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MAN pruning trees with a chainsaw fell from his ladder and sliced his wife’s head off

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Socreges said:
Too understated, I guess:

You do realise the chances of this news being legit are almost zilch. If the facts about chain saws aren't enough to make it clear, the fact this is the Sun should.


If you know someone near you is using dangerous equipment, any smart would person would use their head and try to.....oh wait....she did.


ManDudeChild said:
You do realise the chances of this news being legit are almost zilch. If the facts about chain saws aren't enough to make it clear, the fact this is the Sun should.
Socreges said:
Every one of you disgusts me. This is a terrible tragedy and we should mourn the death, rather than use it as a platform for cheap jokes.

That's the last time he saw his wife alive.
I acted as if everyone was being insensitive and then did the same thing. It was a joke.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Socreges said:

I acted as if everyone was being insensitive and then did the same thing. It was a joke.

Lol, that was a good one. I thought you were serious at first. I still feel kinda bad, but I'm hearing these stories aren't usually real...so I feel a bit better.


That's truely awful, I can't begin to imagine how he must have felt when he realised what had happened. >_<


That's to bad...she was going to head up bingo night on sunday...it's a shame, they might have to trim it from the schedule....what a pain in the neck, oh well at least that's a load off her shoulders...


White Man

This is the funniest thing ever. Too funny to possibly be true. Freak deaths like this are just too cool to happen in reality. Ah, man, but if this was on film. . .


First of all, I have a chainsaw that I borrowed from my brother-in-law that has a locking trigger. It will run even if you drop it.

Second of all, think about it. Most chainsaws can chew through a ten-inch branch like nothing. The only thing remotely as tough as that in the human neck is a few bones, so I think we're getting a little ahead of ourselves by calling the story false.


Husband: "Honey, did you find what you were looking for down there?"
Wife: "No dear...I could have sworn I left it right here"
Husband: "I swear, you'd lose your head if it weren't atta...AHHHHHHHHHH!"

If the man with the chainsaw
Can’t keep it under control
Some heads are gonna roll
Some heads are gonna roll
Guess she never saw it coming.

He was just taking a little off the top.

That was something she just couldn't shoulder.

“It is an appalling thing to happen. I just feel so sorry for the husband. There was nothing he could do.”

Well, nothing........except for NOT TO PRUNE WITH A CHAINSAW.


I hate reading about this sorta thing while kicking back and slamming a couple beers..
What a buzzkill
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