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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
Thanks to Mod of War Mod of War

keraj37 keraj37 Any chance this can get added to the OP? It's a free article that explains why countries are locking things down, in layman's terms.

Territories with confirmed cases of COVID-19


I don't think I've ever had pneumonia, so I had to look these up.

What Are the Symptoms of Pneumonia?
Pneumonia symptoms can vary from so mild you barely notice them, to so severe that hospitalization is required. How your body responds to pneumonia depends on the type germ causing the infection, your age and your overall health.

The signs and symptoms of pneumonia may include:

  • Cough, which may produce greenish, yellow or even bloody mucus
  • Fever, sweating and shaking chills
  • Shortness of breath
  • Rapid, shallow breathing
  • Sharp or stabbing chest pain that gets worse when you breathe deeply or cough
  • Loss of appetite, low energy, and fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting, especially in small children
  • Confusion, especially in older people


found it here


Update (0841ET): Beijing says the number of confirmed Wuhan cases in China has climbed to 634, bringing the global total to 641.


Here's a breakdown of cases by region (though it might be slightly out of date, it gets the point across):


In keeping with China's insistence that the Wuhan virus is far less deadly than the 2003 SARS outbreak, the SCMP reports that almost half of the 17 people who have succumbed to the virus so far were aged 80 or older, and most of them had pre-existing health conditions. All of those who died, 13 men and four women so far, were from the central province of Hubei, and were treated in hospitals in its capital, Wuhan, epicenter of the outbreak. Chinese authorities have quarantined most of the biggest sources in the province.

Here's some more information on the victims, including the types of illnesses they faced:

At least nine of those who died had pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, coronary artery disease and Parkinson’s disease. Eight were in their eighties, two in their seventies, five in their sixties and one man was in his fifties. The youngest woman was 48 and had a pre-existing condition.
One 89-year-old man, surnamed Chen, had a history of high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease and other conditions. He began experiencing symptoms on January 13, including difficulty breathing but not fever. Five days later, he was admitted to the Wuhan Union Hospital with severe breathing difficulties, and tested positive for pneumonia. He died the following evening.
The 48-year-old woman, surnamed Yin, had suffered from diabetes and had also had a stroke. She first had a fever, aches and pains on December 10 and her condition slowly deteriorated. She was treated at two hospitals in Wuhan before she died on Monday.
Officials in Beijing have been cautious about making definitive statements about the origins and characteristics of the disease, including its incubation period, saying more investigation was needed.
"There’s still a need for further study of the virus over time," said Gao Fu, director of the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, at a press briefing on Wednesday.
"As for the impact on younger people, according to current epidemiology and what we know right now, they really aren't susceptible," he said.
Patients as young as 15 have been infected with the pneumonia-like virus, according to Wuhan health officials. There are now more than 570 confirmed cases, including some reported in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, the United States, Japan, South Korea and Thailand.

Update (0800ET): CNA, an English-language news website based across Asia, has just reported that Singapore has confirmed the first case of the Wuhan coronavirus.


In a media briefing on Thursday evening, the Ministry of Health said the carrier is a 66-year-old Chinese man from Wuhan. The man arrived in Singapore with his family on Jan. 20 after flying in from Guangzhou via China Southern. The man reported having a soar throat on the flight, but no fever.


Earlier, St. Petersburg reportedly confirmed its third case of the Wuhan virus.

The man traveled to Singapore General on Wednesday, and was immediately placed in isolation. He tested positive for the virus at 6 pm local time on Thursday. Singaporean authorities have already begun a contact tree, and are isolating all those with whom the suspect had contact.

The diagnosis is just the latest indication that, even as more Chinese cities cancel LNY celebrations, too many Chinese, including Chinese from Wuhan, have already traveled abroad. And the week-long holiday doesn't even start until Saturday.

This live NYT map of confirmed Wuhan cases appears to be out-of-date, despite having just been updated.


he number of confirmed cases is closer to 600. Still, it gets the point across.

Update (0700ET): Beijing is reportedly planning to quarantine a third city in Hubei Province, where the coronavirus outbreak originated, while a fourth city in the province is planning to shut down train travel.

Media reports claim that Chibi, a city with half a million Chinese, will be quarantined like Wuhan and Huanggang. Meanwhile, Ezhou, a city with 1 million people in Hubei, is seeing some transportation shut down.

Meanwhile, officials in Beijing have joined several other Chinese cities in cancelling Chinese New Year celebrations.

As cases of the new coronavirus popped up around the globe, Chinese health officials managed to assuage the worries of the public, and the market, by insisting that the new, deadly coronavirus that emerged late last month in Wuhan had been 'contained' and that the outbreak would swiftly die down.

Despite imposing some draconian travel bans, it's becoming increasingly clear that this isn't going to happen. Even after quarantining an entire city of 11 million people - Wuhan is the 7th largest city in China and larger than any US city - experts are warning that it's too late: The cat is already out of the bag.

But that won't stop Beijing from trying: Now that Wuhan has been effectively cut off, Chinese officials announced another city-wide quarantine on Thursday: Huanggang city, which is in Hubei province and situated close to Wuhan, will suspend outbound train and bus services, as well as all bus services within the city effective Friday. All public places, including movie theaters, have been ordered to close until further notice, practically guaranteeing that the quarantine will take a bite out of GDP. Though even after authorities cut off all flights, Reuters reports that a few airlines were still running flights out of Wuhan.

As the SCMP pointed out, Wuhan, the city at the center of the outbreak, is five times larger than London.

The decision comes as more than 600 cases of the virus have now been confirmed. The death toll has been steady since yesterday at 17, as the WHO ponders whether to label the outbreak as a global pandemic risk.

Chinese state broadcasters shared images of Wuhan’s ghostly transport hubs, including the Hankou rail station, with all gates barred or blocked. Highway toll booths were shutting down as guards patrolled major highways. Inside the city, residents crowded into hospitals and rushed to buy up essential supplies from supermarkets and gas stations.

Interestingly, at least one Western journalist is reporting from Wuhan. We imagine Beijing allowed ABC access to the city to try and calm the growing panic in the West.

As more barriers rise, one well-known public health expert known for his work on the SARS outbreak warned that the quarantines likely wouldn't be enough to stop the virus from becoming a global pandemic, according to the New York Times.

Dr. Guan Yi, a professor of infectious diseases at the University of Hong Kong who visited Wuhan earlier this week, warned there was a potential for the virus to spread rapidly despite the controls put in place Thursday morning.
"We have a chance to have a pandemic outbreak,"
said Dr. Guan, who was part of the team that identified the coronavirus that caused the deadly SARS outbreak in 2002 and 2003. SARS infected more than 8,000 people and killed nearly 800.
Dr. Guan also told Caixin, an influential Chinese magazine known for investigative reports, that he had traveled to Wuhan earlier in the week hoping to help track the virus’s animal source and control the epidemic. But he left, he said, feeling "powerless, very angry."
Dr. W. Ian Lipkin, an epidemiologist at Columbia University who advised the Chinese government and the World Health Organization during the SARS outbreak, said that infected people outside Wuhan would continue to spread the disease.
"The horse is already out of the barn," he said.
Another expert warned that there could already be as many as 4,000 cases of coronavirus in Wuhan, meaning that the vast majority of infections likely haven't yet been reported.

Meanwhile, regulators around the world are scrambling to cut off flights from Wuhan (even though Beijing has supposedly cut off all rail and plane travel out of the city): The Philippines is the latest country to cut off flights from the city. The country's Civil Aeronautics Board added that flights from elsewhere in China would be placed under 'strict monitoring', according to CNN Philippines. Manila, the Philippines' crowded capital city, has started handing out 100,000 face masks.

The director of the country's Civil Aeronautics Board explained that, even though Beijing is quarantining entire cities, it's up to the Philippines to take their own steps to curb the outbreak.

"When you look at the seriousness of the outbreak, Wuhan should be the focus of attention," CAB Executive Director Carmelo Arcilla told reporters.
"Even if they lift it, we have to look at our side first and make our own assessment. So our assessment is different from theirs, I mean, even their decision is different from ours," Arcilla said.
Experts have warned that quarantining an entire city of 11 million would be virtually impossible. But the nabobs in Beijing refuse to be deterred: Videos circulating on social media show Chinese police setting up barricades across roads leading out of the city. Anybody in Wuhan who had New Year's travel plans should probably cancel them and ask for a refund.

After a suspected case of coronavirus was discovered in Macau yesterday, officials in the special autonomous region warned that they might close all casinos in the territory, a move that would spoil the vacation plans of millions of Chinese planning to travel to Macau for the Chinese New Year. A second case was reportedly discovered on Thursday.

Across the world, a mildly risk-off mood is once again dominating markets. That means US stocks are one outbreak headline away from deeper declines.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Glad they seem to be taking huge steps to contain it. It'll get out eventually of course.

I can't imagine going through customs right now, that's gotta suck.


Official numbers of confirmed cases don't mean a thing, because China has a history of lying about the severity of the problem. The fact that they've completely quarantined a city with an 11 million population is simply horrifying. Let's hope that we're not witnessing Plague Inc.: The Real Life.
Official numbers of confirmed cases don't mean a thing, because China has a history of lying about the severity of the problem. The fact that they've completely quarantined a city with an 11 million population is simply horrifying. Let's hope that we're not witnessing Plague Inc.: The Real Life.
we have no idea of its pathogenicity, trasmissibility and how it's trasmitted


Even if every single person on the planet catches the illness, it only really is deadly to those with compromised immune systems or other underlying health issues, it isn't an extinction level event. It would cull the old and weak basically. So far it only has had a 3% mortality rate. I'm not going to panic over it.
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Even if every single person on the planet catches the illness, it only really is deadly to those with compromised immune systems or other underlying health issues, it isn't an extinction level event. It would cull the old and weak basically. So far it only has had a 3% mortality rate. I'm not going to panic over it.
It does have a 50% hospitalization rate, though, so even if widespread death is off the table, the added strain to health services could have a cascade effect in countries that lack the infrastructure to handle it.

And in those scenarios, the 3% mortality rate is certain to jump up.


It does have a 50% hospitalization rate, though, so even if widespread death is off the table, the added strain to health services could have a cascade effect in countries that lack the infrastructure to handle it.

And in those scenarios, the 3% mortality rate is certain to jump up.

The hospitalization rate thing could also be due to a difference in medical philosophy though. I don't know how it is done in China, but I know in Japan they heavily rely on long hospitalization times compared to the west. What could be an outpatient procedure in the US is a 7 days hospital stay in Japan.

Will wait and see. Forests need regular fires to burn away the undergrowth. We are overdue.


People were buying masks left and right so they can make a killing selling them back to China
Were? I just bought 5,000. A few hundred are for my friends and colleagues, and the rest will be upsold by them on T1 cities. Get paid, get laid. Haters get rekt.
Even if every single person on the planet catches the illness, it only really is deadly to those with compromised immune systems or other underlying health issues, it isn't an extinction level event. It would cull the old and weak basically. So far it only has had a 3% mortality rate. I'm not going to panic over it.
Sounds like I welcome it...


Even if every single person on the planet catches the illness, it only really is deadly to those with compromised immune systems or other underlying health issues, it isn't an extinction level event. It would cull the old and weak basically. So far it only has had a 3% mortality rate. I'm not going to panic over it.

Anti-vaxxers stay losing.
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Unconfirmed Member
Glad they seem to be taking huge steps to contain it. It'll get out eventually of course.
Even if every single person on the planet catches the illness, it only really is deadly to those with compromised immune systems or other underlying health issues, it isn't an extinction level event. It would cull the old and weak basically. So far it only has had a 3% mortality rate. I'm not going to panic over it.
Everybody with aids would die off then. How terrible how could you think that? gasp!
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Looking at a particular stat sheet for recent mortalities;

Details of the deceased, 15 out of 17 are above the age of 60, symptoms without treatment persist for 2-3weeks.

So only those with compromised immune systems subject to danger from common flu pneumonia (10,000+ deaths worldwide every month) need worry. So far the death rate is significantly less than 1% of infected. It may be much less than that if even more people are infected (very likely). This has been blown out of proportion, but its better to be safe than sorry. No telling what effect the virus has on other racial groups/populations abroad. The rat-borne plague later known as the Black death killed relatively few when it originated in China, but eliminated 50% of Caucasians in Europe. I support further quarantines.

What makes a new virus particularly dangerous is if (in certain groups) it sends your immune system into a self destructive feedback loop. Spanish Influenza predominantly killed only the youthful and healthiest for that reason. The stronger your immune system, the more likely you were to perish. So far we haven't seen signs of this here. In China at least this is like catching the flu. Very serious if you're a geriatric, otherwise, meh. But it could morph. :messenger_hushed:
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They say a wet market in Wuhan. Conspiracy theorists are saying it came from the Chinese equivalent of the CDC, which also happens to be in Wuhan.

I hope this situation gets resolved asap. I have my own conspiracy theories that are anti-whatever you guys are into though. :)
Of course, I am against the mainstream narrative framing of the Hong Kong protests that are biased and anti-China propaganda fueled by the superiority complex and 'White privilege' rubbed off onto the HK identity and the years of anti-communist propaganda within the Western cultural frame and the HK education 'brainwashing system'. I feel more strongly than ever before about this after living in China myself and seeing all the subtle racist framing of the current Western regime in order to influence the American elections based in part by the growing insecurity of the Western people... and the never admitted this is an inherent prejudice against the 'low chinks' based on their 'disgusting manners'. The problem is that the Chinese sheep herd does not have a mature culture of capitalism since they got rich so quickly so their consumer behaviour is kind of 'low'. I find it funny but perhaps if I am not ethnically Chinese myself I will feel the same as the Western sheep herd now.

The thing is that in the West, we believe our propaganda much easily since it is branded as 'freedom', and the education system does not teach much about the rest of the world. While in China most Chinese inherently know their education is partially propaganda. The truth will set you free. I will defend what I feel is right because the West is just too crazy right now.

EDIT: Most Chinese do not care about politics or are too polite and shy to say anything; they just want to make money and improve their life. If there is a war I will just chill in Canada, but I must fight against the crazy Western sheep herd of racist hypocrisy in the mask of 'freedom' and 'justice'. :)
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Gold Member
Looking at a particular stat sheet for recent mortalities;

Details of the deceased, 15 out of 17 are above the age of 60, symptoms without treatment persist for 2-3weeks.

So only those with compromised immune systems subject to danger from common flu pneumonia (10,000+ deaths worldwide every month) need worry. So far the death rate is significantly less than 1% of infected. It may be much less than that if even more people are infected (very likely). This has been blown out of proportion, but its better to be safe than sorry. No telling what effect the virus has on other racial groups/populations abroad. The rat-borne plague later known as the Black death killed relatively few when it originated in China, but eliminated 50% of Caucasians in Europe. I support further quarantines.

What makes a new virus particularly dangerous is if (in certain groups) it sends your immune system into a self destructive feedback loop. Spanish Influenza predominantly killed only the youthful and healthiest for that reason. The stronger your immune system, the more likely you were to perish. So far we haven't seen signs of this here. In China at least this is like catching the flu. Very serious if you're a geriatric, otherwise, meh. But it could morph. :messenger_hushed:

The 13th-century Mongol conquest of China caused a decline in farming and trading. Economic recovery had been observed at the beginning of the fourteenth century. In the 1330s, many natural disasters and plagues led to widespread famine, starting in 1331, with a deadly plague arriving soon after.[13] Epidemics that may have included the plague killed an estimated 25 million Chinese and other Asians during the fifteen years before it reached Constantinople in 1347.[14][15]

I wonder if it was famine-stricken poor people with compromised immune systems that mainly perished during the plague. :pie_thinking:
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Texas Pride

Even if every single person on the planet catches the illness, it only really is deadly to those with compromised immune systems or other underlying health issues, it isn't an extinction level event. It would cull the old and weak basically. So far it only has had a 3% mortality rate. I'm not going to panic over it.

Until it mutates jumping person to person. The possibility of it also contaminating animals is also unknown iirc.

Airbus Jr

Shocking footage shows hospital in China flooded with hundreds of patients amid deadly coronavirus outbreak as leading expert warns the situation 'is already uncontrollable'

Shocking footage has purported to show hundreds of people filling a Chinese hospital to the brim amid an outbreak of a deadly new virus.

The coronavirus epidemic, which has killed 25 people and sickened more than 800, has led the authorities to quarantine at least 24 million people living in nine cities in China's Hubei Province before the Lunar New Year's Day on Saturday.

A leading Chinese virologist who helped tackle the SARS epidemic in Asia in 2003 has warned that the situation in Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak, 'is already uncontrollable'.

Another expert in the country feared that the worst was yet to come, claiming that the peak of the outbreak would be next month.

Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province with a population of 11million, has been quarantined since yesterday.

The local government today said that the city was witnessing a surge in the number of its fever patients and that hospitals were running out of beds.

Authorities have reportedly ordered a state-run construction company to build a dedicated hospital in six days to treat patients diagnosed with coronavirus.

The emergency medical facility would be modelled on a centre built in Beijing in 2003 during the epidemic of SARS, the report said.

Unverified footage posted by a blogger on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent to Twitter, appears to show the corridor and lobby of a hospital crammed with hundreds of mask-donning patients waiting to see the doctor.

Yang Gonghuan, the former deputy director of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, today told the press that the peak of the outbreak was yet to come.

Ms Yang predicted that the health crisis would worsen and the number of patients would spike in February.

The expert, who helped fought the SARS epidemic in 2003, made the comments to Chinese news outlet Jiemian, which is affiliated to the official Shanghai United Media Group.

Dr Guan Yi, whose team was among the first to identify the SARS virus 17 years ago, shared the concerns.

He confessed to Chinese media that the situation in Wuhan - where the virus originated - 'is already uncontrollable'.

He feared that the new virus could lead to an outbreak at least 10 times worse than the SARS pandemic, which killed 775 people and infected more than 8,000 worldwide.

'I have experienced so much and never felt scared. Most [viruses] are controllable, but this time I am scared,' Dr Guan told Chinese outlet Caixin.

The expert, who was in Wuhan this week, claimed he had to 'escape' from the city yesterday after noticing the 'jaw-droppingly' lack of preventative measures enforced by the local authorities.

At least nine cities in Hubei, with a combined population of 24 million, are now in lockdown. They include Wuhan, Huanggang, Ezhou, Zhijiang, Dangyang, Qianjiang, Chibi, Xiantao, Lichuan.

The number of cities is expected to rise.

The provincial market watchdog today acknowledged that the city was facing shortage of vegetables and the phenomenon was caused by panic buying.

Chen Zhuan, a representative from the Hubei Provincial Market Management Bureau, demanded all farmers' markets and supermarkets conduct price checks on their products and keep the food prices at a 'stable' level.

China's central government has also issued the province one billion yuan (£110million) as an emergency relief fund to help the local authorities tackle the alarming health crisis.

The province has also ordered all travel companies to halt its business and cancel all tour groups.

The World Health Organization is facing increasing pressure to declare the crisis a public health emergency, like it has done for Ebola and Zika in the past. Health chiefs will meet again later today to make a final verdict.
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The virus is man made.
5 years old.
Read the patent from the link I post.

In fact the patent is here.

We are being taken for a ride. The virus is not a week old, they knew about it over 5 years ago and already had a vaccine ready....
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There are videos of people just falling over suddenly in the street and people in hazmat suits running up to collect them. I saw them on Metokur's stream.

That is not a respiratory virus I've ever heard of.

They say a wet market in Wuhan. Conspiracy theorists are saying it came from the Chinese equivalent of the CDC, which also happens to be in Wuhan.

It's a testing facility that is about 8 miles away from the site of the first case.

Airbus Jr

The virus is man made.
5 years old.
Read the patent from the link I post.

In fact the patent is here.

We are being taken for a ride. The virus is not a week old, they knew about it over 5 years ago and already had a vaccine ready....

So its an accident or..you know..on purpose...
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