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MAFs Traffic Improvement Idea(s)

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You know what would rock. If we took care of this fucking cell phone problem. Hell, IM PART OF THE PROBLEM. On the few occations ive answered my cell phone while driving ive been a danger to others and myself. So I propose a cell-phone lane. In this lane you would carry on with your stupid inane conversations about bullshit. That way we could all just slow the hell down to 35 on a 65 like we always do and we could make the lane extra wide with bumpers too so as we weave across the lane we can be error corrected without our oh so important conversations being interrupted by the misery of those around us.

I also think we should add other lanes like the old person lane, or hell, an old people on cell phone lane.

Every time the lane I was in slowed down today some fuckjob was picking up their cellphone, cocking their head to the side, and reducing their speed to that of snails creating traffic issues where there shouldnt BE ANY!



Are you headstrong enough?

Turtle drivers sux! And I do hate people that drive while talking on the cell phone.


You still live in Arizona right? Just jump off road and drive past em through the desert while you throw cactus branches at em.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Here's my suggestion... how about they reinforce, instead of glossing over it during driver education.. that the far left lane is for PASSING... not for sitting in the $%#%$#%#$ lane and refusing to move over to the right because you're going to the speed limit. You were not hired to regulate the speed of the $#%$#%#$ highway.. move the F*CK over.

I hate you f'n people that do that shit.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
DarienA said:
Here's my suggestion... how about they reinforce, instead of glossing over it during driver education.. that the far left lane is for PASSING... not for sitting in the $%#%$#%#$ lane and refusing to move over to the right because you're going to the speed limit. You were not hired to regulate the speed of the $#%$#%#$ highway.. move the F*CK over.

I hate you f'n people that do that shit.

how would they really teach that etiquitte in driving ed though, that'd be like condoning speeding.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
levious said:
how would they really teach that etiquitte in driving ed though, that'd be like condoning speeding.

Teach it... hell I'm talking mention the damn item spend 5 minutes talking about the flow of traffic, etc.... it's barely mentioned... in many driver's ed classes it's not mentioned at ALL.

Making cars that go 100mph+ isn't condoning speeding, nor is talking about helping the flow of traffic on the highway.... slower vehicles need to be in the right lanes... that's all there is to it.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
DarienA said:
Teach it... hell I'm talking mention the damn item spend 5 minutes talking about the flow of traffic, etc.... it's barely mentioned... in many driver's ed classes it's not mentioned at ALL.

Making cars that go 100mph+ isn't condoning speeding, nor is talking about helping the flow of traffic on the highway.... slower vehicles need to be in the right lanes... that's all there is to it.


i think my biggest cause of anger on the freeway happens in this situation: your cruising along in the fats lane going say 80mph (speed isnt really important to this story). you see a car in the lane to the right following fairly closely to the car in front of him. hes been doing it for quite some time, and has no intention of passing that car... untill he sees you approaching to pass. i dont know what the fuck it is that goes through peoples heads in this case, maybe they feel they'll get stuck behind the car they've been behind the whole time, but they ALWAYS want to pull out into the fast lane and pass that car as you approach.

fuck that shit you stupid assholes. you wanna pass? wait till i'm past you, then you can creep out, fucker.


Cell phone drivers, women putting on makeup, executives working on their laptops, etc. - these people should have their own lane. ONE LANE, BOTH WAYS. With no wreckage cleanup.

That should clear the problem up.
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