Welcome to Wrestlemania X Live at Madison Square Garden!!
**WARNING I'm not a writer and my english sucks, I did this for fun! I also didn't have enough time to resize all gifs sorry!**
First, I want to say it was pretty damn cool I got this Mania since it's my first and favorite one. My grandpa recorded it on a vhs for me and I must have watched it dozens of times. Today was the first time i watched it in full since i was a kid. Surprisingly it holds up pretty good for its time. Could have been better with a few tweaks but an overall good show.
After a brief WM1 video package Little Richard sings America the Beautiful. Pretty damn good too I might add. Now lets start with THE best opening match and arguably one of the best Wrestlemania matches ever.
Bret Hart Vs Owen Hart
After months of feuding the Hart brothers finally have a match to see who the best there is. Because of the unique main event, Bret had to have two matches that night. So for the first time ever we have a brother vs brother at Wrestlemania. Owen comes out to some good heat while his brother Bret is extremely over. The match starts of with some classic chain wrestling. Owen is acting like a total asshole with his cheering and a bitch slap to Bret. It's awesome. Owen is doing tons of heel tactics like pulling the hair. Lawler (the heel) throughout the match is on Owen's side. The chemistry Jerry and Vince had is pretty damn good and funny. Bret takes control of the match and gives Owen a bitch slap as well. Some more rest holds from Bret until Owen hits him with a nice kick to the face. After ramming his back against the post he puts him in a pretty stiff looking boston crab. Some more back and forth goes on until Owen continues working the back. Bret takes a breather while Owen works the crowd. Owen does a CRAZY jumping tombstone to Bret. Makes me cringe every time i see it. It's similar to how he did it to Austin but he landed on his knees instead of his ass. For his height I'm really surprised he did the move. I'm not sure how often he did it but it looks pretty dangerous. Bret no sells it a few seconds later when Owen misses a diving headbutt. Bret has a nice comeback with a stiff looking clothesline and a crisp russian leg sweep. Bret goes to the top and hits his classic elbow drop. Owen kicks out a bunch of times and knocks Bret with an enzeguri kick. Bret kicks out of a small roll up and jumps over the top onto Owen. Bret sells his knee after the jump. Owen starts to work the leg beautifully. Tons of kicks to the leg, rams it against the ring post 3 times, and a sweet looking leg lock. Owen then puts on a figure four lock. Bret reverses it but Owen quickly rolls to the ropes. Owen continues to work the leg until Bret gives a nice enziguri kick of his own. Bret rams Owen into the buckle chest first and sells it like a champ. Bret then hits him with a jumping bulldog for another 2 count. Bret nails Owen with a stiff looking piledriver for another 2 count. The both go to the top and Bret hits him with a super suplex from the top rope. Bret's selling the knee like crazy thinking of a way to finally end the match. Owen takes control after a massive low blow and puts Bret in the sharpshooter. Owen throws Bret into the corner. Bret reverses it with a kick to the face and oddly climbs onto Owens shoulders. Owen reverses the roll up midway and pins Bret with a CLEAN 1-2-3. The crowd including Owen is in shock. Owen celebrates including a nice middle finger to Bret. Lawler is putting him over like crazy. This would set up for later and the ongoing feud they would have in the future. This is a perfect wrestling match. It's in my top 5 of all time. If you haven't seen it. (SHAME ON YOU!) then I suggest you do.
Todd interviews Owen after the win. Owen expresses he is now the best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be. Unfortunately no one told him he had a slob of spot on his side lip. But either way it was a great moment for Owen. The start of a well deserved push.They randomly show the Fink with a hair piece. The crowd doesn't give a shit and neither do I. On to the second match!
Bam Bam Bigelow and Luna Vachon Vs Doink the Clown and Dink
Yawn. BamBam starts nailing on Doink early on. A little back and forth till Doink tags in Dink. Luna can't catch up to Dink who then sexually assaults Luna. Pervert. Luna then chokes him using the ropes and jumps onto his head which is a little funny. Dink later on climbs on to the top but misses the drop with a funny flop. Luna starts to beat up on Dink. She climbs to the top and misses the frog splash. More hilarious comedy continues until BamBam sits on Doink. Doink climbs to the top and misses a leg drop. BamBam takes control again and hits a flying headbutt off the top for the win. BamBam and Luna try to do a double splash onto Dink. Dink to slow to move away and Luna lands on him. Dumb clown. Boring. The kids enjoyed Dink at least.
Randy Savage Vs Crush with Mr. Fuji Falls Count Anywhere.
The rules are a tad different than usual. After you pin someone they have 60 seconds to make it back to the ring. Randy comes out and is extremely over. It will be his last Wrestlemania which really sucks. Randy runs to Crush during his entrance to start this early! Crush then picks up Randy and lands him on the rail crushing his throat for a quick 3 count. Randy makes it back to the ring with 2 seconds left. Crush quickly nails on Randy and works him in the corner. Crush was about the blind Randy with some powder but it backfires! Randy with a quick comeback hits Crush with the elbow drop. Kicks him outside to pin him for the 3. Crush gets back in with 3 secs left. They take the fight outside and start fighting next to the crowd. Randy then rams Crush through a couple of doors. Randy pins Crush for a quick pin. He ties up Crush with some cable wire and hangs him upside down. Didn't do a good job holding him up but Crush fails to make it back to the ring and Randy celebrates in the ring with a busted lip.
To the presidential box!
Todd interviews Bill and tells us he loves wrestling. Todd is jizzing in his pants talking to the
president. They show a promo vid of fanfest which i believe was the first "axxess" they ever
done. It looks extremely bootlegged compared to nowadays but still pretty cool.
Alundra Blayze Vs Leilani Kai
The production team seem to confuse Alundra with Owen. Or maybe it was a rib? They run, fall, scream, and bump into each other. Alundra hits a german suplex for the win. I wonder if Alundra would have been in the HOF if she didn't shit on the belt? Probably not.
Todd interviews a skinny Rhonda shear till HBK cuts in. Burt Reynolds pops up out of nowhere and cock blocks HBK. What a dick.
Tag Team title match Men on a Mission with Oscar Vs The Quebecers with Raven!
Quebecers beat up on MON quickly. MON quickly rebound and Mabel lands a leg drop.
Quebecers take over and does a back body drop on Mo outside the ring. Quebecers beat up on poor Mo for awhile. Mabel gets the hot tag and starts whooping the Quebecers. They rebound back and DOUBLE SUPLEX MABEL! Quebecers jump from the top but Mabel kicks out at 2. He rebounds and somehow pulls off a spinning heel kick. Raven distracts the ref and little hell breaks loose. Mabel splashes Quebecers on the outside causing a count out. Nothing special but the crowd was a little into it. I just realized someone is dead in almost every match. =/