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Man asked victim if he wanted to buy cannabis then threw corrosive liquid in his face


A man had acid thrown in his face after he refused to buy cannabis from the attacker.

The victim, a 32-year-old man, was approached in Stratford, east London, by two men, in what is believed to have been an attempted robbery.

When he refused to purchase cannabis from the men he had a corrosive substance thrown on his face.

He ran into Stratford station looking for help from members of staff and was rushed to hospital for further treatment. He suffered serious burn injuries and permanent scarring.

No arrests have been made so far but police have released an e-fit of the suspect.

He has been described as a man in his late 20s, of Mediterranean appearance and of slim build. He was clean shaven, spoke with a London accent and wearing a bright red hooded-top, a dark-coloured baseball cap and dark trousers.

Detective Constable Suhal Miah said: "This was a horrific attempted robbery where the suspect didn't hesitate to spray his victim with a corrosive substance, knowing full well that it would likely cause life-changing injuries to his victim.

UK news in pictures

"We need to identify the man responsible, and we would urge anyone who thinks the e-fit looks familiar, or knows anything about the incident to come forward and talk to us."

Really fuckin' sad that these kind of articles keep coming out.

Ric Flair

This crime should carry the death sentence with it. The amount of psychological damage it wrecks on the victim is unforgivable.


I fear these attacks are only going to increase in London unless something is done soon. Much stricter prison sentences need to be enforced

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
My sincere condolences, England. You have to be a special kind of fucked up to throw acid into someone's face. That's some legit scary stuff.
Is there some kind of acid cleanser that they could produce for sale so that if this were to happen to you, you could douse your face in it to wash away the acid before it permanently burns you?
Dude what the fuck.

like, I already think stabbing or shooting someone in a robbery is bad, but what the fuck has to be wrong with you to throw acid in someone's face, especially over something like this. It's beyond psychopathic, essentially going out of your way not just to injure or kill your victim, but to cause as much suffering to them as possible for no reason.


This type of assault has become increasingly common in the UK and London in particular, it's upsetting. Vice did a piece on it recently
Why the fuck is acid attack getting so common in UK?

These people should be jailed for life.

Acid is a common weapon in Arabic and South Asian countries, where a lot of immigration into London comes from. You'll note a lot of these articles describe the perpetrators as being of "Mediterranean appearance".

Sad but true.
This crime should carry the death sentence with it. The amount of psychological damage it wrecks on the victim is unforgivable.

I still cannot understand why they do it. Will an extreme punishment be a deterrent?

I agree that this mortifying and anger inducing. This is so needlessly horrific and fucked up, I'd be willing to put up with almost anything to make it stop.

I researched an article a while back about Indian and Pakistani women getting acid burns for rejecting marriage proposals as a revenge tactic and its depressing and sad and horrifying.

Yes, having your face mutilated to the point you look like a walking corpse, not to mention the trauma on the body and your psyche carries ramification that doesn't seem to fit under the moniker of assault, and it feels like something that should be treated differently.

How do you stop it, when the ingredients are so widely available? It's almost to the point where you'd need a total surveillance society to catch these guys.


As someone in London, I am thinking of going around carrying baking soda and bottles of water in a bag. This is becoming way too scary


They really need to do something about this. I don't care if the substances have legitimate uses they should be much harder to buy and the scenetence for use should be much harsher.


It used to be that once in while you would get an acid attack story coming out of India or Pakistan but now it seems every week from London.

What a terrifying development. They need to stomp this out hard with appropriately hard sentences showing how unacceptable this is. A good talking to won't work on people willing to throw acid.
Is there some kind of acid cleanser that they could produce for sale so that if this were to happen to you, you could douse your face in it to wash away the acid before it permanently burns you?

Jesus that's scary. What are you supposed to do when you get acid thrown in your face?
Water. And lots of it. And we are talking for a good 15 minutes or as long as you can until help arrives. The only thing you can really do in a time sensitive situation like this and something that is probably the most readily available.



Ric Flair

I still cannot understand why they do it. Will an extreme punishment be a deterrent?

I agree that this mortifying and anger inducing. This is so needlessly horrific and fucked up, I'd be willing to put up with almost anything to make it stop.

I researched an article a while back about Indian and Pakistani women getting acid burns for rejecting marriage proposals as a revenge tactic and its depressing and sad and horrifying.

Yes, having your face mutilated to the point you look like a walking corpse, not to mention the trauma on the body and your psyche carries ramification that doesn't seem to fit under the moniker of assault, and it feels like something that should be treated differently.

How do you stop it, when the ingredients are so widely available? It's almost to the point where you'd need a total surveillance society to catch these guys.
In almost every instance if crime i would view a death sentance as being completely barbaric and beneath modern society, but I seriously have no idea how else you could deter petty criminals from using acid attacks. Would an eye-for-an-eye approach work? Maybe? I'm sure it would stop some people from carrying such chemicals if the prospect of having their own faces melted off if caught lingered in the air. I seriously don't condone martial punishment but this is a crime up there with rape in that it damages the victim forever. It's almost worse than rape in that the victim isn't even allowed to put the pain away while out in public, it's always with you. This is a terrible crime that I think deserves unprecedented punishment.
In almost every instance if crime i would view a death sentance as being completely barbaric and beneath modern society, but I seriously have no idea how else you could deter petty criminals from using acid attacks. Would an eye-for-an-eye approach work? Maybe? I'm sure it would stop some people from carrying such chemicals if the prospect of having their own faces melted off if caught lingered in the air. I seriously don't condone martial punishment but this is a crime up there with rape in that it damages the victim forever. It's almost worse than rape in that the victim isn't even allowed to put the pain away while out in public, it's always with you. This is a terrible crime that I think deserves unprecedented punishment.

I don't believe in the death penality, but I agree with you that the punishment has to be unprecedented. It makes me anxious just thinking about it.

Acid being used is is becoming common? From USA so excuse my ignorance here

NPR had a interesting story on it; It's easy to get a hold of in a country with few guns and a hard crackdown on knives, and it's impossible to trace as its basic household chemicals. Everyone can do this from what they have at home in their kitchen cabinets.



Not surprised at the location; it's in Newham. Most of the acid attack incidents in London occur in that area. I'm thankful I don't live in that part of London.


This is a crime that is just unforgivably horrific. Even with murder there are scenarios where you may not agree, but understand. But burning someone's face, and the life you condemn them to with that act, is something that infuriates me to think about. It isn't about taking a life, it's an attempt to ruin it. It's sadistic.

If someone is even caught weaponized corrosive liquid they should spend the rest of their lives in prison. People that despicable don't even deserve the chance of rehabilitation.
The fuck is wrong with these people. If you are going to rob someone, just do that. Don't ruin someones life over a few pounds or whatever. Life in jail for this scum.
Absolutely one of the most disgusting things ive ever seen. Give the bastard a life sentence and make his family pay a heavy fine of a 100K or more. Much more actually.

This shit needs to stop. No doubt the government will just talk and take no real action.


Absolutely one of the most disgusting things ive ever seen. Give the bastard a life sentence and make his family pay a heavy fine of a 100K or more. Much more actually.

This shit needs to stop. No doubt the government will just talk and take no real action.

I thought the May government would be the Tough-on-crime Law and Order sort?
Geez I work in Stratford and pass that route multiple times daily. It's the pickpocket central location of UK. A group tried to pickpocket me a few months ago in that area.

I've no idea how they cut down acid attacks but I feel like the more media coverage it gets, the more frequently robbers will use it...


Water is not wet!
i agree with the Pakistani and Iranian courts on this issue. If the victim wishes to forgive, thats great. Otherwise, let the blinding begin.


Is it just easy to come by corrosive acid in the U.K.? I wouldn't even begin to know how to come by that stuff. Terrible this keeps happening.


Acid is a common weapon in Arabic and South Asian countries, where a lot of immigration into London comes from. You'll note a lot of these articles describe the perpetrators as being of "Mediterranean appearance".

Sad but true.
Is this true or Brexit nonsense?
I thought the May government would be the Tough-on-crime Law and Order sort?

In this case, i certainly hope so.

Why make his family pay?

I dunno, i think there needs to be a strong deterrent to prevent this. A life sentence is a very good start, but i dunno if that would stomp out the problem.

Its just messed up. When i read the victims account of the event and how they are permanently depressed, cant leave the house and are suffering 24/7, it really hurts.
I understand acid attacks have been a thing in the U.K. for decades? What's up with that?

Gangs like it as its easy to get hold of. Can walk around with it openly (plastic drinks bottle) and easy to dispose of (just pour it out). There is also a sicker side on why street gangs like to use it as it leaves a mark that permanently affects that persons identity so often brings bigger fear than a knife or gun.


First time I heard of acid attacks was from a friend who travelled through India and Pakistan in the 80's who witnessed one and was told it was quite common. Most victims were women though.
No I meant his implication that immigrants were the major cause of the attacks.

I know they are common in other parts of the world against women.
In this case, i certainly hope so.

I dunno, i think there needs to be a strong deterrent to prevent this. A life sentence is a very good start, but i dunno if that would stomp out the problem.

Its just messed up. When i read the victims account of the event and how they are permanently depressed, cant leave the house and are suffering 24/7, it really hurts.

Cant they ban these high corrosives and use alternatives? Its getting to the point where this is happening every week.

(Sorry i hit quote by mistake instead of edit)
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