I don't see any other options.
The cookout in Witchita is the most inspiring thing I've seen all year. It's a shame it was only in the media spotlight for 3.5 seconds.
People matching should have been the most inspiring thing you saw all year. The cookout is a nice event, but that isn't going to change much in the long run unless that's a constant thing regarding outreach. It's probably not in the public eye because it happened once. Make that a common event, with police seeking to help the people as they should, and then we'll talk.
Until then, I'm inspired by the protest far more.
Have one of those in every city, on every Sunday until we get our shit together. When officers don't get charged in killings like this one, they are breaking the law. Making new laws don't deter serial law breakers. We have to get our shit together on a personal level without help from the state or the media. The government is wildly incapable of handling things with nuance.
The gov't would be bringing in the law. But I agree with you. That outreach needs to be done by the police, though. The onus should not be on the oppressed to do so.
Today the right is only talking to the right and the left is only talking to the left. I believe this is due to communication technology advancing. It's much easier today than even 8 years ago to live in our own little bubbles. The iPhone was only a few months old Obama was elected. The entire paradigm of accessing information and communicating with each other is infinitely more efficient and somehow in doing so it's polarizing almost every nation politically. I think it creates these echo chambers that we're going to have to consciously avoid moving forward.
I think the "left", including minorities in general, have done a great job of inviting the right to the dinner table. That's what BLM is, and other many groups who have been not only providing factual information about the systematic and overt racism that poisons our country, but are willing to speak to people.
But they have to be able to listen. And when you don't have any repercussions for your shitty actions, you probably won't listen. An echo chamber is far more dangerous when you are the one holding all the power, and like I said before, it should not be on the oppressed to continuously start conversation, since the ones impacted are them.
That's another part of it. Both sides are trying to gag the other. In the economy of information, the best argument shouldn't need help prevailing. Neither side wants to play by those rules and we haven't even started the conversation because of it. There's been more censorship in the last 6 months than the last 6 years.
We should really stop doing this "both sides" shit. It's tiresome. If minorities don't want to talk, things get worse and worse for them. If white people don't want to talk, things get worse and worse for minorities. I think people do try and gag the right, but that's usually because it's the kind of shit that's threatening to entire race of people. So, why wouldn't they?