stuff?

They talk the talk about representation but when it comes down to it they would rather have the money first and "retcon" the representation later on.

In all honesty I don't believe Celeste's story is anywhere near fleshed out enough to reflect on a specific issue.

In fact, that's one of its strengths - that it deals with a general feeling of anxiety and can therefore appeal to a range of people.

IMO it's just the whims of a bunch of unimaginative people that demand it be about a specific issue like transgenderism (no offence to anybody reading).
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Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Does nobody think that developers should just go "all in" if they are going to do something like this with representation?

It just feels like such a half-measure. If Madeline is trans then basically open the game with that instead of all this dancing around the issue and hinting etc.

Reminds me of the folks making Marvel movies talking the big talk about "representation" and then the gay guy is just some random extra in their 22nd movie. What the fuck? Just get in there if you are going to do it!

It creates a problem where the more people are demanding LGBTQ representation the more annoying it actually gets and the more it looks like "pandering" when they actually commit to it.

Celeste is an almost 2 year old game now. It's major hype has come and gone and it will not see the same publicity as it had 2 years ago.
So only NOW, 2 years after the fact, they subtly hint that the main character MIGHT be trans?

I don't see how trying to sneak this in under the radar 2 years after the fact is good for anyone?
Why not just make that an aspect of the game from the very beginning?

Personally, I am indifferent to whether a character is or is not this or that but I just don't understand why more "progressive" developers don't wear their heart on their sleeve when it comes to their in-game stuff?

They talk the talk about representation but when it comes down to it they would rather have the money first and "retcon" the representation later on.

This seems like some real damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of bullshittery. Imagine if the message of the game was completely on the nose instead of being told in its more subtle way. At its heart, it's an excellent game with an excellent soundtrack, but if you pick up on the underlying theme of self-acceptance, it's a pretty universally applicable message the game is sending. A pride flag and a pill bottle may be a wink toward trans gamers, but there's no reason to really hammer home that this game is about being ok with being trans when it's really about being ok with being you.

BTW people at my office still have pride flags on their desks all over the place from pride month, including a straight guy like me. And at home I've got a pill bottle on my desk to boot (amphetamines, not hormones). So maybe she's just supportive and on adderall.


This seems like some real damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of bullshittery. Imagine if the message of the game was completely on the nose instead of being told in its more subtle way. At its heart, it's an excellent game with an excellent soundtrack, but if you pick up on the underlying theme of self-acceptance, it's a pretty universally applicable message the game is sending. A pride flag and a pill bottle may be a wink toward trans gamers, but there's no reason to really hammer home that this game is about being ok with being trans when it's really about being ok with being you.

BTW people at my office still have pride flags on their desks all over the place from pride month, including a straight guy like me. And at home I've got a pill bottle on my desk to boot (amphetamines, not hormones). So maybe she's just supportive and on adderall.

I think that's fair. If they are too on the nose then people will say "not buying it" probably.

The problem I see though is that the longer they, the industry, delay with going properly "all in" on this kind of stuff the worse it gets.

It seems like they "flirt" with LGBTQ representation because they don't want to lose the money from people who would be like "I'm not buying this SJW bullshit". Thing is that 5 years ago there wasn't even really an intense "SJW" conversation so they could have introduced stuff and people would have been more receptive.

In my opinion the industry in general is letting things run on and as the demand for representation grows so does the number of people who are going to see it as "SJW nonsense".


I hate that composer. I was watching TGA last december, Celeste crew comes on, "oooh what lovely ladies worked on this game" I though. Later she was giving an award to someone else, and my whole world shattered when she started to speak and I can't trust anyone anymore.

The game looks nice, though.
Who? Lena Raine?


She cute. And I like her taste in music.

I think games still need more LGBTQIA+ representation.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
I think that's fair. If they are too on the nose then people will say "not buying it" probably.

The problem I see though is that the longer they, the industry, delay with going properly "all in" on this kind of stuff the worse it gets.

It seems like they "flirt" with LGBTQ representation because they don't want to lose the money from people who would be like "I'm not buying this SJW bullshit". Thing is that 5 years ago there wasn't even really an intense "SJW" conversation so they could have introduced stuff and people would have been more receptive.

In my opinion the industry in general is letting things run on and as the demand for representation grows so does the number of people who are going to see it as "SJW nonsense".

But look at how fast shit spirals out of control when you have the audacity to make a non-binary robot...a fucking robot! Granted they/them is this weird grammatically incorrect way of resolving the neutral pronoun thing and it throws me off when talking about singular humans, but all the sudden you have people refusing to use those pronouns, then the developer getting all defensive about it and banning people, and on and on....you can quickly see why developers want no part of that shit. It's like navigating a minefield.


I really wonder if it's loneliness of current world and inability to fit in? Were there always so many trans nonbinary? Homosexuality is perfectly normal and as old as civilization but the recent craziness with nonbinary them bullshit is interesting. Seems like everyone comes out as one of "them". Again - it's none of my concern who prefers what. It just starting to look more like desperate search for own community, trying to fit in and look for attention

There's no reason to believe there's any more or less "of them" at any point in history, just all the reasons you would know about it: social acceptance, connectivity, and the movement of things from private to public discussion.

It's interesting to think about though.

My pet theory is the death of subculture via the internet and a corporate checkmate on 'cool'. LGBT+ is literally the last bastion of possible subculture, and - as the theory would expect - the mainstream is actively trying to assimilate it.


Here’s the problem I have with stuff like this, where some sort of gender identification or sexual orientation is shoed in after the fact:

If you’re going to do it, jut do it. Be bold, make your statement, and put it out there. Isn’t that what the movement is all about?

But they don’t because they know it will hurt sales, so they put winks and nods but never say it outright until sales have slowed and then surprise!

You can’t have it both ways, and that is why people are getting tired of this.
A game shouldn't have to define itself based on whether a character is gay, straight, trans or whatever. And it shouldn't have to spell it out explicitly for the gamer (or people who'd never play it anyway but who want to use it as a football in culture wars). Game like every other art form can say as much or as little as they want, and leave as much or as little to interpretation as they want.

So an indie developer, with a trans team member, made a game with a really subtle nod of support to LBGTetc (I can't remember all the letters anymore) in a game that appears to be allegorical anyway. That's fine.

Games can do whatever they want to, in whatever way the developers wish to try and do it. Always someone gatekeeping tho.

Game looks and sounds great, will buy it at whatever point I can stop binging on frikken Gamepass AAA filth.


Maybe devs should integrate a “trans mode“ in every game, that changes all male NPCs to wear feminine clothing, have long hair and female animations.
Maybe then they will shut up.

It's problematic for pixel art games, as it can't adequately represent their receded hairlines.


You're not the only one who learned a lesson that day.

Anyway, still not sure why trans/lgbt seems so highly represented in game development but it is. This only seems to happen in games fwiw.

I guess games are a good escape for people who don't really "fit" in general. Played with a few gays/lesbians in my old WoW guild back in the day. They weren't the activist types, so it was cool. Although this whole activism thing wasn't so in-your-face back then.
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