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Make a coherent movie plot out of unlikely topics!

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I'll start...


Two years ago, FBI Agent David Griffin stopped a conspiracy to bomb an American embassy in Turkey by a terrorist faction known as El Kabong... on that day, all but one member of the faction was captured... their explosive device expert ... two years later, David will see his past come back to haunt him... and every other man woman and child in Seattle will too...

(phone call)

"Hello David... 99 explosive devices has been spread out throughout the entire city, each one able to destroy an entire section of the city... they go off in 999 seconds... goodbye..."

Yeah okay, it's Die Hard 3 with a minesweeper twist, LEAVE ME ALONE!

And try it out, this could be fun.


i'll give it a try.


There was this guy who everyone made fun of in school. He wore glasses with tape on the bridge and his shirt was always half tucked in.

Then he met this girl that he didn't have a shot in hell with. She looked like a supermodel, was popular, all her friends were jerks, yet somehow she managed to be a good person deep down.

In the end, the nerd gets the girl. the end.

oh yeah, and at some point someone was wearing shoes... i forget who
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