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Margaret Cho cut from gay political bash because of anti-bush material.

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Are you gaaaaaay? ARE YOU GAAAAAAY?

Not suprising. Candidates are always more worried about image than dealing with actual issues. Yay for American politics.


If I was running a convention, I wouldn't want bullshit like this being spewed by anybody, on either side. This isn't a surprise, this isn't outrageous.
Cho isn't great but she's not awful either...probably one of the better female stand-up acts around, though that isn't saying a lot.

Anyway, even if she's the worst comedian around, this sucks. Democrats are always apologizing for this shit while Republicans do and say far worse, then laugh it off and claim we can't take a joke. Grow some fucking balls.
I hate that bitch. I sat through a DVD of her's because I was told by a friend that it was "hilarious", and ended up trying to fall asleep. Her annoying as hell voice kept me from that, unfortunately.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I remember seeing her on this Comedy Central special a looong time ago, and she was pretty funny.

I saw my buddy's head explode at Margret Cho!!
"Anyway, even if she's the worst comedian around, this sucks. Democrats are always apologizing for this shit while Republicans do and say far worse, then laugh it off and claim we can't take a joke. Grow some fucking balls."

Yeah! Bunch of Girlie men! :)

This thing you describe is literally Arnold Schwartzennegger's response to the ridiculous controversy over his remark. When a woman came up to him and said she thought it was funny (after democrats and women's groups said they were offended), Arnold said "I'm glad someone has a sense of humour".


Junior Member
I would expect her to be cut because she's the most unfunny standup ever. Her delivery is horrible.
Leon said:
I would expect her to be cut because she's the most unfunny standup ever. Her delivery is horrible.

Damn, I was just going to post this verbatim. She's unfunny, and relied far too much on being Korean. That's a crutch.
Sometimes her monologues are a bit too long, but she's funny, you just have to have a sense of humor. :p Agreeing with her politics doesn’t hurt either.


WasabiKing said:
Damn, I was just going to post this verbatim. She's unfunny, and relied far too much on being Korean. That's a crutch.

Not defending her or anything, but all comics have a subject they are known for. Margaret Cho's subject is being Korean's. I recall a lot of black comics using the race issue for their stand ups, would you say the same about them? Like David Chappelle, most of his skits are about race issues. It's not as if she's telling nothing but Korean jokes, it's just that she's known for that. I would be freaking surprised if Chappelle doesn't use any race issue jokes when he does stand ups.
tenchir said:
Like David Chappelle, most of his skits are about race issues. It's not as if she's telling nothing but Korean jokes, it's just that she's known for that. I would be freaking surprised if Chappelle doesn't use any race issue jokes when he does stand ups.

I've seen Chappelle live, and sure, he uses race, but it's more of a comparison for the few jokes he does say. This was before the show took off, and it was a few years after Half Baked. Then he got into better jokes about how things were like growing up, compared to how spoiled the kids are today. Then stuff about his family.

The one time I caught Margaret Cho, it was ALL Korean jokes. It wasn't so much of a comparison, it's more like "this is EXACTLY how we are as a people, let me laugh at myself, even though you can't possibly relate cause I'm a poor storyteller." I know she's changed her repertoire as of late, but it's still unfunny. And because she's from San Francisco (which is where I am from) she of course will play the local card, but it's still unfunny.
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