Manga News/Discussion |OT~| How can I Ignore Such a Magnificent...THREAD!

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Soma 155

Ugh this is gonna be a multi chapter battle? I wish these scrubs were dealt with swiftly.

And has Alice always looked so great? Cause damn




Shokugeki no Soma 155

When I read this translation compared to the official one my question is do they really curse that much because its totally different in the official release?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Shokugeki no Soma 155

When I read this translation compared to the official one my question is do they really curse that much because its totally different in the official release?

Fan translators love adding "fuck" to everything
Shokugeki no Soma 155

When I read this translation compared to the official one my question is do they really curse that much because its totally different in the official release?
I mean, I don't think Japan has the same type of explicit curse words that we do, but it's worth noting that Viz has at least once removed the word "fuck" which was said in English from the wsj English release for audience reasons

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
If a character in a manga says anything even vaguely colorful you can bet your sweet ass it will be translated as "FUCK" by pirate translators, assuming they translate it at all given the propensity for pirate translators to just leave random words untranslated. I'm sure my mangaGAF nakama knows all about that.
Soma 155

Well, considering Alice still lost using those and Ryou has won in more 1v1s vs Alice this side character will still lose.

Himegoto 61-62

this is so fucked


If a character in a manga says anything even vaguely colorful you can bet your sweet ass it will be translated as "FUCK" by pirate translators, assuming they translate it at all given the propensity for pirate translators to just leave random words untranslated. I'm sure my mangaGAF nakama knows all about that.

I hate when translators change their minds midway, at the beginning for more than a chapter i wondered what a Yonkou was since up until that point they were simply called Four Emperors


I mean, I don't think Japan has the same type of explicit curse words that we do, but it's worth noting that Viz has at least once removed the word "fuck" which was said in English from the wsj English release for audience reasons

I just notice it because Ryou and Renny are dropping shit, ass and fuck and bastard this chapter and I doubt any of those words show up on Monday from Viz.

Though Viz does make Alice talk a certain way as well.
As someone who swears prodigiously I have never once been bothered by the multitude of fucks in any one chapter of a translated manga.
I think it depends. I'm ok with someone like Bakugo swearing a ton because it fits his character perfectly, and if he was a real life teenager I'd 100% expect him to be swearing a ton. People swear a lot in real life as well


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I just notice it because Ryou and Renny are dropping shit, ass and fuck and bastard this chapter and I doubt any of those words show up on Monday from Viz.

Though Viz does make Alice talk a certain way as well.

Really not a fan of Valley Girl Alice. It seems completely wrong.

It doesn't even make sense. When a translator gives someone a speech quirk, it's usually to translate an accent. But I can't find anything that states Alice has an accent.


Soma 155

I can actually see Ryo losing, to be honest. It'd be far more interesting.

Please no, kick that dumb cheesy evil side-villain nr. 23 out of the friggin' manga for good.
And all the other not-even-mid-boss-material characters as well.

That said:

Soma 155

Finally, the return of salmon, best girl.

Prison School 206

Another man's boner has never been this entertaining to me.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
This arc would drag on a very long time if they had to go through these mooks with Soma's help and then take out Central.


Boku no Hero Academia 79

That 1-Hit-KO.
Seeing Tokoyami controlling this monstrous power later on in the series will be quite fun. From a pure power potential perspective he's quite far up the ladder.

As long as no one brings a torchlight to a fist fight.
Would it? I kind of want these Bleach villains to be out of the plot as fast as possible rn

Please no, kick that dumb cheesy evil side-villain nr. 23 out of the friggin' manga for good.
And all the other not-even-mid-boss-material characters as well.

That said:

Soma 155

Finally, the return of salmon, best girl.

Prison School 206

Another man's boner has never been this entertaining to me.

If Ryo wins: That society of Alice lives on, Ryo is amazing, 2 people of central are defeated by newbies, lol.

If Ryo loses: Big fuck you to both Ryo and Alice. These "Bleach villains" are actually a threat (even with their shitty cartoon-esque attitude), Central keeps winning even among the best (relevant) people on totsuki, etc.

You know, the outcome most "bleach" of them is actually Ryo winning.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
But captains losing to the latest antagonists only for Ichigo to clean house is Bleach.
Soma 155

I think Ryo is going to lose. I think it's going to be 3-0 score

I mean all the items are set
  • Ryo is doing something new to showcase his training
  • New enemy
  • Enemy has a skill set similar to Alice who currently loses to Ryo and might actually motivate her to improve her craft since she now has someone who can claim to be the real best gastronomy chef


Edit: Watched the Mob Psycho 100 pv trailer and I am so glad they not only kept the art style but the whole animation is sketch orientated

so hyped love this series way more the OPM
Akagi 208


OH wait no, there are 70 chapters left.

I wouldn't have it any other way.
I did appreciate having these chapters to help give some context to Mikako's warped world philosophy.

Nah, I mean its good that its like that. Himegoto is fucked up but in a pretty real way. The outfits are a great device for the story.


How I stalked some dude with an exposed nipple and stumbled upon the Zenithian Sword v4 chapter 10

Slan mega evolved into a teenage girl.
NY Times Top Manga Sellers Feb 7-13

*1. Monster Musume: Everyday Life With Monster Girls Vol.8
*2. Naruto: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring Vol.1
*3. Assassination Classroom Vol.8
*4. Tokyo Ghoul Vol.1
*5. Magika Swordsman and Summoner Vol.3
*6. Deadman Wonderland Vol.13
*7. One-Punch Man Vol.1
*8. My Hero Academia Vol.3
*9. One Piece Vol.77
10. Tokyo Ghoul Vol.2

Previous Week
*1. My Hero Academia Vol.3
*2. One Piece Vol.77
*3. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2: Battle Tendency Vol.2
*4. Akame ga Kill! Vol.5
*5. Assassination Classroom Vol.8
*6. Food Wars: Shokugeki no Souma Vol.10
*7. One-Punch Man Vol.1
*8. Naruto: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring Vol.1
*9. One-Punch Man Vol.2
10. Noragami Vol.10


Huge Nickleback Fan
NY Times Top Manga Sellers Feb 7-13

*1. Monster Musume: Everyday Life With Monster Girls Vol.8
*2. Naruto: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring Vol.1
*3. Assassination Classroom Vol.8
*4. Tokyo Ghoul Vol.1
*5. Magika Swordsman and Summoner Vol.3
*6. Deadman Wonderland Vol.13
*7. One-Punch Man Vol.1
*8. My Hero Academia Vol.3
*9. One Piece Vol.77
10. Tokyo Ghoul Vol.2

Previous Week
*1. My Hero Academia Vol.3
*2. One Piece Vol.77
*3. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2: Battle Tendency Vol.2
*4. Akame ga Kill! Vol.5
*5. Assassination Classroom Vol.8
*6. Food Wars: Shokugeki no Souma Vol.10
*7. One-Punch Man Vol.1
*8. Naruto: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring Vol.1
*9. One-Punch Man Vol.2
10. Noragami Vol.10

Monmusu a new york time best seller.
This is good. This is damn good!
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