Enraged Attleboro worker: Make way, goslings, or else!
By Franci Richardson
Sunday, May 8, 2005 - Updated: May 9, 2005 01:35 AM EST
A mother goose leading five of her fluffy little yellow goslings around an Attleboro business property will wake up on Mother's Day childless, as a Columbia University graduate stomped her babies to death.
``In several cases, the intestines were ripped from their small bodies,'' said Attleboro police Lt. Barry Brewer. ``In one case, the eyes were forced from the goslings' small head and those too were stomped. One of the goslings killed in the parking lot was squashed almost flat.''
John Sanders, 33, of North Kingstown, R.I., a programming consultant working at Texas Instruments, told police about 4 p.m. yesterday that he became angry after falling on a path outdoors after the adult goose hissed at him.
A witness told officers he saw Sanders grab and kick the goose across a 30-yard parking lot. Police determined he chased the goslings across a grassy area, where he killed three, and then stomped two others to death on either side of the lot.
``These are the fluffy little yellow things that Boston police will stop traffic for,'' Brewer said. ``They ain't hurting nobody.''
The mother goose was taken to an animal shelter for treatment.
Sanders, who has no criminal record, remained in jail last night on $600 bail. He will be arraigned in court tomorrow.
``I wish he hadn't done that,'' said Sanders' father, Bill, last night. ``He's a nice guy and it doesn't seem like something he would do. It sounds bizarre.''
A Texas Instruments manager visited Sanders, who has an MBA from Columbia University, in jail last night and fired him, Brewer said.