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Maniac Mansion vs. Sam n Max vs. Indiana Jones FIGHT!

That Sierra thread makes me want to talk about old SCUMM games!

Here's how I rank 'em:

Fate of Atlantis > Sam 'n Max > Day of the Tentacle > Zak McCracken > Maniac Mansion > Indy 3 > The Dig

I've, uh, never played Full Throttle. And Grim Fandango's not part of the "classic" LucasArts SCUMM-based games, imo.

Atlantis had three more-or-less independent paths you could play through: Wits (solo puzzles), Fists (solo fighting), and Team (two person puzzles + dialogue). Team was certainly my favorite, just for the banter between Indy and Sophia, but Wits and Fists were both well worth playing through, featuring new puzzles, locations, characters, etc.

Sam n Max is prolly the funniest game ever made. I've yet to see funnier, at least.

I <3 LucasArts!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Fate of Atlantis > Monkey Island 3 > Sam 'n Max > Day of the Tentacle > The Dig > Full Throttle > Monkey Island 2 > Zak McCracken > Maniac Mansion

I have never played Indy 3 and I haven't finished Monkey Island 1 (so I shouldn't include it), but I still have the original discs or CDs of those other games.

I rest my case.

Full Thottle was fun, but it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo short. :( Indy (that one where you trained boxing at the very beginning) was great and so was Day of The Tentacle.


What, no mention of the Monkey Island games?

I think I've got to give the nod to Sam & Max, too, though, with a whole bunch of the other games falling in a big pile somewhere right behind it. I've got a soft spot for Full Throttle, though, even though it was short. There were some neat puzzles and sequences, and I can't hear Ride of the Valkyries without chuckling, even to this day.
Vlad said:
What, no mention of the Monkey Island games?

Oh, uh, are those LucasArts? Oops.

I'm not a big Monkey Island fan. The humor just didn't "click" with me. I also have something of a bias against pirates. Pirates ... not cool.


DOTT>Sam and Max>Fate of Atlantis>MI2>CMI>MI>FT>MM>>>>>>>The Dig

Grim Fandango destroys all of them, but it's not a scumm game.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Man, I really enjoyed The Dig. :(

For the time, the atmosphere was fantastic and I really dug the story.


I really wanted to enjoy DIg, but i just couldn't get into it. The story was interesting too. Maybe I'll give it another go again; I still have the cd somewhere.


Fate of Atlantis > Sam 'n Max > Day of the Tentacle > Monkey Island games > Full Throttle > The Dig > Indy 3 > Maniac Mansion

Haven't played Zak McCracken or Loom. The Monkey Island games are too many to list as separate, so I just clumped 'em together.


I haven't played them all, but Maniac Mansion gets my vote simply due to the number of hours I put into this game on my C64.
I tried different teams, different characters doing things, giving things to each other, just to see the reactions, I had nightmares due to the radioactive steam being able to kill one of your characters. (AIEEEEE RADIOACTIVE STEAM!) I just love all the stuff you're capable of doing in that game. The hamster, the pool, crawling underneath the house to soak up the photo fluid with a sponge, how you can't get Bernard to give shit to green tentacle initially,. Man, I fucking love that game.
DoTT was much funnier, but I didn't like it as much, I didn't feel that freedom I was capable of in the original MM.
I am Best-Man, the best surfer of the Japanese intarweb ever!

Site detailing differences between Famicom and NES versions of Maniac Mansion (i.e. everything)

Check out that 104 character password, baby!



I own this complete in box therefore I am better than you.

Text on those screens

SCREEN ONE: Maniac Mansion
SCREEN TWO: "Pick two of my friends."
SCREEN THREE: "Okay then! This is the start of Operation Rescue Sandy!"
Row 1: Open Push Party Go
Row 2: Close Pull Use Read
Row 3: Give Take On Off
SCREEN FOUR: Your password is XXXXX. Please push 'Select.'


I am in awe.

Edit: Holy shit they even nipponized the freaking mailbox.
But Razor looses her hot slut look in game.

And putting the mailbox at the starting point cuts out a bit you'd have to do as well, you could just leave Dave there, and save yourself a bit of swapping and walking around at the beginning.
Monky Island 2 > Monkey Island 1 > Day of The Tentacle > Loom > Indy Atlantis > Grim Fandango (not a SCUMM game, but what the hell) > Money Island 3 > Sam & Max > Full Throttle > The Dig > the rest


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Coop said:
I really wanted to enjoy DIg, but i just couldn't get into it. The story was interesting too. Maybe I'll give it another go again; I still have the cd somewhere.

When did you play it? For me, it was the first game I had played which presented both a serious and compelling storyline along with incredible atmosphere and music. I stayed home from school (I was, err, sick) just to finish it (the ending stuff was fantastic). I dunno, it just drew me in. The other LA adventures were awesome, but most were meant to be comical (which I loved), but this was truly the first time I had seen something from the other side and I loved it. How far did you get?

There weren't too many other serious adventures. After that, though, I hunted down Beneath a Steel Sky and I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream...and I enjoyed them too (though they were different).


I wish I could find a copy of Sam and Max somewhere.

Only game of those I've played is Day of the Tentacle, so I'll vote that.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
DotT is definitely my favorite. Not only was it hilarious, but it had some of the best puzzles with the time travelling mechanic.


Banstick Emeritus
Maniac Mansion, as the first to use the SCUMM engine, will always hold a special place in my heart...but Sam & Max and Day of the Tentacle are just so much more polished in comparison. Still, it's testament to the strength of the game design that MM doesn't suffer as much as you would think even years later.

The disturbing lack of full-on Zak McCracken love in this thread saddens me greatly. That's a wicked cover, Fnord!
AniHawk said:
I wish I could find a copy of Sam and Max somewhere.

Lucas Archives Volume 1 has Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Sam and Max Hit the Road and Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle, and you still should be able to find it from somewhere. Amazon.com has some used copies for sale...


SpoonyBard said:
Lucas Archives Volume 1 has Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Sam and Max Hit the Road and Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle, and you still should be able to find it from somewhere. Amazon.com has some used copies for sale...

For Mac OS 9 or X?


Yeah, I was talking to Fowler the other day on IRC, and he mentioned his current love/addiction for ScummVM. Apparently, Monkey Island 3 was PC only, so he's finally able to play that on his mac.

He's also been playing Sam and Max w/voice on his color Clie. That's just cool.

That's why I love ScummVM and such.
I think all Lucasarts adventure games are still some of the best games ever. They were so full of life and character.

Also, I liked The Dig the least of all the games, but only because it was so hard. I played it the day it was released and I remember having to use an FAQ for nearly every puzzle in the game. I wonder if it would still be difficult now, as it's one of the few LA games I haven't gone back and played recently.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Randam_Hajile said:
I think all Lucasarts adventure games are still some of the best games ever. They were so full of life and character.

Also, I liked The Dig the least of all the games, but only because it was so hard. I played it the day it was released and I remember having to use an FAQ for nearly every puzzle in the game. I wonder if it would still be difficult now, as it's one of the few LA games I haven't gone back and played recently.

Hmm, I wonder if the abstract puzzles were responsible for the low opinions? The only puzzle that I found TRULY annoying showed up near the beginning and involved moving crystals around with some sort of alien device. The rest were not too difficult and I did not have access to FAQs or guides back then...so I HAD to figure them out.


dark10x said:
When did you play it? For me, it was the first game I had played which presented both a serious and compelling storyline along with incredible atmosphere and music. I stayed home from school (I was, err, sick) just to finish it (the ending stuff was fantastic). I dunno, it just drew me in. The other LA adventures were awesome, but most were meant to be comical (which I loved), but this was truly the first time I had seen something from the other side and I loved it. How far did you get?

There weren't too many other serious adventures. After that, though, I hunted down Beneath a Steel Sky and I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream...and I enjoyed them too (though they were different).

Roughly 5 years ago, I think it came with one of the Lucas Archives Volumes i have. I liked the idea of the story and the setting I just couldn't get into the game for some reason. Maybe it was the characters, puzzles, i really dont know. I can't remember how far i got.. And have you played the Gabriel Knight series? It has a serious and compelling storyline, great characters, interesting takes on real people and events (GK2).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Coop said:
Roughly 5 years ago, I think it came with one of the Lucas Archives Volumes i have. I liked the idea of the story and the setting I just couldn't get into the game for some reason. Maybe it was the characters, puzzles, i really dont know. I can't remember how far i got.. And have you played the Gabriel Knight series? It has a serious and compelling storyline, IMO.

Ohhhhh yeah, I have played Sins of the Father and The Beast Within. They were quite a bit different, obviously, but the stories were fairly serious and well written. Never did play the third game.

As for The Dig, I will admit that it takes some time to get involved. The first few segments are actually quite dull, but there was a point in the game where I just started to fall in love with it. Do you remember anything related to the story? Just drops any details you recall, as I'm curious about your progression. You might have been knocking on the door of goodness. :)


bishoptl said:
The disturbing lack of full-on Zak McCracken love in this thread saddens me greatly. That's a wicked cover, Fnord!

There's more where that came from here.



Zak McKracken rules all. And, yes, the Zak remix is glorious. If you've never played Zak McKracken before, download the remix right this minute. Now, I said, now!



dark10x said:
Ohhhhh yeah, I have played Sins of the Father and The Beast Within. They were quite a bit different, obviously, but the stories were fairly serious and well written. Never did play the third game.

As for The Dig, I will admit that it takes some time to get involved. The first few segments are actually quite dull, but there was a point in the game where I just started to fall in love with it. Do you remember anything related to the story? Just drops any details you recall, as I'm curious about your progression. You might have been knocking on the door of goodness. :)

You didn't miss much with GK3, it's easily the worst of the 3. i was around this part, though i could be wrong it's been awhile. i do think the puzzles killed the game for me.


Go right into the crevice and get the blue rod from the hole in the rock. Walk
back outside and go north to the plateau, where a strange rodent-like creature
will run off with an item that opens the door. Get the rod and pole. Low will
move the pole slightly to the right. Get the rib cage. Get the cover and the
dowel at the left side of the door. Use the dowel with the hole in the middle
of the circular structure. Get the pole and use it with the pin. Use the rib
cage with the hook, then the rod with the cage to make the trap.
Sam and Max = Full Throttle = Grim Fandango > Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis > Day of the Tentacle > The Dig

I never really played Day of the Tentacle (just watched my buddy beat it when he knew what to do), so I'm not saying it's an inferior game. It's just with my experience, it's ranked lower. God how I love those top three though.


I have played every Scumm adventure made, but I won't list all of them. Monkey Island 2 and Fate of Atlantis stand out to me as equal Kings of the lot. There's nothing I would change about those two games, something I can't say for the rest of them, however brilliant most of them are. Well, Maybe the original Monkey Island is beyond reproach, too.

How anyway could stay with that series and like it after the rather mediocre 3 puzzles me. No pun intended.
dark10x said:
Hmm, I wonder if the abstract puzzles were responsible for the low opinions? The only puzzle that I found TRULY annoying showed up near the beginning and involved moving crystals around with some sort of alien device. The rest were not too difficult and I did not have access to FAQs or guides back then...so I HAD to figure them out.

Don't get me wrong, I loved The Dig. The atmosphere and story blew me away at the time. It's only the way I remember the puzzles being so tough and and un-intelligable that keeps my opinion in it's current state. Like I said, I haven't played it since I beat it after it was released, so I think a replay is in need to make a more updated, unbiased opinion.


callous said:
I have played every Scumm adventure made, but I won't list all of them. Monkey Island 2 and Fate of Atlantis stand out to me as equal Kings of the lot. There's nothing I would change about those two games, something I can't say for the rest of them, however brilliant most of them are. Well, Maybe the original Monkey Island is beyond reproach, too.

How anyway could stay with that series and like it after the rather mediocre 3 puzzles me. No pun intended.

What was wrong with MI3? I only played 1 and 3, but I thought 3 was pretty good. It didn't seem as long as the first one, but it was hardly "Full Throttle" short. Heck, it goes beyond mediocre simply based on Murray alone.
The Dig was amazing. I loved the story, graphics and MUSIC. One of the first adventure games that actually used the CD for an amazing, professional score, rather than fill it up with horrible rendered graphics and still have FM SB16 MIDI music...
Oh, and I solved the puzzles myself... even though it took hours. That skeleton puzzle on the beach... I solved it without looking at the fossile "hint"...

I read the book too.

As for the games, it's hard to say...

Great games:
The Dig, Sam & Max, Monkey Island, Zak McKracken, Full Throttle, Day of the Tentacle

Good games:
Indy 4, MI2, Maniac Mansion

Zak McKracken might have been my first adventure game, I got it for Amiga when I was nine. It's a fairly safe bet that I learned quite a lot of my basic English from that game :).

Monkey Island was a bit too long for its own good, but the insult fights made it worth it. The rest of the game felt rushed, but maybe that's just because it took so long to get off the first freaking island...

For Indy 4 I remember being completely stuck in the jungle. Then, for some reason, I was looking through a book in school and found those big rodent things. "A favourite food for snakes." Knowing that, I returned to the game and started whipping that poor thing around until it ran the wrong way and was captured by the snake :). See, you do learn things in school.
Vlad said:
What was wrong with MI3? I only played 1 and 3, but I thought 3 was pretty good. It didn't seem as long as the first one, but it was hardly "Full Throttle" short. Heck, it goes beyond mediocre simply based on Murray alone.

Yeah, MI3 is also good. It's not absolutely brilliant like the first two, but still light years above MI4.
AniHawk said:
For Mac OS 9 or X?

The Mac edition has a different set of games than the PC version. I can't remember if it had the 3 of those also, but the PC files are usable by SCUMM VM on a Mac.

I actually liked Monkey Island 3 more than the others. Overall, I may have liked Monkey Island 2 more than 1, but 1 was much more playable. They all had relatively logical puzzles for the genre.

I got the PC archive set when it first came out and have loved Sam 'n Max, Day of the Tentacle, and Indy, but I first played Maniac Mansion on NES with the awesome soundtrack (my rental store's version still had the hamster cooking too).

I still want to play The Dig, Zak McKraken, and Grim Fandango. I may play Monkey Island 4 someday, but it just doesn't seem right.
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