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Maryam Mirzakhani wins Fields Medal, first woman to earn highest mathematics honor.

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The International Mathematical Union (IMU) has revealed on its website the winners of the 2014 Fields medals, considered the highest honour in mathematics. The four young medallists — including Maryam Mirzakhani, the first female winner since the prizes were established in 1936 — have been selected for their contributions to topics ranging from dynamical systems to the geometry of numbers and the solution of equations of the type that describe many physical phenomena.

The IMU had planned to publically announce the names on August 13 in Seoul at the International Congress of Mathematicians, but — owing presumably to a technical glitch — the page with the announcement was already live on the organization's website on August 12. The Wikipedia pages for the winners appeared to have been updated anonymously on the same day after 18:00 London time.

In addition to the medal itself, the Fields Institute, based in Toronto, awards each winner CAN$15,000 (US$13,700) in cash. The prizes are given to researchers aged 40 years or younger every four years. Although the prizes recognize outstanding achievement in the early stages of a career, they are also seen as an indicator of mathematicians to watch in the future.

A native of Iran, Maryam Mirzakhani is at Stanford University in California. She won for her work on “the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces.”

“Perhaps Maryam's most important achievement is her work on dynamics,” says Curtis McMullen of Harvard University. Many natural problems in dynamics, such as the three-body problem of celestial mechanics (for example, interactions of the Sun, the Moon and Earth), have no exact mathematical solution. Mirzakhani found that in dynamical systems evolving in ways that twist and stretch their shape, the systems' trajectories “are tightly constrained to follow algebraic laws”, says McMullen.

He adds that Mirzakhani’s achievements “combine superb problem-solving ability, ambitious mathematical vision and fluency in many disciplines, which is unusual in the modern era, when considerable specialization is often required to reach the frontier”.

More discussion of the other three winners at the link:


It's depressing that it's taken so long, but it's still a really cool event that hopefully becomes far, far more frequent in the future.
That is one... androgynous looking woman.

Of course. It is her looks that needs commenting.

OT: Wonderful achievement by Mirzakhani. We should break down the myths of girls being underperformers in scientific fields. And double awesome on her for having broken so many barriers.
“Perhaps Maryam's most important achievement is her work on dynamics,” says Curtis McMullen of Harvard University. Many natural problems in dynamics, such as the three-body problem of celestial mechanics (for example, interactions of the Sun, the Moon and Earth), have no exact mathematical solution. Mirzakhani found that in dynamical systems evolving in ways that twist and stretch their shape, the systems' trajectories “are tightly constrained to follow algebraic laws”, says McMullen.
So math gaf what does this mean?


The universe is one big simulation. Time is a Reimann surface.




So math gaf what does this mean?

The universe and everything in it is expanding and doing crazy stuff, and that messes with our equations.
But, we can still get it all to be one big computer simulation if we just do crazy stuff as well :þ

(This post would not make a good citation >.>)



and cool as fuck <3

Mathematics create all sorts of awesome images.
Fractals are the most popular ones, of course, but any time one is poking around at any sort of geometric field, they're pretty nifty-looking too.

I hated my Affine and Projective Geometry class. That thing was crazy hard.



Looking forward to getting to the level in my studies where I can actually understand her (and others') work.
Mathematics create all sorts of awesome images.
Fractals are the most popular ones, of course, but any time one is poking around at any sort of geometric field, they're pretty nifty-looking too.

I hated my Affine and Projective Geometry class. That thing was crazy hard.

Maths and Science are incredible magical things!!!

... I'm terrible with numbers :< but I love science :> tis a humbling and empowering thing <3


I don't understand much about maths but it is fascinating subject to read on. Wish I could understand more about the work they are talking.
That is one... shit comment.

She is one exceptional woman and human being. Hope she is a great inspiration to girls around the world. I wonder how she is perceived in Iran and how she perceives her home country.

There are more female college graduates in Iran than male. Education is highly valued, so no doubt they're all very proud of her accomplishments.


Maths and Science are incredible magical things!!!

... I'm terrible with numbers :< but I love science :> tis a humbling and empowering thing <3
Yeah and the worst thing is that you basically can't become a scientist without being good at math.

I feel like I could understand everything, especially in Biology, but I'm completely math-disabled.


That is one... androgynous looking woman.

Everything wrong with modern society perfectly summed up in one post.

I'm actually amazed at the stuff people discover in math. For some reason, I tend to believe it's the one science we have a perfect grasp on.


So math gaf what does this mean?

Three body problems refer to finding the motion of three particles when their masses and velocities (and positions) are known at a particular point (one example in astrophysics being the orbit of planets and the sun); in classical mechanics these solutions are highly complex because of their chaotic nature, and are found computationally. Some of Maryam's work essentially entailed finding solutions to these problems when the space they are moving in is also deformed.

There are some papers of hers on the arXiv, but of course they are highly technical!



I'm actually amazed at the stuff people discover in math. For some reason, I tend to believe it's the one science we have a perfect grasp on.

Definitelty not.

I remember one of my Mathematics professors saying that part of the requirements for completing his doctorate was to prove something that was unproven.

And, I remember thinking to myself "Oh, no problem... Just thousands of years of people putting time and work into Mathematics, with everyone unable to prove whatever it is... But, hey, you'll come up with it!"

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
Definitelty not.

I remember one of my Mathematics professors saying that part of the requirements for completing his doctorate was to prove something that was unproven.

And, I remember thinking to myself "Oh, no problem... Just thousands of years of people putting time and work into Mathematics, with everyone unable to prove whatever it is... But, hey, you'll come up with it!"

Yeah it's stuff like this that causes Math to intimidate the hell out of me. Not only do you have to learn all this super complicated madness all these other crazily intelligent humans figured out, you ALSO have to make up or figure out some entirely new shit.

Can anyone dumb down what Riemman surfaces are?


Yeah it's stuff like this that causes Math to intimidate the hell out of me. Not only do you have to learn all this super complicated madness all these other crazily intelligent humans figured out, you ALSO have to make up or figure out some entirely new shit.

Can anyone dumb down what Riemman surfaces are?
This is why I don't think I could ever study pure mathematics at the graduate level. I really don't think my imagination is up to it. (And not seeing many other women do it plays into it. I hope Mirzakhani inspires young girls.) So I respect the hell out of people who do this work.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
This is why I don't think I could ever study pure mathematics at the graduate level. I really don't think my imagination is up to it. (And not seeing many other women do it plays into it. I hope Mirzakhani inspires young girls.) So I respect the hell out of people who do this work.

Beyond that, personally, I honestly believe I'm just not that intelligent. The super layman explanations for some of these fields are so far past my understanding it makes my brain hurt. People like this lady are on a whole other level of brainsmarts.

Edit: But I can do a pretty sweet nosepress, so like, whatever.


Traditionally when people think of a planar surface they're only thinking in real numbers, whereas complex numbers are numbers given by z = a + bi, where a and b are real and i is imaginary (square root of -1). Imagine you have some function of z, f(z), that can take on multiple values for the same z. A Riemann surface is the visualisation of it such that we view it as a single-valued function over several branching surfaces, instead of one multivalued function. That's about the simplest way I can describe an application of Riemann surfaces right now without going into what holomorphic functions mean...this introduction here might be helpful:

Can anyone dumb down what Riemman surfaces are?
A surface is something that locally looks like a plane, but may have a different topology on a larger scale. For instance, both a sphere and a plane are surfaces. In both cases, when you look at a small patch of the surface, it is topologically equivalent to a plane. However, the sphere is different from the plane on the global scale (if you'll pardon the pun), because the local neighborhoods are "stitched together" in a different way. This image posted earlier:

is another example of a [Riemann] surface. This particular example most naturally lives in four-dimensional space; for rendering purposes, it has been projected down into our normal 3-dimensional space, which creates the appearance of self-intersection. However, the actual surface does not intersect itself. For if it did, then the neighborhood around the intersection would not look like a plane, and thus the object could not be a surface.

A Riemann surface is a complex manifold, which means that it is a surface equipped with additional algebraic structure that allows us to define holomorphic functions on it. These functions are important because, to put it briefly, we can do complex analysis ("calculus") on them.
Three body problems refer to finding the motion of three particles when their masses and velocities (and positions) are known at a particular point (one example in astrophysics being the orbit of planets and the sun); in classical mechanics these solutions are highly complex because of their chaotic nature, and are found computationally. Some of Maryam's work essentially entailed finding solutions to these problems when the space they are moving in is also deformed.

There are some papers of hers on the arXiv, but of course they are highly technical!


I didn't understand anything you said or in her published papers list. Therefore, congratulations to her and everyone else in that field who is literally progressing the world of gibberish, at least as how I see it. I don't think I could ever be as intelligent as her. Wow.
There are more female college graduates in Iran than male. Education is highly valued, so no doubt they're all very proud of her accomplishments.

Yes, apparently that is why the government did this:

On 20 August 2012, an announcement was made by Iran's Ministry of Science, Research and Technology that 36 universities in Iran would be cutting 77 fields of study from the female curriculum, making them male-only fields. The fields chosen include most sciences and engineering, among others. The curriculum change is to begin being implemented for the 2013 school year and the fields of study limitations for women have been added to the university "leaflets".[7] Universities like the Oil Industry University have completely barred women from attending, citing the "lack of employer demand".

Indeed, higher education is highly valued. Just not for women any more it seems.


Yeah it's stuff like this that causes Math to intimidate the hell out of me. Not only do you have to learn all this super complicated madness all these other crazily intelligent humans figured out, you ALSO have to make up or figure out some entirely new shit.

That's true of any dicipline of science, but I agree there's something indimidating about proofs. While it is something you can practice there's also a sink or swim aspect to it.

Anyway, congrats to her. I'm surprised it took this long.


A surface is something that locally looks like a plane, but may have a different topology on a larger scale. For instance, both a sphere and a plane are surfaces. In both cases, when you look at a small patch of the surface, it is topologically equivalent to a plane. However, the sphere is different from the plane on the global scale (if you'll pardon the pun), because the local neighborhoods are "stitched together" in a different way. This image posted earlier:

is another example of a [Riemann] surface. This particular example most naturally lives in four-dimensional space; for rendering purposes, it has been projected down into our normal 3-dimensional space, which creates the appearance of self-intersection. However, the actual surface does not intersect itself. For if it did, then the neighborhood around the intersection would not look like a plane, and thus the object could not be a surface.

A Riemann surface is a complex manifold, which means that it is a surface equipped with additional algebraic structure that allows us to define holomorphic functions on it. These functions are important because, to put it briefly, we can do complex analysis ("calculus") on them.

So magic. Got it.
A surface is something that locally looks like a plane, but may have a different topology on a larger scale. For instance, both a sphere and a plane are surfaces. In both cases, when you look at a small patch of the surface, it is topologically equivalent to a plane. However, the sphere is different from the plane on the global scale (if you'll pardon the pun), because the local neighborhoods are "stitched together" in a different way. This image posted earlier:

is another example of a [Riemann] surface. This particular example most naturally lives in four-dimensional space; for rendering purposes, it has been projected down into our normal 3-dimensional space, which creates the appearance of self-intersection. However, the actual surface does not intersect itself. For if it did, then the neighborhood around the intersection would not look like a plane, and thus the object could not be a surface.

A Riemann surface is a complex manifold, which means that it is a surface equipped with additional algebraic structure that allows us to define holomorphic functions on it. These functions are important because, to put it briefly, we can do complex analysis ("calculus") on them.

Dude what
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