Darien, aren't you a Peter David fan? If so, you may want to check out "Q-Squared" and "Q-in-law". Both are excellent STTNG novels revolving our boy Q.
Darien, aren't you a Peter David fan? If so, you may want to check out "Q-Squared" and "Q-in-law". Both are excellent STTNG novels revolving our boy Q.
You know I'd completely forgotten that Peter David wrote both of those... I'll have to pick them up thanks... hey BTW.. All Good Things ended the TV series of Next Gen... and of course the movies intertwine with the series with the last movie taking place after All Good Things.... and IIRC Captain's Blood takes place after Nemesis... did the actual book series of Next Gen keep going or did it end too? Captain's Glory isn't due out til Next Sept... and it seems to be the only series considering the Next Gen storyline....
I have a love/hate with the crew of Voyager... so much that I enjoy it as much as the other series... Tom and Belanna make me want to vomit... Tuvok, Seven, Janeway, Dr.,.... they're all so dear to my heart...
Yeah, some of the Q interactions with Janeway are classic. It's so familiar to the Q and Picard bantering in Next Gen but a bit more hilarious. The absolute horror on Janeway's face when Q asked her to be the mother of his child was awesome. It was even better when she found out what it involved. :lol