Greigor The Fellhand
I think this and the still not totally clear "were the actual election tallies altered?" could lead to a magnificently awful constitutional crisis.
If the actual results of the election were mechanically rather than socially altered, then we'd be in a situation that the constitution has no remedy for.
And the GOP would turtle, if you'll pardon the pun. There aren't any grownups left in it.
My expectations when all is said and done, 15% chance in my opinon
Voter Rolls were altered
Election tallies were altered by .5-3% (main focus on small counties were totals average 98-600 where it wouldnt get much coverage, now do this to hundereds of counties)
RU funding of alt-far right propaganda networks (reveals this started in 96, Jones was a long running agent)
RU funding against GoP primary contenders
RU funding of republicans indirectly/directly through super pacs and adverts
RU funding of far left, libertarians and others
RU/GOP/INDEPendat loose coalition working on social engineering platforms to sway public opinion globally