http://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/nation-world/national/article152250822.html#storylink=cpyA California man who pleaded guilty raping his intoxicated 16-year-old sister will spend less than four months in jail after a judge sentenced him to probation.
Nolan Bruder, 20 of Crescent City, pleaded guilty to rape of an intoxicated person on May 17. As part of the plea agreement, charges of unlawful intercourse, incest and providing a minor with drugs were dropped. The recommended sentence was six years in prison and no probation, Del Norte (California) District Attorney Dale Trigg said.
Instead, Judge William H. Follett sentenced Bruder to three years, but granted probation. He will serve 240 days, at half time, in the county jail, according to Triggs post on Facebook.
What in the world?!
Comment removed since ppl are misunderstanding.