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Man gets probation for drugging, raping sister

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A California man who pleaded guilty raping his intoxicated 16-year-old sister will spend less than four months in jail after a judge sentenced him to probation.

Nolan Bruder, 20 of Crescent City, pleaded guilty to rape of an intoxicated person on May 17. As part of the plea agreement, charges of unlawful intercourse, incest and providing a minor with drugs were dropped. The recommended sentence was six years in prison and no probation, Del Norte (California) District Attorney Dale Trigg said.

Instead, Judge William H. Follett sentenced Bruder to three years, but granted probation. He will serve 240 days, at half time, in the county jail, according to Trigg’s post on Facebook.

What in the world?!

Comment removed since ppl are misunderstanding.
Guess the race?


Important bits left out by OP

Trigg said the parents “lined up behind the son,” writing letters of support to the court and claiming that their daughter was complicit. The girl never said that to law enforcement or in court, Trigg said.

The judge said in court that the victim took off her own clothes and was not unconscious. Follett also questioned whether a a jury would convict Bruder, despite his confession. Follett said the stigma of the conviction and mandatory sex offender registration were sufficient deterrents, according to Trigg.


Trigg said the parents “lined up behind the son,” writing letters of support to the court and claiming that their daughter was complicit.

Jesus Christ.

Also, could the weed itself have been strong enough that she really wouldn't have recognized him? Sounds like it was laced with something else to be that powerful.


Jesus Christ.

Also, could the weed itself have been strong enough that she really wouldn't have recognized him? Sounds like it was laced with something else to be that powerful.

Weed is pretty powerful unless you smoke it regularly, and even then sometimes


Fucking disgusting! And the parents rooted for their son? Fuck that! If i had a son and he raped and drugged my daughter he would be dead to me
Get that sister out of there. I can't believe this bullshit worked. "His sister came on to him while she was intoxicated, clearly he couldn't do anything." God fuck this judge and fuck those parents. The guy should live with the stigma that he wrought himself. This fucking country.


Boss★Moogle;237905154 said:
What a sad and pathetic comment
I mean, highlighting systemic racial preferencial treatment in the justice system is pathetic?

The reverse is said when POC get harsh sentences.

"Guy gets 20 years for drugs.

Guess the race?"


Boss★Moogle;237905154 said:
What a sad and pathetic comment

Got a problem with systemic issues that lead to the reality of privilege?

Or is your problem that it is being brought up at all.


Absolutely disgusting, that dude should be serving time for the next decade goddamn.

Also, "Guess the race?" What the hell man
Takes a special kind of fuck up to rape a family member. Takes an even more special kind of cunt to come to the rapists defence.

Got a problem with systemic issues that lead to the reality of white privilege?

Or is your problem that it is being brought up at all.

Careful, contortionists everywhere are readying their pedantic arguments about how you can't say with 100 per cent certainty that he got off lightly because he's white.
Ok, just read that he has to register as a sex offender.

And 6 months probation for giving his sister enough "dabs" that she wouldn't recognize him so he could have sex with her. This of course because she kept rejecting his advances UNTIL she couldn't recognize his face.

Apparently the judge did something similar with a high school coach who repeatedly has sexual interactions with minors but got a lax punishment.


Got a problem with systemic issues that lead to the reality of privilege?

Or is your problem that it is being brought up at all.

Idk I'd say in this case it seems its because the parents and daughter have come out in support of him. He still has to register as a sex offender.


Weird case, if the parents supported the son and the daughter is a minor I can see why the judge would go easy on him.


I mean I 'understand' the judge would go easier on him because of the parents support.... but I would think the judge would actually be harder on him because the daughter was a minor. It was already non-consential because of the drugs, but a minor cannot even give consent at all. Why go easier on someone who rapes a minor instead of an adult?

I mean I 'understand' the judge would go easier on him because of the parents support.... but I would think the judge would actually be harder on him because the daughter was a minor. It was already non-consential because of the drugs, but a minor cannot even give consent at all. Why go easier on someone who rapes a minor instead of an adult?

The minor point was in reference to her parents being responsible for her. If they aren't supporting your case who is?
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