Shinryaku! Ika Musume 324-339
squid girl always discussing the most important issues of our day
squid girl always discussing the most important issues of our day
Yeah.While Urie should of not blamed Kaneki but at the same time Kaneki was too much of a dick. I mean Shirazu's death fucked Urie up big time.
there was a series called Osomatsu?
lol the first reboot episode was great... every anime cliché
It's Kaneki.at the end of this chapter of tokyo ghoul, was that kaneki hugging shirazu, or urie?
at the end of this chapter of tokyo ghoul, was that kaneki hugging shirazu, or urie?
Yeah it's Kaneki. He isn't completely heartless, plus Shirazu was the closest to him than the other Qs.
It's Kaneki.
Tokyo Ghoul: 57
lol kaneki deals with a s rank, probably a ss rank, and a sss rank ghoul and urie comes up and asks him why he wasn't faster
of course he doesn't know this but lol cmon. so much trying to push the blame to him
a bit surprised that we're keeping kaneki at ccg, seems fairly dangerous for him
Yeah it's good to see he still feels something for them. Just wonder where he will go from here.ok, that's what I thought.
It makes me wonder though what Kaneki's personality really is like now, although I guess the emotional attachment to Shirazu and the Qs didn't disappear.
why? he still remembers all of his time as Sasaki, all he has to do is play the part, and nobody should suspect him.
Yeah it's good to see he still feels something for them. Just wonder where he will go from here.
don't know how arima might take it though, considering how abnormal he's been painted he might be able to sniff it out. and if he also stays more aggressive, then that could make people suspect him. or if he goes to the cafe more, if they're keeping watch on him then who knows what could let them find out
being in the den of the group that would hunt you down knowing you turned is certainly fairly dangerous, even with a good cover
Girls of the Wild's
GG Daldal. Always knew the day Queen finally decided to woman up, it was all over for you. Guess today was that day.
Tokyo Ghoul:RE 57
Damn, Kaneki is colder than ever. What happened to Tsukiyama at the end, exactly?
how faithful is the world trigger anime adaptation to the manga? I've been watching the anime lately, it's not that good but it's mostly on TOEI part since the show barely animates, soundtrack is mediocre, and there are weird scenes that stretched for far too long that screams padding to fill the 23 minutes quota of each episode.
Girls of the Wild's 214
now how will they fuck this up to extend the series