all the characters in the new saga were trash
That's ultimately why I didn't like them. Instead of letting people discover the characters they forced the characters on everyone. It was like the movie had someone the whole time pointing at characters and telling you exactly what they were. Like Finn and the rebel guy who met in the first one their entire interaction over like 11 minutes was "were bitter hated enemies, and now we're lifelong best bro friends forever and care deeply like we have known each other our whole lives" or the main chick "I'm just a nobody salvager on this desolate planet, but wait I can fly and fix a spaceship, or wait I can use the force to control people's minds and oh wait I can fight a sith Lord with no training". Old characters felt like they were being trodded out like old whores, even han felt forced and fake. The characters and how they were written was fucking terrible. Really the only thing I enjoyed about the movies was the music and the sound effects. Oh and kylo rens voice when he had the helmet on was pretty damn cool.
The story telling was awful because all the characters were flawless pretty much, everything was spelled out, and no one grew or evolved because from the moment you saw they were instantly whatever it was they were supposed to be. They were all like cariactures