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Mario Power Tennis: Who are You (Playing as)?


Well...it's been out for a couple of days now, and I figure it's time for a thread about the game that, you know, doesn't boil down to whether or not there's a fucking label on the boxart. Sigh...

Anyhoo, got to really sink my teeth into it last night and today, and my basic impressions are as follows...it kicks ass. No, my mind is not exactly blown, as it is technically more of the same, but it provides so much fun that I don't think I can hold that against it.

And, coming as a shock, I'm actually digging the power shots, esp. in Multiplayer. I was playing against a couple of friends, and my CPU controller partner...wasn't doin' too great. They would get a shot past him and be all "Nice one!"...and then I'd activate my defensive special, and all I hear is "Fuck". It's just crazy enough to work in the case of the game, I think. It should be interesting when I try to play a normal match of tennis after awhile...I sense a period of transition will be needed. Tournaments are a little easy so far...breezed through the first three, hopefully the Star Championship has some more challenge. I can only assume it does.

So this isn't just impressions (Feel free to leave your own, though)...Who are YOU playing as in MPT? For me...it's gotta be:

Bowser Jr.


He's relatively quick, I like his power moves, and his ability to do kickass lobs comes in handy for dealing with that fucking net hog, Luigi.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Until I complete the first couple of Singles, Doubles, Standard, and Gimmick tourneys, I'll be playing as Mario. He was my best character in the N64 game.

I'm absolutely loving the game. Yes, it's pretty much the same game as before with new characters, a glossy new shine, and new modes, but like WW over OoT, it's just uber refined and polished.
It's all about Koopa. I just love his offensive special, and there's nothing like speeding around the court hidden in your shell, only to pop out at the last second and smack the ball. :D


I'm playing as Mario, Luigi, and Koopa. I'm loving the power shots and minigames.

MPT may also have the best intro video of any game ever.



I never played the N64 version, so this is all new to me. I just have to say, this game kicks ass. Seriously.


Running off of Custom Firmware
impirius said:
I'm playing as Mario, Luigi, and Koopa. I'm loving the power shots and minigames.

MPT may also have the best intro video of any game ever.

The intro was totally ridiculous...
in the best way possible.


I've only played as Mario thus far, but I have a really hard time against Peach when the CPU takes her... She has almost psychic control of the ball. It curves everywhere! :-(


Is Shy Guy in this? Because if I can get a lefthanded Shy Guy, it's all over for anyone who dares to play me.


Running off of Custom Firmware
He is. And he has possibly the greatest losing animation evar.

Shit. I forgot. Boo's losing animation kicks total ass too.


I love tennis games. Is the SP in this game really fun? Even if it's not terribly long, I just like to set up 1p exhibition matches pretty often.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Speevy said:
I love tennis games. Is the SP in this game really fun? Even if it's not terribly long, I just like to set up 1p exhibition matches pretty often.

I am enjoying it. It's got everything the N64 thing had, but with the additions of power offensive and defensive moves (which can be toggled off for a more vanilla experience), gimmick tourneys, and mini games, it's got quite a bit more variety.

Admittedly, some of that variety isn't as great as it could be, but it doesn't compromise the core experience since you can toggle all the new stuff off, or simply not select it, when prompted.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Haven't played the game yet... Any screens of the character select screen by any chance? Maybe just a link for those who want to avoid spoilers? :)

P.S. ShyGuy > ALL

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Erm, why is Gamefaqs telling me EU release is Winter 2005?

Damnit, I don't have the money to import this yet. Fucking DS.

I adored Mario Tennis on the 64, and I was king, and it felt good.

Mario Tennis > Virtua Tennis + Top Spin

You heard it here first!

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Right now I'm best with Bowser. He's so big that I can just stand in the center of the court and hit everything and not even break a sweat.

I've never played the N64 version but it sucks that Toad was playable in that one but he isn't playable here. I use the toads all the time in MKDD! so I've kind of grown attached to them.

Saki said:
Is Paratroopa in this? Don't remember seeing him...

Yes, he's one of the unlockable characters. Here's how you unlock them:

Petey Pirahna: beat both Special tournaments (Fire and Thunder) in doubles
Wiggler: beat both Special tournaments (Fire and Thunder) in singles
Paratroopa: beat the 3 tournaments of the Normal Cup in doubles
Fly Guy: beat the 3 tournaments of the Normal Cup in singles


Holy shit this is out already?! WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME! >:O

Now I'm gonna have to steal my bro's GC and rent it (til around Christmas when I "buy it for my Bro" :p)


it's all about daisy and bowser jr.

the star t. doesn't get hard until the last cup. the exhibition games with the difficulity turned all the way up seem harder, still. my only compliment is that it's going to be really annoying playing making stars for all the characters cause the normal tourny is so easy and boring.

also the gimmick stages are a lot better than i thought they would be. most of them are fairly clever, and non overwelming. the lugi's manison stage, though is awful.


Some of the mini-games are really fun. I was surprised because of the IGN and GS reviews complaining about them a little bit. That chomp-a-chain (?) one where you hit bombs, water, or tennis balls into it's mouth for points just rocks!

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
AirBrian said:
Some of the mini-games are really fun. I was surprised because of the IGN and GS reviews complaining about them a little bit. That chomp-a-chain (?) one where you hit bombs, water, or tennis balls into it's mouth for points just rocks!

Yeah the mini-games are really original and fun. IGN and GS were smoking crack or something. They are a great diversion from the main modes and help break the action up quite a bit.

Oh, and I've changed characters now. After unlocking Petey Pirahna I've switched to him. He seems to be able to cover the court just as well, if not better, than Bowser and he seems to have more power in his shots.


AirBrian said:
Some of the mini-games are really fun. I was surprised because of the IGN and GS reviews complaining about them a little bit. That chomp-a-chain (?) one where you hit bombs, water, or tennis balls into it's mouth for points just rocks!

i played that silly collect coins on the retro board way too long. the paint one is the only bad one i think.


swoon said:
i played that silly collect coins on the retro board way too long. the paint one is the only bad one i think.

I agree with you, but I didn't before I hit Bowser/Bowser Jr...now I despise it.

The coins one is alright...seems kind of random and chaotic for my personal liking. Haven't tried most of the rest, though, have been focusing on tournaments. Got all the secret characters unlocked now, so going to focus more on other stuff.


JC10001 said:
Yeah the mini-games are really original and fun. IGN and GS were smoking crack or something. They are a great diversion from the main modes and help break the action up quite a bit.

Oh, and I've changed characters now. After unlocking Petey Pirahna I've switched to him. He seems to be able to cover the court just as well, if not better, than Bowser and he seems to have more power in his shots.
I was using Luigi last night and was playing against Bowser -- holy crap his range was huge. I had him all over the place too. So Petey's range is even bigger? Time to unlock him...

swoon said:
i played that silly collect coins on the retro board way too long. the paint one is the only bad one i think.
Yeah, I didn't like the paint one much. The octopus/shine one wasn't bad, and the painting ghosts was pretty fun.


AirBrian said:

I never played the N64 version, so this is all new to me. I just have to say, this game kicks ass. Seriously.

That's pretty much me. Shy Guy is owning my ass currently in the Star Tournment. I love this game.

EDIT: In the Championship round of the Star Tournment.


I think my Planet Cup final against Bowser (As Bowser Jr.) was the first time EVER in a Mario Tennis game that I lost a set. It was 3-1 (0-2, 3-1, 3-2, 2-0). Awesome. Can't wait to try against an Ace.



Moon...whatever Cup. Double. Finals. Daisy and Peach vs. Bowser Jr. and Bowser (ME). Three Straight Sets. Three Straight Ass Whoopings. They plainly kicked my ass.

Very simply put...best match I've had. Some AWESOME rallies, lasting for like 2 minutes. The entire thing took like half an hour, despite being a straight sets victory. I had a couple of great saves, including a great lunge forward to grab a drop shot...very simply, this game kicks so very much ass.


Well...I have now completed every single tournament with Bowser Jr.

There is a word for this game. It's very obvious.


Very simply, the DIFFICULTY I encountered in the doubles tournament is something to behold. While I came back from my ass kicking against Peach and Daisy and managed to pull off a strong victory, the Planet Cup Final was a very different story.

Bowser Jr. and Bowser vs. Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong

First Set: Strong net play from Bowser and both Kongs, but in the end the tiebreak goes to the Kongs, as Bowsers lose the set 2-3 (5-7).

Second Set: Rebounding off of a weak tiebreak performance, the Bowser family comes back and sweeps the second set after a service break to open it. 2-0.

Third Set: Once again dominating, the Kongs jump out to a 2-1 lead, but the Bowsers force a tiebreak. With momentum on their side, Bowser Jr. leads his side to a 7-2 tiebreak victory, to go up 2 sets to 1. 3-2 (7-2)

Fourth Set: Because a set isn't a set without a tiebreak, the Kongs hold out hope for a Fifth set, but are denied by strong net play from Bowser, as he and Bowser Jr. take the fourth set, 3-2 (7-5) and take the Planet Cup in the process.

Singles difficulty isn't as strong; I recently beat Peach (As Bowser Jr.) 6-3, 6-1 on Pro; here's hoping Ace is really as good as it seems.

With all secret characters unlocked, and my main character completed...just have to unlock star characters for the rest, beat all the special games...oy. I think I'll have to mail this thing to China during exams, or I'll fail for sure.


For some reason, the only characters I can do well with are Peach and Daisy. The game rules by the way, especially four player.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Yeah, the game gets much harder later on. In fact, there's a huge spike in difficulty. Very odd. I imagine the Star Tourneys will be a better fit, once I get a bit better.

You can unlock upgraded Power moves? I didn't know that.

The outtakes of the main cinematic that play when you beat the Star Cup are awesome. :)


Mejilan said:
Yeah, the game gets much harder later on. In fact, there's a huge spike in difficulty. Very odd. I imagine the Star Tourneys will be a better fit, once I get a bit better.

You can unlock upgraded Power moves? I didn't know that.

The outtakes of the main cinematic that play when you beat the Star Cup are awesome. :)
I think it's just Yoshi's that gets upgraded.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Why just Yoshi? I unlocked his new power, and all I saw on the screen at the time was a classic Yoshi egg...


I'm not sure -- it's kinda weird. I checked GameFAQs and it says it's just Yoshi too, but I can't find exactly what the upgrade does.

EDIT: All it does it change Yoshi's color after a power shot.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Hahaha, that's actually a pretty cool and harmless "power up" and don't mind that only he gets an upgrade.


I took on Yoshu after unlocking the power-up. Essentially, he changed from Green to White, to Black, back to Green, to White Again, and then to Blue before I finished my destruction.

The spike in difficulty is apparent; the Star Championship Singles isn't too tough, but in Doubles? Bitchingly difficult.


Mejilan said:
See, that's funny, I can complete doubles much easier than singles.

In Doubles, I find that the AI controller partner tends to hog the net, meaning you kind of get screwed if something gets by him in an odd direction. Plus, by hugging the net, he gets a lot of balls in the face. Power Shots make doubles matches more difficult; if the other guy has to use a defensive special in singles, you can return it and they can't get to it. If there's a partner there, it's much more difficult to take advantage of it.

In singles, it's a matter of using topspin and slice shots, and working with the timing on the power shots. With less to worry about, strategy becomes simpler and, to me, so do the matches.


Running off of Custom Firmware
My only complaint in Doubles, so far, is when my net-playing partner uses a Power Defense to catch something he missed... and I was totally in line to smack.


Mejilan said:
My only complaint in Doubles, so far, is when my net-playing partner uses a Power Defense to catch something he missed... and I was totally in line to smack.

If Bowser wasn't twice as big as Bowser Jr., I would have been pissed too...but I was realistic. I kind of brushed off his idiotic power shot choice, dealt with it.

Deku Tree

Just opened it up. I was hoping to play the Mario Bros. Court. Couldn't find it. Checked how to get it. Wow, I have a long road ahead.

Deku Tree

Been playing the planet tournament all day. Getting owned constantly by diddy in the finals. I'm playing as Mario. Anybody got a tips for beating him?

I'm kind of frustrated because it seems like I have to beat him to unlock other tournaments. I've played through everything I can so far except the mini games.


Diddy's offensive powershot is really easy to counter without a power shot; play the net, watch for Lob shots, and just play to the open court when he hits his power shot.

Otherwise, I can't help you; I had Bowser as Bowser Jr. in the Finals.

You in Star Cup or Planet Cup?


I can't beat Peach in the Finals of Star cup either... It is just a brick wall that i've run into. THe only thing that I can recommend is staying into the back and waiting for an opening (i.e. a wasted power shot or a rush to the net that allows you to lob it).

I am such a loser. :... (

Deku Tree

Memles said:
Diddy's offensive powershot is really easy to counter without a power shot; play the net, watch for Lob shots, and just play to the open court when he hits his power shot.

Otherwise, I can't help you; I had Bowser as Bowser Jr. in the Finals.

You in Star Cup or Planet Cup?

The Planet Cup. My problem is I usually get killed by the Lob at net. If I could play net more, I bet I could get better angles on my shots.
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