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Mario Power Tennis: Who are You (Playing as)?


Deku Tree said:
The Planet Cup. My problem is I usually get killed by the Lob at net. If I could play net more, I bet I could get better angles on my shots.

If the other guy is playing the net, simply play the lob against him. Kind of play midrange. Try to nail powered up topspins by him on the sides (Ones that curve back into the court) and then play lobs when he doesn't get much power on a shot. DO NOT use power shots unless it is defensive. Wait for him to use his defensive or offensive power shots and only use an offensive shot when he's offbalance and lacks one himself.

In Singles, my only real advice is to use topspin and rush the net early. If you get caught with a lob every now and then, just get back in the groove and rape Diddy Kong up the proverbial ass.


I played against Diddy Kong on Pro in Exhibition to see what I could find out.

Maybe it's just playing as Bowser Jr., but I swept him 6-0, 6-0. A couple of close games, but here's my basic tips.

- His power shots are weak. Watch for the way his offensive one curves, his defensive one is much easier to handle.
- He doesn't like really playing the net that often; focus on crosscourt shots from about mid-court. It cuts off the lob while also giving you better angles.

Other than that...I didn't personally have much of a problem with him. Best of luck.


After playing for ~8 hours between yesterday and today, I've beaten all the cups (single and double) with Luigi (and Mario for doubles). I haven't even touched the mini-games yet. :|

Now I've started work on getting the star players. I starred-up Mario (for my doubles matches :D ) and it took about a half-hour. So between that and the mini-games, that's a lot of time left.

This game rocks. Buy it now.


I can't beat Peach in the Finals of Star cup either... It is just a brick wall that i've run into. THe only thing that I can recommend is staying into the back and waiting for an opening (i.e. a wasted power shot or a rush to the net that allows you to lob it).

Ironically, after posting this, I beat her (in a tiebreaker) and then went on to blow through the Special Cups without losing a single match. For some reason, she was just impossibly hard for me.

Deku Tree

Memles said:
I played against Diddy Kong on Pro in Exhibition to see what I could find out.

Maybe it's just playing as Bowser Jr., but I swept him 6-0, 6-0. A couple of close games, but here's my basic tips.

- His power shots are weak. Watch for the way his offensive one curves, his defensive one is much easier to handle.
- He doesn't like really playing the net that often; focus on crosscourt shots from about mid-court. It cuts off the lob while also giving you better angles.

Other than that...I didn't personally have much of a problem with him. Best of luck.

Hey thanks for your help! I beat it last night. It was partially hard because I was playing "star players" without having my player be a "star player". You beat the star cup to become a star player. I was able to beat the Planet Cup using Star Player Mario. I think the Star Players hit the ball harder.


Deku Tree said:
Hey thanks for your help! I beat it last night. It was partially hard because I was playing "star players" without having my player be a "star player". You beat the star cup to become a star player. I was able to beat the Planet Cup using Star Player Mario. I think the Star Players hit the ball harder.

Heh...I personally went through all of the cups with plain old Bowser Jr. I didn't feel right being a star player, wanted to do it hardcore style.


Deku Tree said:
Hey thanks for your help! I beat it last night. It was partially hard because I was playing "star players" without having my player be a "star player". You beat the star cup to become a star player. I was able to beat the Planet Cup using Star Player Mario. I think the Star Players hit the ball harder.
Oh yeah, having a star player helps significantly in the tougher tourneys. They seem to have more range, are much better at the net (in terms of responsiveness and range), and hit the ball harder.

Deku Tree

Memles said:
Heh...I personally went through all of the cups with plain old Bowser Jr. I didn't feel right being a star player, wanted to do it hardcore style.

I'll definately try that later. Probably with Diddy. Actually the finals of the Planet cup is the only single player tournament match I've had problems with, the rest seem like a cake walk in comparison.


Is it just me or does Waluigi suck? I was unlocking the star players last night, and was working on Waluigi. I normally just blow through the tourney until Star. Mushroom was OK, Fire was a little harder than normal, but Star just about kicked my ass. The Star final was versus Shy Guy and the sets went 1-3, 3-2, 0-2, 2-0, and 3-2. It took me a friggin' hour just for the final. Tons of deuces and two tie-breaks. I'm happy that's over.

So how are you supposed to play Waluigi? It seemed like nothing would work consistantly for me.


The CPU controlled Waluigi is horrible... He always trips over himself and rushes the net.

From watching the CPU play him, it looks like the strategy is to get a power shot and use it ASAP... It leaves the receiver in a tornado spin that lasts longer than most other special move aftermaths...

Also, because he's so darned tall, it looks like he can powersmash lobs that might go over other characters' heads, so playing the net is less a liability than ususal with him.


Yeah, I rushed the net and did get some good shots, but then Shy-Guy would just lob them over my head. The only thing that worked more times than not was holding down A to get a good forehand and curve it to the right. After doing this 3 or 4 times in a row, I'd catch Shy-Guy going the other way and he couldn't reach it.


I got through the World Open and Gimmick Tournaments with Waluigi recently...got through them pretty easily. Have yet to try the Star Tournament, but I don't find him too difficult to play as.

As for him being a bit of a loof when CPU controlled, I haven't noticed anything too idiotic from him; no more than I've seen from some of the other characters anyways.

Latest Match: (Star) Bowser Jr. vs. Bowser (Ace Difficulty) : 6-3, 6-0.

Went down 2-0 in the first set...and then kicked his ass.


Deku Tree said:
How do u guys play these long sets? All my sets are 2 games, so how do you set it to play a 6 game set?

In tournaments it cannot be changed; in Exhibition, you can change the number of sets and the number of games needed to win a set by simply changing the options on the same screen as the power shot turning off.


Memles said:
As for him being a bit of a loof when CPU controlled, I haven't noticed anything too idiotic from him; no more than I've seen from some of the other characters anyways.

That's funny, because I note particular personalities from almost every character... Daisy and Waluigi trip a lot. Peach is a total brute. Luigi and Waluigi like to rush the net. Koopa Troopa hangs back. Etc...


Recently, Bowser Jr. has been shipping around for a new partner. Started with Bowser, but he got pissed at a loss in the Planet Cup which Bowser Jr. eventually won, and got jealous, attempting to steal the trophy. A less than amicable split ensued.

Started off with Waluigi, but they struggled against The Guys (Shy and Fly) and Waluigi became angry. The resulting singles match was a straight set routing from Bowser Jr.

Bowser Jr. then moved to an unlikely partner in crime; Wiggler. Although an early setback against the the Troopas (Koopa and Para) put them behind, Wiggler went through the World Open, building his stength, and a straight sets victory over The Guys brought the team together. They will team for the first major tournament soon. No word on if Bowser has found a new teammate.

Doubles with a CPU Partner is a BITCH...which makes it awesome.

Anyone else got a CPU Doubles Partner of choice?
Mine arrived earlier in the week and I have to say I'm delighted with it and yet, equally disappointed. Whoever came up with the powershots is an idiot, and whoever decided that they couldn't be turned off in the tournaments more than matches the idiotnessness of the first idiot.

Going through some doubles matches can be hugely frustrating not to mention time consuming, especially the harder cups. For example, you're in a rally that lasting about 2 minutes, you've finally worked an opening, you rush the net and play a beautiful little volley that wrongfoots the computer. You celebrate an excellent play, but all too soon. Suddenly the computer flies across with a special move, your partner responds with another and before you know it all 4 specials have been used and we're back to square one. Rallies can go on for what seems like an eternity, the special moves power-up way too quickly and are used far to frequently by the computer. Limiting it to one special move per rally would have been a much better idea.

Still, despite my obvious hatred of these I love the game. We've had quite a few 4p games and they are multiplayer heaven. With the power-shots off, it turns into a wonderful game of tennis. It brings out the best and the worst in people, with a huge amount of swearing at your patner for missing an easy shot, and a great deal of laughter from the opposing team. Will definitely cause a few fights at Christmas time. :)


I haven't played four player yet, but I also haven't turned off power shots; I am personally a fan of super long rallies. I've kind of adapted to the power shots, I guess. I've done all the doubles tournaments I'll be doing, so that isn't a concern now. In singles, power shots make the game too easy, I think, and in doubles it makes it too hard. It has some balance issues, I've just kind of kept on going through them.


I haven't played this game for too long, but I must say that what I've played with Mario has been pretty sweet.

I was disappointed with the power shots in the tournament mode, but I've come to appreciate the extra level of strategy they add. I thought they were cheap at first.


Okay...I have seen the light. Power moves go off for now. We'll see how a match against slower guys go, but I had some awesome 1+ minute rallies against Koopa and Para. Para's lunge is like GIGANTOR. Craziness.
Rallies can go on for ages even without power moves. I unlocked Ace mode today and it's bloody difficult. I tried playing Mario, I was Luigi, and I got killed 6-0!! A CPU doubles match was the same story, you'd end up playing the one rally for about 2 minutes before really earning your point. There's a great deal of satisfaction after each score, you really have to work the openings but damned if the cpu isn't thinking the same way. Very rewarding when you finally win a game.

I think Daisy is my favourite so far, she's terrific at the net and pretty fast. Have to love little Koopa as well, can be very hard to play against. Looking forward to a little tournament here tommorrow, should make for a fun afternoon.


Chibbi Brady said:
I think Daisy is my favourite so far, she's terrific at the net and pretty fast. Have to love little Koopa as well, can be very hard to play against. Looking forward to a little tournament here tommorrow, should make for a fun afternoon.

I plan on mapping out a Doubles tournament for myself to play through and attempting to create elaborate storylines.

I need friends.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. ;)

This game should definitely have been online, think of the fun to be had. I know the computer is good but it's still not quite the same.

It still has a huge amount of play in the single player game. Unlocking all the star players will take some doing, I'm up to 6 now, and the ace mode will keep you going for ages. The games can get very tense, controller-throwing tense.
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