Manga News/Discussion |OT~| How can I Ignore Such a Magnificent...THREAD!

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Welcome to Mangaf. We're here to discuss manga-related things. Please read the rules regarding spoilers below.

New Year's Backlog Club brought to you by MetroidPrimeRib


Recent and Not So Recent Reads of Manga OT

Previous banners and details: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Simple rules to follow so we can discuss our favorite manga easily:

1. Sort of guide to how you should post.
In bold, put the name of the series as the first line in your post. Then you can go ahead and discuss whatever is on your mind without tags, okay? Make sure there is a space between the bolded name of the series and your text. Here's an example:
Hunter X Hunter 505

It rules and I don't know why!

2. Regarding manga scanlations.
duckroll said:
This is the last time I am ever going to say this. I believe I have mentioned this before. Do not ever, ever direct link to illegal piracy shit. This includes manga releases, manga scanlations, sites and apps which provide such access, etc. STOP DOING IT. This thread is for the discussion of manga, not for the exchange and distribution of illegal material. Don't ask, don't tell. Future offenses will result in normal moderation consequences. Do not reply to this message, just move along. If you have a question, PM me.

So to repeat, DO NOT link to any manga scanlations websites or ask where to read manga.

If you post a panel or page, there should be no logo of any site on it.​

3. Regarding spoilers in this thread.
We will discuss all the manga in one topic with no tags. If you don't want to be spoiled by the chapter as soon as the translation is out, do not come in here. Also, since we are not talking about the anime, you can mention new episodes without tags either since they are always behind or are filler. You should know well enough not to come in here not wanting to be spoiled. Please bold the header of your post as shown in rule 1 to help other posters avoid spoilers.

If you understand the content of the chapter you wish to discuss has significant spoilers for the series and wish to discuss without spoiler tags, and the chapter is a fresh (within 1 day) release, please add some additional detail to the bolded chapter title to indicate as such. Example:
Prison School 666 SUPER SPOILERS

I don't know what I could possibly spoil.
Exercise good judgement about spoilers.

Again, no spoiler tags for text needed, that is the benefit of coming here.

Leaks do not count as translation or scans. If a translation has not been released yet, spoiler tag any leaks and discussion of the chapter. Leaks should be sourced (a name/location at least, if a link is not possible).

Regarding image spoilers: "Please do not embed major spoiler images, ever."

4. I don't know what manga to read. Can you guys help?
Obviously the best way is to ask in the thread so we can give you recommendations that fit your taste better, but if you don't want to do then there are two excellent threads to check out for a list of good manga. Some good advice: don't ask for recommendations late Tuesday and Wednesday.

If you are a shounenhead and want your manga filled with hot blooded action then read cosmicblizzard's nifty thread of awesome battle manga.

If you prefer seinen manga or non-mainstream manga then read flawfuls thread of awesome lesser known manga.

If you want fluffy romance manga, NeoSoma has a chart of sweet and/or fluffy romance manga from /a/.

Other possibilities collected from this thread and link to a list of recommendations/impressions will be found in the second post below.​

Reading manga on tablets.
If you are looking for manga-reading tech on tablets, Jintor suggests Mango and suko_32 has more details on his tablet setup.

Links to official threads for individual manga/anime series, courtesy of MetroidPrimeRib
One Piece Manga |OT| ZEHAHAHAHA! The Name of this Age is Blackbeard!
My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time
Berserk |OT| - Big men, bigger swords, biggest boatrides - Berserk #338 24/7/2015
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure |OT| Get back, Stand up
Shingeki no Kyojin manga thread of TOTAL SPOILER PANDEMONIUM
Hunter x Hunter Community Thread - OSU!
Naruto Manga |OT2| Not A Romance Manga
Dragon Ball Manga/Anime |OT| This isn't even our final thread
Toriko: Manga & Discussion | Put The World On A Plate!
Bleach Manga |OT| Return of the King
Prison school |OT| "WT" stands for "Working together"
Tokyo Ghoul:re Manga - We need a thread to talk about this (spoilers warning)
Shine! Greater NeoGAF Co-Prosperity Manga Reading Club | May 2015 | Hagio Moto Month (lol)
The NeoGAF Co-Prosperity Manga Reading Club for July.
The NeoGAF Co-Prosperity Manga Reading Club for September.
The NeoGAF Co-Prosperity Manga Reading Club for October.
The NeoGAF Co-Prosperity Manga Reading Club for November

Other cool and relevant material
~ Manga Thread IRC ~ wonzo: Welp, went ahead and made a manga irc channel at #MangaGAF @ More info here.
Link to our resident Pixel King Neoriceisgood's full set of 100 manga/anime avatars
Akito's gallery of all the Weekly Shounen Jump covers
bigkrev commentary and criticism of digital manga in the west.
Akito's gallery of all the Weekly Shounen Sunday covers
Mockingbird and Fancy Poster GAF fancy poster if you want it.
upandaway suggests a method for picking up new manga.
NeoSoma's One Page to Hook You In thread
curlyfriski discusses panel layouts. Additional comments from wonzo.
Interview with Toshio Maeda linked by Lain.
Shengar's Bechdel test on anime and manga.
An article on Inio Asano's workplace, courtesy of Semblance.
Manga GAF Shokugeki Character Popularity Poll, conducted by MetroidPrimeRib (8/24/15 - 8/28/15)
Lain's bad translations of interviews of Furuya and Kago.
Italian (?) licensed manga list from Lain.


The Strange Pile
duckroll wildly guesses Magi will end by Chapter 230 which he got wrong
Meet our resident coward Wiseblade
I didn't know Obama's email so I sent it to amazon instead. upandaway's brain fart.
Twitter party
FlutterPuffs (once echothreealpha) making 20 dollar bet on Naruto. owes somebody 20 bucks
BassForever collects your Friend Codes in one place; invade his house in Animal Crossing for revenge.
Crimsonlink organizes more Friend Codes into lists.
Kuritabot courtesy of AlabastreAizo
Hunter x Hunter Betting Pool (Eleuin wins!)
Complete your manga look with Loreal
AlabastreAizo losing his mind in Krev to iu Uragirimonome no Monogatari.

Previous Threads
OT5 We Post on Wednesdays
OT6 Hot blooded smut! (missing)
OT7 This thread gets an F-; I quit; see you next week.
OTL Not a lick of constructive conversation here
OTZ Reading Shounen Garbage > Watching Moe Garbage
OTX Attack on Titles
OTE Thought it was a smut paradise, it was shounen hell
OTP The Salt Smut Only Knows
OT13 Don't bite the dog that feeds the hand.
OTS Yeah I couldn't come up with a thread title ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
OTY Creatively Bankrupt


Oh boy I forgot about this for three weeks

Thread title courtesty of MetroidPrimeRib. The ~ is for dodos like ColossalLazy.


WARNING: There may be spoilers in some of these recs (rec), reviews (rev), impressions (imp). If you want to avoid that, just post a general question about the manga. Most recent at top. Links to previous recommendations at bottom.

  1. Bambi is gruesome, ruthless and yet so innocent in her disinterest in everyone else. For Bambi Vol 1. From Lain. (imp)
  2. A good manga about a folklore professor who travels around Japan trying to rationalize where the tales came from. For Folklore Studies of Professor Munakata. From 8 X 11 Printer Paper. (shortrev)
  3. Aside from a few hiccups in terms of hilariously bad foreign politics and global affairs, it was pretty damn enjoyable. For Coppelion. From ThatChairMan. (rev)
  4. A muscular, high-level human named Helck has joined the competition claiming that he wishes to destroy all humans. Is he serious? For Helck. From ColossalLazy. (imp)
  5. A very enjoyable set of comedic and romance centered 4 koma's. For Wakabayashi Toshiya’s 4-koma Collection +Tsurezure Children. From phaze. (imp)
  6. There's a party at E-7 and everyone's invited. For Kancolle - LOVE PHANTOM (doujin). From A Huge Battleship. (imp)
  7. Damn this story is really quite gripping came in with no expectations, expecting a crappy Rom-com but it it's really quite good. For Saenai Kanojo no Sodatekata - Koisuru Metronome. From Principate. (imp)
  8. Uuumh. Really liked a lot of this manga. For Uzumaki. From Famassu. (rev)
  9. Well, I say sociopathic, but her friend was already dead. For Insufficient Girl 01. From A Huge Battleship. (imp)
  10. I think.. Horimiya might be my favorite manga ever. For Horimiya. From veloxStrix. (comments)
  11. Takemitsu Zamurai is a fairy tale-like manga with an historical bend that should please anyone looking for something simple yet different. For Takemitsu Zamurai. From Zweizer. (rev)
  12. The arts were impressive as hell though so there's that. For Akira. From Akito. (rev)
  13. The art style is absolutely fantastic in this. I wish it was available on paper though. :l For Levius (Haruhisa Nakata). From veloxStrix.
  14. I like this so far--it deals with the setting in a self serious manner. For Overlord. From Dresden. (imp)
  15. There's eccentric, there's nuts, there's completely cracked out, and then there's Fourteen. For Fourteen. From Semblance. (rev)
  16. It could have been edgy as fuck, but the author did a good job preventing that from happening. For ib - instant bullet. From thesaucetastic. (rev)
  17. Read this a month or two ago, and I've honestly got to say that this is perhaps the most gripping manga that I've read lately. For Spirit Circle. From Noirulus. (rec)
  18. It's basically a Kamen rider story told from the bad guys point. For Baito Saki wa "Aku no Soshiki"?!. From Principate. (rev)
  19. Pretty hilarious random spinoff the author did to relieve some frustration. For Caste Heaven Special Chapter. From Dedication Through Light. (imp)
  20. Decent read if you want some more military fantasy. For Nejimaki Seirei Senki - Tenkyou no Alderamin. From Tripon. (imp)
  21. This manga goes with the concept of "what would happen if Kouji Kabuto couldn't control Mazinger and its power led to the world's destruction?" For Shin Mazinger Zero Vol 1. From ArclightBorealis. (imp)
  22. I don't know what it's actually like to suffer from delusions, or if it's accurately portrayed in this manga, but man it makes me sympathize with this character. For I am a Hero. From Russ T. (imp)
  23. My knowledge about Russian history is quite poor. All I know is that it's bloody and harsh. For The Loitering Snow Maiden. From Lain. (rev)
  24. Really could have used another volume at the very least to flesh out all the side-characters as in the end it felt rushed as shit. This part was good though: Rekt. For Koibito Play (one shot, Benkyo Tamaoki). From Peco.
  25. From Li Kao comes impressions for Platinum End, Mirai Nikki, and Parasyte.
  26. Still as impressionable as it was to the my younger self back then. RIP. For Kindaichi - Ijinkan Village Murder Case. From Usobuko.
  27. Also the dad is a total creep scumbag pedophile and the fact he's a main character is going to make this a rough, yet potentially fascinating read. For Onigiri Sasa. From cosmicblizzard. (imp)
  28. Featuring the everyday lives of an aspiring sorceress and 'the strongest witch in the world'. For Nina-san no Mahou Seikatsu 01. From A Huge Battleship. (imp) Zweizer: A nice promising first chapter, and the art is pretty pleasant to the eyes.
  29. Somewhere along the line, i ran out of WTF to give and decide to just roll with it. God lord, shit was fucking craaaaazy. For Zetsurin. From striferser.
  30. A short story about the foolishness of war and its devastating consequences. For Kinoko Takenoko (one shot, Inio Asano). From Zweizer.
  31. Maximillian Kobe recommends Arte (Driven by her love of art, Arte is willing to cast aside her aristocratic lifestyle to become an artist.) and Groundless: Sekigan no Sogekihei (Having her husband killed, her daughter taken away and her own left eye lost, Sophia decides to take the only remaining sniper rifle and sets out for revenge). More comments on Arte from striferser. Droplet chimes in as well.
  32. A manga by Kumeta Kouji about manga artist trying to hide his job from his daughter. Hilarity ensues. For Kakushigoto. From striferser. (imp)
  33. A 4-koma short story about a student council president who has read one too many shoujo manga, with some flirting between girls included. For That Onee-sama Feeling (one shot, Ohjima Tamaki). From Zweizer.
  34. Kanga na Spoon focuses on the daily life of fashion designer Kasumi and businessman Yoshiaki. For Kanga na Spoon. From Dedication Through Light. (rev)
  35. I would definitely read the main series now just to see how it is, but I will miss this cast. For King's Game Origin. From Dedication Through Light. (rev)
  36. A decent/good harem and echi manga that didn't feel like complete and utter fan service. For Umi no Misaki. From 8 X 11 Printer Paper. (rev)
  37. As great as this is, it does lose quite a bit of tension knowing who the culprit is. For Ou-sama Game Kigen. From cosmicblizzard. (imp)
  38. This is really good. Premise is Japan is at war with an unknown enemy that you slowly come to learn more about in each chapter. For The War in the 5th Period. From Mockingbird. (imp)
  39. A pretty nice one-shot with great art and action. For Ant Tamer Annu (one shot). From Zweizer. (rev)
  40. A story where any character can be potentially be yanderised is just too delicious to pass up. For The Moon is Beautiful Tonight, But First, Die 01. From A Huge Battleship. (imp)
  41. 4 members of a broken family are, unbeknown to each-other, the perfect family inside a virtual game. For Good Night World 01. From A Huge Battleship. (imp)
  42. Having the MC saying "dick" every three panels - check. For Sakura no Sono 01. From Tribes of Trusty. (imp)
  43. The MC gains the power to hear people's thoughts through contact, after a weird transfer student falls in love with him. For Fureru to Kikoeru. From A Huge Battleship. (imp)
  44. The manga really does a good job portraying the appeal of S&M. For Nana to Kaoru. From dr labson. (rev)
  45. There's strong psychological and transhumanist themes throughout. For Birdmen. From Poodlestrike. (imp)
  46. Followed for the potentially quirky cast and stabstabstabstab For Criminale! 01. From A Huge Battleship. (imp)
  47. pretty much fun short stories with the characters from Noragami For Noragami: Stray Stories Vol 1. From dakkumauji. (imp)
  48. I'm so glad I read this series and was super sad to see it end. For My Little Monster. From mdubs. (rev)
  49. Hay fever and yuri. It's surprisingly romantic~ Or maybe not. For Chemical Romance (one shot). From Zweizer.
  50. Man from Vol 5-7 things really connect and turn into a masterpiece... For Gundam the Origin. From TheRealTalker. (rev)
  51. A bath house owner copes with her husband's sudden disappearance as her own past silently haunts her. For Undercurrent. From Droplet. (rev)
  52. The most truthful and realistic depiction of the period of conflict that arose as Japan's isolationism got challenged in the 19th century in manga form. For Katajikenai. From Zweizer. (Thanks wonzo)
  53. Shitty Engrish name notwithstanding, this manga looks interesting. For Not Lives. From OniBarubary. (imp)
  54. how can this be so amazing For Takane no Hana nara Ochitekoi. From dakkumauji.
  55. Man. What a great manga. For Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi. From Mockingbird. (imp)
  56. Ressentiment is a surprisingly prescient and sincere manga about one of the aspects of virtual reality. For Ressentiment. From Zweizer. (rec)
  57. besides how rushed the latter half this was, was still a good read with nice art For Yae no Sakura. From dakkumauji. (rev)
  58. The series is fun and full of action. For Sun Ken Rock. From Lain. (imp)
  59. Another enjoyable cute 4koma series~ For Custom Maid by Tachitsu Tetsuko. From Zweizer.
  60. Nice story, if you like something like Strobe Edge this is a probably a good read, but not as good as Sakisaka's stuff. For Honey So Sweet Vol 1. From mdubs. (imp)
  61. A fantastic and kind of hilarious start to a BL manga with a new concept. For Yari-bu. From Dedication Through Light. (imp)
  62. Fourth storage post of this thread.
  63. Third storage post of this thread.
  64. Second storage post of this thread.
  65. First storage post of this thread.
  66. Recommendations from OTY.
  67. Recommendations from OTS.
  68. Recommendations from OT13.
  69. Recommendations from OTP.
  70. Recommendations from OTE.
  71. Recommendations from OTX.
  72. Recommendations from OTZ.
  73. Recommendations from OTL.
The smell of a new thread.....

Even though it is more small scale I am loving "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable"

Edit: Also mandatory...... Where The F*** is Toriko in the Banner?!


The rape and super nationalistic tone is what turns me off with the Gate. Hopefully they tone those down in the anime.

Having grown up on a diet of super nationalistic us media, I have to admit that doesnt bother me so much. From the show least it just makes me think of Stargate. And I think I'm reacting the same way if the soldiers were us marines or something. But hey the anime might be super cleaned up, and episode 1 was all setup.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I like this thread title.

Pokémon - Dating a Team Magma Grunt 10

lol the author made Steven a joke haha. Also "too much water" lmao

A shame about the 2 year hiatus tho.

Shokugeki no Soma 125

Soma got rekt the first day. But it seems he will make a comeback.


Good title.

Himouto! Umaru-chan 107-8

Oh god are we gonna have to deal with another Umaru type character


New thread, hooray! Here are some pictures of my favourites if you're new to manga and looking for something to read. I'll keep adding!



Going from left to right:
Silver Spoon
Your Lie in April
Cross Game
Death Note
Oyasumi Punpun (Certified Manga-gaf favourite)
My Little Monster
Ballroom E Youkoso


Is there yuri in this?
If yes, trash becomes relevant to my interests.
There is indeed. They couldn't rightly call it trash if there wasn't.
Although the best yuri scenes in this manga haven't been translated yet so you'll have to seek out raws in the meantime.
I ain't even mad about Tokyo Ghoul:Re not being on the banner because motherfucking JoJo Part 4 is on the banner with my written impression.

I still hope The Ancient Magus Bride gets on the Banner one of these day. It's such a really solid manga that everyone needs to read. It's like a mixture of Studio Ghibli and Harry Potter.

Also nice Thread title.


I made the mistake of catching up on the last like 80 chapters of Gintama in one go. Fuuuuuuuuuuck. I had no idea this current arc was going to be so long, and I also though they were in the 580s and not 540s so that was an unpleasant cutoff :(. I don't necessarily mind it, but it's kinda crazy how very long and serious this arc has been, not quite sure where they're going with it.


Hatarakanai Futari ch21-22

That's one way to look at it I guess.

Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! ch61-70

Tomo is getting popular. Poor her.

Pokémon - Dating a Team Magma Grunt ch10

Hoenn climate da best.

Too bad for the author' situation.


Domestic na Kanojo 56

Of course Natsuo didn't win. Now let's see where this goes. Rui winning sure was like someone kicking him while he's down though lol
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