Remaining Matches for this round:
Mushroom division:
- GCquinton vs ScottNak
Star divison:
- Nabster92 vs Penguin
Completed Matches for this round:
Mushroom division:
- Meta-Knight First Round Bye / Meta-Knight advances to the next round
-Star divison:
- Deduce vs Thespis721 / Deduce advances to the next round
- Deadline for the current round will be Tuesday November 13; this will have allowed players 1 month to schedule their matches.
- Players that have been inactive in this thread during the final week of the current round, 11/6 - 11/13, will be disqualified.
- If both players are active in this thread but are unable to play their match by the current deadline, Tuesday November 13, both players will be disqualified from the tournament.
How does that sound? Think it will speed things up?