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Magnitude 7.6 earthquake strikes Japan, tsunami warning issued


I was in a movie theater in my area of Japan near mt Fuji when it hit. Was crazy hearing everyone’s phones go off at once with the earthquake warning as the movie starting running the ending credits. Then we got a long bit of shaking. Strongest quake I’ve felt since the 3/11 one. Not the way we wanted to start the year in Japan for sure. But thankfully it was not closer to where I was.
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Warning: Godzilla approaching

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Awful start to the year. It was only the other day I was watching a vid about the 2011 Tsunami.

I think most people won't take any chances this time and will retreat to higher ground regardless if a tsunami comes or not.
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Ultimate DQ Fan
I've heard they've had several aftershocks, like every 30 minutes. Including one that was almost as powerful as the original.

Is that true? Wtf is happening? Is Japan Sinks actually occurring?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I've heard they've had several aftershocks, like every 30 minutes. Including one that was almost as powerful as the original.

Is that true? Wtf is happening? Is Japan Sinks actually occurring?
Japan exists in the first place because it’s on a major fault line (the “Ring of Fire”):


Volcanic activity coming up through the fault line created the islands, but also means that it’s very tectonically active. Japan didn’t build overly elaborate structures until the modern era since periodically everything would be destroyed by enormous earthquakes.

This is par for the course. Fortunately technology can help a lot now to mitigate damage.


Stay safe anyone in Japan right now!

Was there any early warning for this?

Back in the early '00s seismologists made it sound like we'd already reached tech to predict these things accurately days before any significant foreshocks.


Japan exists in the first place because it’s on a major fault line (the “Ring of Fire”):


Volcanic activity coming up through the fault line created the islands, but also means that it’s very tectonically active. Japan didn’t build overly elaborate structures until the modern era since periodically everything would be destroyed by enormous earthquakes.

This is par for the course. Fortunately technology can help a lot now to mitigate damage.

It's always been fascinatingly terrifying to me that if the planet had a fairly minor hiccup by its standards, it could drop the entirety of the west coast of America, and virtually all of the far east about twenty feet. Scary how small our impact on the planet, and our power over it, actually is.
It's always been fascinatingly terrifying to me that if the planet had a fairly minor hiccup by its standards, it could drop the entirety of the west coast of America, and virtually all of the far east about twenty feet. Scary how small our impact on the planet, and our power over it, actually is.

Not quite. The big fault of the US west, the San Andreas is strike-slip fault meaning rather than going up or down they slide across. Meaning that those of us who live here are moving north.

The far scarier fault though is the cascades that are in the US northwest and Canadian west. Cities and land will disappear underwater before reappearing.


I mean, Yellowstone is what will one day do the entire planet's living things in one day. Not worth worrying about too much though, as there's little that can currently be done about it.
was reading on the Japan quake earlier while working and one hit LA. felt some shaking so I check afterwards, and sure enough it's a 4.3 one. nothing for those who's been here a long time of course, but I can definitely imagine how bad that 7.4 one was over in Japan.


I was in a movie theater in my area of Japan near mt Fuji when it hit. Was crazy hearing everyone’s phones go off at once with the earthquake warning as the movie starting running the ending credits. Then we got a long bit of shaking. Strongest quake I’ve felt since the 3/11 one. Not the way we wanted to start the year in Japan for sure. But thankfully it was not closer to where I was.
Wild.. if I were you, my first thought would probably have been "well at least it waited for the film to end before trying to collapse on us all!"


Wild.. if I were you, my first thought would probably have been "well at least it waited for the film to end before trying to collapse on us all!"
In a way we were glad it came at the credits. It was pretty surreal, although nothing compared to what it was like during the big one in 2011. That was terrifying. But it was a little nerve wracking, especially with my kids there wondering what was going to happen. But the weirdest thing was walking around the mall afterwords, everything was normal since it wasn’t that bad where I am, but all the TVs have people screaming for those on the coast to evacuate. But yeah I’m just thankful it wasn’t closer.


In a way we were glad it came at the credits. It was pretty surreal, although nothing compared to what it was like during the big one in 2011. That was terrifying. But it was a little nerve wracking, especially with my kids there wondering what was going to happen. But the weirdest thing was walking around the mall afterwords, everything was normal since it wasn’t that bad where I am, but all the TVs have people screaming for those on the coast to evacuate. But yeah I’m just thankful it wasn’t closer.
I'm glad you and your kids are safe!


So when I was in Japan I downloaded the Nerv app. I went to text my friend and saw it was chirping. These numbers are what people felt at the same time that earthquake hit

I couldn't get all of Japan on my screen but the earthquake was felt as farnorth as Hokkaido and as far south as Kyushu. So pretty much all of Japan felt this quake in some form.


The only earthquake I experienced during my time in Japan was the Kumamoto one and I was on the shitter at the time.

I CBAed getting of the porcelain throne for that.

Unless it's really bad (and you'd know if it were) and you're in, next to, or near something precarious, there's no point in doing much other than sitting through it.


ChatGPT 0.1
RIP, that said earth quakes are interesting how they are world wide events, the damaging is sad yes but we know about plate tectonics and inquiring more information from scientists revealing where the next earthquake is.
Devastated. Lost a loved one. What a start to 2024.

And i hope anyone affected by this disaster will get through this. I know how it feels.
Damn. So sorry to hear that. My wife was in Japan for New Years with her folks when this hit in Nagoya. They still felt it. I can't imagine what it would be like near the epicentre. I know it's not much but healing thoughts and prayers go to your and your family.
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