Hi. I know that we all have shit on our backlogs that we want to get to, but can't. So what better way to get over that hump then PEER PRESSURE?? Basically, you give me a list (lets say up to three series) of backlogged manga that you want to get to, and once everyone has turned it in then I will post the full list so that everyone knows you should be reading what you actually opted to read for. This has no real obligations, its not a bet, just a way to encourage people to read backlogged stuff.
RULES - There aren't really any rules. You could put One Piece, Hajime no Ippo and Bleach on this. That would probably be crazy but if you think you can do that go for it. Just PM me your list and I'll compile it. You can also post it in here and I will see it. If I miss your list, PM me or message me on Twitter. You can opt in for both unfinished and finished series AND series you have dropped in the past or want to continue.
I'll start -
MetroidPrimeRib: Vagabond, 7 Seeds, the rest of Mob Pyscho 100.
I think you're failing to grasp the level of motivation the average animango character needs to actually make a move on a potential romantic partner.
There has to be some name for the animango trope where someone tries to tell an important fact to someone, but can't spit it out, not due to any kind of fear on their part, but because the other party literally will not let them get a word in edgewise.
UQ Holder
Kirie gets a super cutesy chapter. <3
I guess they figured out the secret of the Room of Spirit and Time.
Goddamn that Kirïe backstory. Four years old, that's fucked.
I really want her to win because she's adorable, but she's not going to, Eva has it on lock. It is crazy how much her signature double braids and clothing make her look like a kid though, then you see her in her PJ's with her hair down and you go "okay, that's a teenager".
Kirie just looks and acts like a small version of Chisame
Hi. I know that we all have shit on our backlogs that we want to get to, but can't. So what better way to get over that hump then PEER PRESSURE?? Basically, you give me a list (lets say up to three series) of backlogged manga that you want to get to, and once everyone has turned it in then I will post the full list so that everyone knows you should be reading what you actually opted to read for. This has no real obligations, its not a bet, just a way to encourage people to read backlogged stuff.
RULES - There aren't really any rules. You could put One Piece, Hajime no Ippo and Bleach on this. That would probably be crazy but if you think you can do that go for it. Just PM me your list and I'll compile it. You can also post it in here and I will see it. If I miss your list, PM me or message me on Twitter. You can opt in for both unfinished and finished series AND series you have dropped in the past or want to continue.
the invasion is another way for b squads to gain commendations. Plus these new invaders look strongWorld Trigger 123 and 124
Stupid invasion getting in the way of the good stuff, more B-Rank Wars pls!
Im glad Reborn is still loved in 2016. Still my favorite jump action series.
Gintama 658
Ah is that why he doesn't use a sword
The premise gives me ever so slight Ancient Magus' Bride vibes, but without the romance. A small girl from a medieval village hangs out with a a calm, nice and fatherly, but also cursed "outsider", she can't touch him because she'd assume a similar form. It's cute and sweet, and the art style reminds me of Northern European drawings of folklore and children's stories
nononononoNONONONONONONONONONOOOOO FUCK YOUUUU! ;_; Please don't destroy this beautiful thing so early!
Hmmm I'll have to think about my picks, I barely remember what my "I should've gotten to this a long time ago" manga are. Not sure if I should try Mob Psycho or wait for the anime.MANGA NEW YEARS BACKLOG CLUB
Hi. I know that we all have shit on our backlogs that we want to get to, but can't. So what better way to get over that hump then PEER PRESSURE?? Basically, you give me a list (lets say up to three series) of backlogged manga that you want to get to, and once everyone has turned it in then I will post the full list so that everyone knows you should be reading what you actually opted to read for. This has no real obligations, its not a bet, just a way to encourage people to read backlogged stuff.
RULES - There aren't really any rules. You could put One Piece, Hajime no Ippo and Bleach on this. That would probably be crazy but if you think you can do that go for it. Just PM me your list and I'll compile it. You can also post it in here and I will see it. If I miss your list, PM me or message me on Twitter. You can opt in for both unfinished and finished series AND series you have dropped in the past or want to continue.
I'll start -
MetroidPrimeRib: Vagabond, 7 Seeds, the rest of Mob Pyscho 100.
If anyone wants to force something on me I might comply
Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! ch231
He's a scumbag alright.
A dead scumbag.
I love Tomoko Yamashita so much that I might even start reading her BL works.
Any particular recommendation?
So there isn't going to be any chapters this week correct?
Goddamn that Kirïe backstory. Four years old, that's fucked.
I really want her to win because she's adorable, but she's not going to, Eva has it on lock. It is crazy how much her signature double braids and clothing make her look like a kid though, then you see her in her PJ's with her hair down and you go "okay, that's a teenager".