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Man gets probation for drugging, raping sister

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It's not about his lack of morality. It's about the leniency he received.
Why did he receive it?

Jesus, guys.

Although that isn't how I read it, I read it as you intended, the posts of people thinking you were instead implying that a white person is more likely to rape their sister are fair interpretations.

Maybe you should clarify that a bit to spare the confusion.

Is there a buzzword for every emotion on this board? Jesus.

Neogaf did not invent white fragility.


3 year sentence turns into 4 months of jail? Are California prisons so overpopulated with drugs offenders and three-strikes guys that a guy who drugs and rapes his underage sister only gets 4 measly months?

Trigg said the parents ”lined up behind the son," writing letters of support to the court and claiming that their daughter was complicit. The girl never said that to law enforcement or in court, Trigg said.

Isn't that great. Her own parents threw her under and the bus. I hope she gets a scholarship to go to a college far far away and never sees her family again.


Although that isn't how I read it, I read it as you intended, the posts of people thinking you were instead implying that a white person is more likely to rape their sister are fair interpretations.

Maybe you should clarify that a bit to spare the confusion.
I think I assumed too much from the audience.
3 year sentence turns into 4 months of jail? Are California prisons so overpopulated with drugs offenders and three-strikes guys that a guy who drugs and rapes his underage sister only gets 4 measly months?

Well I think part of the issue is that's not really how the court saw the case. It seems to have been viewed through the lens of "brother and sister party with drugs and have sex". Doesn't sound like she went through a rape kit or anything so a conviction via jury would be highly unlikely.


Is there a buzzword for every emotion on this board? Jesus.

You could alternatively take 5 seconds to google the 2 word phrase instead of deploying the word buzzword as a buzzword.

Or, clarify why you found "guess your race" so troubling, I don't think the implication was that white people are more likely to commit incest, rather that white people are more likely to receive more lenient punishment by the CJS... which is true.
Takes a special kind of fuck up to rape a family member. Takes an even more special kind of cunt to come to the rapists defence.

What the fuck are the parents doing, man? Why the fuck would you support your rapist son and try to place equal blame on the minor daughter?! Awful, awful pieces of shit. That poor girl.


Multiple levels of fucked up going on here. First the crime itself then the fact that the parents are defending their son's actions? Christ. Get that poor girl away from those crazy people.


You could alternatively take 5 seconds to google the 2 word phrase instead of deploying the word buzzword as a buzzword.

Or, clarify why you found "guess your race" so troubling, I don't think the implication was that white people are more likely to commit incest, rather that white people are more likely to receive more lenient punishment by the CJS... which is true.

I didn't comment on "guess the race"...


What a despicable guy and parents. Sadly, I think there have been similar cases where a female family member is raped by an older male family member and other family members come to his defense. Disgusting all around.
Removed it since ppl don't get it.

Still preserved in quotes so whatever.

I apologize for my fellow white people, smh.

What a despicable guy and parents. Sadly, I think there have been similar cases where a female family member is raped by an older male family member and other family members come to his defense. Disgusting all around.

There is a weird instinct to defend a family member who does something blatantly wrong. One I thankfully lack. For example, my brother-in-law got a DUI a couple years back. You should have heard how quickly everyone came to his defense. "Jeez the judge didn't have to suspend his license for 7 months!". Meanwhile I'm like "he could have killed someone".
Fucking disgusting! And the parents rooted for their son? Fuck that! If i had a son and he raped and drugged my daughter he would be dead to me

Same with me, that would be it for him no more communication at all and I would do everything and anything whatever it takes to put his ass in Prison!
Isn't there cases that support OP's original comment especially with recent cases?

David Becker
Brock Turner
Austin Wilkerson
Austin Clem
Chester Thompson
Daniel Ryerson
Davis Wise
Dr. Jeffery Abrams
John Enochs
Robert Richards
John Howard
Nicholas Fifield

In this case specifically, he doesn't deserve the mercy he got. His sister is gonna be scarred for the rest of her life.

I do wonder who decided to file the report if the parents were defending their son.


I sometimes wonder if judges are even paying attention in some cases. I think a lot of them are absolutely crooked/not impartial.

My divorce hearing was all kinds of weird. The judge was talking to my ex-wife about waiving child-support/alimony, and how that's not a good idea, as the hearing was starting and my lawyer had to interrupt her. He basically told the judge "Ma'am, you do realize that it is my client that is not requiring (ex's name here) to pay him child support??"

The judge just stared at him for a second. Apparently the judge hadn't even read our agreement or took the time to realize that I was taking my ex to court, and pushing for full custody. She was talking to my ex-wife as if she were the one bringing a case against me. It was jacked up. The judge even went as far as not making a ruling during the hearing. She went on to "deliberate" (which I think means to actually go through our paperwork/agreement/evidence) and eventually I came out with everything I asked for. It blew my mind that she was so dismissive of me during the hearing and almost supported the "wrong" person during the proceedings.

At one point the judge told me I was "Allowing my wife to sleep with other men, and should have stopped her." This pissed my lawyer off...he asked the judge exactly "What" I should do to stop someone from doing something beyond me talking things out and counseling? Beat them, threaten them?

Got a bit heated..heh.

Was shocking honestly.

When we left the courtroom an officer at the door told my lawyer "Sorry about that, I don't know what's up with her today."

The justice system is messed up. They make zero sense sometimes.


Gold Member
jesus really disgusting. I'm really curious bout the details though not in the article.

this girl must feel so betrayed by the parents, still not enough knowledge on the whole matter to be able to speak about it though.


The judge said in court that the victim took off her own clothes and was not unconscious.

who the hell told the judge this? the parents? certainly not the victim. and why does the judge believe them so much so that he states it as fact? actually why does this even matter when he pleaded guilty to rape??
I get the misunderstanding now. Ppl thought I was commenting on the incest angle.

My apologies to those offended. Not my intention.

Yeah I know.

Anyone who has spent any time on GAF at all knows exactly what you are talking about. But whatever, people are always looking to get upset about something.
I sometimes wonder if judges are even paying attention in some cases. I think a lot of them are absolutely crooked/not impartial.

My divorce hearing was all kinds of weird. The judge was talking to my ex-wife about waiving child-support/alimony, and how that's not a good idea, as the hearing was starting and my lawyer had to interrupt her. He basically told the judge "Ma'am, you do realize that it is my client that is not requiring (ex's name here) to pay him child support??"

The judge just stared at him for a second. Apparently the judge hadn't even read our agreement or took the time to realize that I was taking my ex to court, and pushing for full custody. She was talking to my ex-wife as if she were the one bringing a case against me. It was jacked up. The judge even went as far as not making a ruling during the hearing. She went on to "deliberate" (which I think means to actually go through our paperwork/agreement/evidence) and eventually I came out with everything I asked for. It blew my mind that she was so dismissive of me during the hearing and almost supported the "wrong" person during the proceedings.

At one point the judge told me I was "Allowing my wife to sleep with other men, and should have stopped her." This pissed my lawyer off...he asked the judge exactly "What" I should do to stop someone from doing something beyond me talking things out and counseling? Beat them, threaten them?

Got a bit heated..heh.

Was shocking honestly.

When we left the courtroom an officer at the door told my lawyer "Sorry about that, I don't know what's up with her today."

The justice system is messed up. They make zero sense sometimes.

You got a really shitty judge and should probably find a way to have her removed from the bench.

Seems to be a lot of that going around, unfortunately.
Jesus, the parents claimed the sister was complicit? That's betrayal of the highest magnitude.

Edit: I hope that his sister is able to get out of what's pretty clearly not a safe situation.
who the hell told the judge this? the parents? certainly not the victim. and why does the judge believe them so much so that he states it as fact? actually why does this even matter when he pleaded guilty to rape??

Sounds like someone Trump would have tapped for his next Supreme Court appointment.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Must be an aspiring heart surgeon.


This is an incredibly troubling story. I feel so sorry for that girl; betrayed by her whole family and the so-called Justice system too. I hope she'll come out of this ok but frankly I don't see how.
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