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Man who posted video of murder of #AltonSterling arrested on false charges, loses job

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Article and video at the link:

The Atlanta man who first circulated video of the Alton Sterling shooting from Baton Rouge says his job isn't allowing him back. The man claims this is retaliation for posting the video on social media.

"There aren't any charges, he never had a warrant for an assault. My client has never had any criminal history," Attorney Tiffany Simmons said.

Just 24 hours after Christopher LeDay posted video of Alton Sterling being shot and killed by Baton Rouge police officers, police arrested LeDay where he works.

After being arrested at Dobbins Air Force Base in Marietta, LeDay was told he was going to jail for assault and battery charges.

Both LeDay and Simmons say those criminal charges never existed.

"They never showed a warrant for an assault to my client, in fact my client was held in DeKalb County Jail for at least 26 hours and they never produced a warrant," Simmons said.

Simons told Channel 2 Action News when no one could come up with a warrant, she was told her client was being held for "unresolved traffic tickets," LeDay paid those citations before leaving DeKalb County Jail.

LeDay tried to go back to work at Dobbins, but officials at the gate told him he still had security clearance issues.

Channel 2's Tyisha Fernandes reached out to base officials who said they had no comment.

LeDay said his supervisor knew about the traffic tickets when he was hired about six weeks ago.

LeDay believes he's on unpaid leave, because he posted the Alton Sterling video.

"He should not be penalized or possibly retaliated against, he should not be embarrassed at his place of employment for doing what is right," Simmons said.

Don't forget that Ramsey Orta, who recorded the murder of Eric Garner in 2014, is going to prison for 4 years after "being repeatedly arrested and harassed by cops since he filmed the fatal police chokehold nearly two years ago."


Goodness, what is wrong with some of the police forces. One would think that they ought to do some soul searching, instead we get a sense of conspiracy and frat mentality going on in an institution meant to protect.


And people will still defend the police in America, mmmm I wonder what the people who defends the police have in common...
Something something only few bad apples something something not institutionalised something something black communities should sort out their problems instead of trying to fix broken police


Trying to discourage people from exposing their shit won't work. People are tired of this. Record police,.



I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Biggest gang in america.

Literally. Immense power, widespread criminal activity on a regular basis and virtually zero accountability. And people wonder why some don't like the idea of giving them military-grade equipment.


get some go again
unfortunately the bad things for this guy is only starting. he will likely keep getting harassed by police for years to come and the media would have long since moved on from this story.


The Autumn Wind
Goodness, what is wrong with some of the police forces. One would think that they ought to do some soul searching, instead we get a sense of conspiracy and frat mentality going on in an institution meant to protect.
Any criticism or attempt to show abuse within the system is met with absolute resistance and an "against us" attitude. It's really sickening.


That's terrible.

People think police are afraid of bad PR? They want this story to get out. They want people to know that if you share recordings of police wrongdoings they will ruin your life. I hope it has the opposite effect. Someone should start a charity that gives used digital cameras/phones to the African American community so they can keep recording.


And the worst part is, despite all of this, those heartless bastards are going to get away with killing him, anyway. Any drastic measures that need to be taken on leashing in police officers should be made sooner rather than later; this is getting out of control.


Every officer that is involved in this is a bad apple. Every officer that works with those that are involved and still say nothing is also a bad apple.


This is the interview he gave Democracy Now a couple weeks ago:

As a bonus, this is the interview of the shop owner and what the gang members did to him after he took the video of Alton Sterling:

This is a tragedy. The US is a powderkeg soaked in gasoline right now.

All this talk about party unity among democrats and party unity among republicans is just causing more polarized division nationwide. We need unity among Americans.

No laws or governmental actions are going to fix this. We have to fix this.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.

This is a tragedy. The US is a powderkeg soaked in gasoline right now.

All this talk about party unity among democrats and party unity among republicans is just causing more polarized division nationwide. We need unity among Americans.

No laws or governmental actions are going to fix this. We have to fix this.

How can we unify Americans when one party and 45% of the country support racist and degenerate policies and politicians?
Don't get why this is news.

So the police killed a black man in cold blood? So they then arrested and am currently trying to ruin the life of another black man?

They're just doing their jobs. "Police Shoot Black Man" is about as newsworthy as "Postal Worker delivers mail"


Not surprised at all.

If I remember correctly Feidin Santana the guy who filmed Walter scott getting shot in the back by a now ex SC officer being held in jail for murder, was being watched by family, friends and the neighborhood fearing he would be targeted by police for catching the murder on film.


"I won't deny that I knew the magnitude of this, and I even thought about erasing the video," Santana said in an interview on MSNBC's "All In With Chris Hayes" Wednesday.

"I felt that my life, with this information, might be in danger. I thought about erasing the video and just getting out of the community, you know Charleston, and living some place else," the 23-year-old said. "I knew the cop didn't do the right thing."

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I feel sadness for your country America. And a whole lot of anger.


Sounds like police vengeance. Then the district attorney passed on filing charges because he knew it was trumped up and wouldn't go anywhere. The arrest record is now what is probably causing him issues. I had the exact same thing happen to me. Was arrested, but not charged, but I still lost my job because of it. I was a security guard.

It's bullshit and completely broken.



Talking isn't going to be enough when every single talking point is turned into some deflection (#alllivesmatter) or straight denial of our social reality in which black people are murdered and oppressed, yet a large amount of people are fine with this and will go out of their way to silence any protest against white supremacy.


Talking is important, but you can't heal a wound when one side is still busy creating the wound. Until there is accountability for law enforcement, talking isn't going to do much.

I don't see any other options.

The cookout in Witchita is the most inspiring thing I've seen all year. It's a shame it was only in the media spotlight for 3.5 seconds.

Have one of those in every city, on every Sunday until we get our shit together. When officers don't get charged in killings like this one, they are breaking the law. Making new laws don't deter serial law breakers. We have to get our shit together on a personal level without help from the state or the media. The government is wildly incapable of handling things with nuance.

Today the right is only talking to the right and the left is only talking to the left. I believe this is due to communication technology advancing. It's much easier today than even 8 years ago to live in our own little bubbles. The iPhone was only a few months old Obama was elected. The entire paradigm of accessing information and communicating with each other is infinitely more efficient and somehow in doing so it's polarizing almost every nation politically. I think it creates these echo chambers that we're going to have to consciously avoid moving forward.

Talking isn't going to be enough when every single talking point is turned into some deflection (#alllivesmatter) or straight denial of our social reality in which black people are murdered and oppressed, yet a large amount of people are fine with this and will go out of their way to silence any protest against white supremacy.

That's another part of it. Both sides are trying to gag the other. In the economy of information, the best argument shouldn't need help prevailing. Neither side wants to play by those rules and we haven't even started the conversation because of it. There's been more censorship in the last 6 months than the last 6 years.


In New York City, Ramsey Orta, who filmed the police killing of Eric Garner, is slated to go to jail for four years—making him the only person at the scene of Eric Garner’s killing who will serve jail time.

Brutal. What the fuck is wrong with our laws.
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