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Man finally stops hiccupping after seven months

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After seven months of constant, bark-like hiccups, a first-of-its-kind operation has returned normal life to a 50-year-old Texas man. Shane Shafer's speech is now a hoarse whisper — a side effect of the electronic device that cured him, one generally used to treat epilepsy and recently approved for major depression.

But for the first time since November, he can eat. He can sleep. He no longer has to make himself gag to make the hiccups stop. He can talk without a bark-like hiccup every three to four seconds.

Jesus. I probably would have killed myself after a month.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
But for the first time since November, he can eat. He can sleep. He no longer has to make himself gag to make the hiccups stop. He can talk without a bark-like hiccup every three to four seconds.

They forgot to mention that he no longer has to endure "hey, my mother has this sure fire cure for hiccups... trust me, it works everytime!"
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