Before conversation veers away from Breaker, quick recommendation for people who liked Breaker in general, you might want to give
Veritas a shot if you haven't already.
They have a lot of similarities (both silly melodramatic a lot of the time, both really focused on the inheritance and preservation of martial arts techniques, both got some pretty rad fights super saiyan/martial art level bullshit fights). And sadly I would say a lot of the same problems too, so if you're particularly against jiggling boobs mid fight, or can't stand a ridiculous nonsensical story, maybe not for you.
Basic premise is this kid whose name I couldn't bother to google meets the raddest of motherfucking martial arts masters and said master passes his legendary style on to him, making the kid the sole heir. The kid is then invited to a school entirely focused on sharing and perfecting martial arts from all around the world and the big bad elites of the school want to steal this super awesome style from the kid. Fight's ensue and dumb plots take place. The martial arts in this are duuuuuumb and border on JoJo-esque (think part 3) but they are still pretty entertaining to read.
Also, more importantly, it has the best, most "Shit! We're out of time! Gotta wrap this shit up!" cliffhanger's I've ever read. just thinking about it is making me laugh, it's so bad and ridiculous. Point is, I remember having fun reading this and you might too. And again, the fights are pretty rad if very silly.