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Mark Cuban confirms GOP is scouting for third-party run against Trump

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I think even the major GOP players would rather have Hillary in the White House than Trump.

Plus, they have to know by now that the presidency can't be won with white men alone. To them, losing the White House for a mere four years would be preferable to permanently alienating Latinos and other groups. Going all in with Trump would just cripple them in the future.


The Autumn Wind
They would literally be handing Hillary the Presidency by doing this. They are insane.
They know that. The point of this would be to ensure sane, more moderate Republicans go out to vote so the party doesn't get destroyed in down-ticket races.


Is it patriotic pride to not want to see the office filled with a blustering fool that motivates them?

Or is it that Trump, unlike Hillary, will actually reign in Wall Street with strong regulation, close loopholes abused by the 1%, and raise taxes on the wealthy that scares them?

Edit: if this tells us anything it is that Obama may get to replace Scalia after all. The repubs in the senate don't trust Trump. They certainly don't want to let Hillary nominate. They might feel their best choice is to negotiate an older centrist out of Obama.


Ben Sasse is an intriguing option. He's in a similar position to that of Obama in '08, and I know some Nebraskans really like him. I was actually thinking the other day that I could see him running for the presidency in the future.

I still wouldn't vote for him, but it's an intriguing option for sure.
So this section of Republicans are trying to ensure Hillary wins the White House? I mean all a third party candidate that was a conservative Republican would do is draw votes from Trump. So Hillary would keep her majority and Trump's votes would be split.

The party knows it's fucked no matter what. The mentality is if Trump wins, it's irreparable, they won't be able to distance themselves without losing the new majority of their base, and they'll hate themselves even more than they did throughout the last 8 years. At least if Hillary wins, they can just blame Trump and move on while seeming to save face.


The Autumn Wind
Is it patriotic pride to not want to see the office filled with a blustering fool that motivates them?

Or is it that Trump, unlike Hillary, will actually reign in Wall Street with strong regulation, close loopholes abused by the 1%, and raise taxes on the wealthy that scares them?
Sheldon Adelson just floated him $100 million. There's exactly a 0% chance of Trump doing any of that.


Good. At this point I hope they know they lost the election, and some of the sane Republicans want to have the last laugh and just hand the thing over to Hillary then let Trump win the thing.
Is it patriotic pride to not want to see the office filled with a blustering fool that motivates them?

Or is it that Trump, unlike Hillary, will actually reign in Wall Street with strong regulation, close loopholes abused by the 1%, and raise taxes on the wealthy that scares them?

You're asking if Trump, a man who has publicly stated that he wants to change libel laws specifically so that he (and only he) can crack down on newspaper publications that made legitimate criticisms, is going to make major revisions to the laws he has exploited for over a decade to maintain his status and wealth in spite of overwhelming incompetence to prevent that sort of thing from happening?

I'm going to say, no, no one is particularly worried that DONALD TRUMP is going to take steps to keep the rich from getting richer, or weaken the protections that allow them to remain rich despite incompetence and criminal malfeasance. The one thing Trump's been consistent and honest about when discussing policy is that he will do whatever is best for Donald Trump, who is one of those 1%'s precisely because of regulation shortfalls that allow a man to be phenomenally wealthy even while declaring bankruptcy.


Mark Cuban runs an NBA team. Not a hockey team, not a NASCAR team, an NBA team.

Why the hell would he ever run with Donald Trump.

Last year when Trump first announced he was running, Mark Cuban said that he would be Trump's VP if asked.

Ive only ever heard Cuban espouse liberal economic ideas, so I'm not sure why he would be asked to do this.


"The recruiters also delved into the world of reality television for someone who might out-Trump Trump: Mark Cuban, the brash billionaire businessman and owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team."

This country is pathetic. Let's just make Guy Fieri president, people knows him from the speakin box!
Everyone (left leaning) knows that deep down, if we were to have a TV star as our president it'd NEED to be either John Stewart or Stephen Colbert. They might even have the brains to actually do it, or at least recognize the issues we're facing rather than just being insane like Trump.
"The recruiters also delved into the world of reality television for someone who might out-Trump Trump: Mark Cuban, the brash billionaire businessman and owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team."

This country is pathetic. Let's just make Guy Fieri president, people knows him from the speakin box!

Let's not get crazy. Fieri is not ready for the presidency....yet. Let him be Jon Taffer's VP and I can get behind that ticket.



Seems like the right thing to do. Also have to give them props for putting the country before the party.
It really can be a suicide pill to ensure Trump is irrelevant to the GOP going forward as anything but a lesson. Or perhaps just pure spite at him wrecking their plans the way he did.


It really can be a suicide pill to ensure Trump is irrelevant to the GOP going forward as anything but a lesson. Or perhaps just pure spite at him wrecking their plans the way he did.
What else can they do?

They helped create this monster. If they do this I will give them credit for doing something to stop it.


Everyone (left leaning) knows that deep down, if we were to have a TV star as our president it'd NEED to be either John Stewart or Stephen Colbert. They might even have the brains to actually do it, or at least recognize the issues we're facing rather than just being insane like Trump.
Jon Stewart would never get into politics. Dude went through some of the pettiest shit in his life just trying to lobby for a bill to get healthcare for 9/11 first responders. He'd probably lose his mind trying to deal with how obstructionist Congress is.


Rodent Whores
Huge waste of money. So much for fiscal responsibility. Trump's been eating their lunch this whole cycle, and I doubt they can take him down. They keep trying though.

$50 says they won't do shit.

I'm fucking dead serious. The GOP is spineless, they wouldn't dare do this (even though they should).
Running a third party against him will simply embolden him and his supporters in the future. The narrative will go from "An insane, borderline fascist can't win" to "Trump could've won if only he hadn't been stabbed in the back by the GOP!"

Just let him lose.
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