The real bullshit is that the traditional flu is actually much more dangerous for children and especially young children. The flu kills a larger number of children than most people are aware and COVID kills barely any at all. Several European countries have never closed their schools. So much for “science” I guess.
And please spare us all the news articles about multi system inflammatory syndrome. Those articles are anecdotes at best right now and even if they are confirmed we’re still taking about statistically insignificant numbers.
Facebook or Ree?
Sure. The CDC confirms between 150-200 pediatric deaths a year from the flu and estimated the number closer to 600. But the number of confirmed pediatric deaths for the current flu season this year is 105 per the CDC. Google pediatric flu deaths if you would like to know where I got that. It’s the first result.Can you Provide numbers for that Claim?
Sure. The CDC confirms between 150-200 pediatric deaths a year from the flu and estimated the number closer to 600. But the number of confirmed pediatric deaths for the current flu season this year is 105 per the CDC. Google pediatric flu deaths if you would like to know where I got that. It’s the first result.
Stop Fear-Mongering: Kids Are Safer From Covid-19 Than Everyone Else
The coronavirus news for kids has been overwhelmingly positive, but Gov. Andrew Cuomo is feeding fear by raising a tenuously connected
This article indicates the CDC has listed just 12 pediatric deaths from COVID to this point. I mean I haven’t verified that independently, but I’m trusting they did. So let’s just take the confirmed numbers. 105 deaths from flu vs 12 for COVID.
Some of these are straight up gold!
At the care home where I work we have no known cases (two months ago we had over 70) - and my mom, who broke her pelvic bone, and got through an outbreak on her ward, and made it through 14 days of isolation in her room here at home, is presently doing fine... I’m still employed (I thought for certain I was going to be out of work by now)... and yet every morning for the past week my anxiety, which is knew to me, has gotten worse and worse.
I’ve never experienced anxiety like this - it’s so bad that before work I’m literally hiding underneath my bedsheets. I like it when it’s dark, when I can’t see the daylight.
I remember, decades ago, hearing about this girl I knew in high school who married this guy, and then found out, after they were married, that he had such bad anxiety he would come home and hide in the closet. When I was younger I thought people like that were crazy - I get it now.
This mental health thing is no joke. I wonder how many people are going to be be emotionally traumatized because of this pandemic - millions? A person could be going through a divorce, lose their job, have someone in their family die from coronavirus, suffer through a natural disaster (like a hurricane or an earthquake) and maybe even get Covid19 themselves. A series of terrible things could easily happen at the same time.
I guess you just have to do your best to get through each day. And to think that four months ago my biggest worry was minor work related stuff that now seems completely insignificant.
I'm not sure what vaccination would have to do with it. If anything, the fact some kids have been vaccinated just underscores how dangerous the flu is in children, because you're looking at at 105 deaths from the flu this year despite a vaccine. No one knows the number of COVID infections in kids because the nature of the disease. Its fairly mild and asymptomatic in many people. However kids were going to school up until the middle of March, so I think its very likely if it there was any significant danger to children, we would've seen more than 12 deaths to this point. And that's 12 deaths with no vaccine. That's not to say its nothing. The fact is that we don't close schools for worse illnesses than this. The only real issues with opening schools will be the older teachers. At least that's my feeling.Eh right, but how many did have the flu vs how many had covid? How many of These didn't get the vaccine?
I look forward to getting there bro, we just got to 27. Seems like no end is in sight now. I am down to four members on my staff right now. I am the Director of Dining and I work with a team of a Filipina Dietary Aides. breaks my heart most of them have got it. The ones that are still here are working doubles six days a week just to feed the residents. Troopers.
To be fair I think it's more "current" guidelines for anybody with the balls to reopen schools NOW. Not necessarily what they expect for the fall. But still. It's fucking lunacy to even consider anything like that (but, we have seen what's going on in some other countries, so...).
If it comes to that, I think they'd more likely just kick off the fall with more 'distance learning' instead of deal with all that absurd crap. Which would still be bullshit. There's absolutely zero reason why schools shouldn't be open NOW just about everywhere in the U.S. Probably everywhere without exception, even NYC. A few common sense tweaks, but 98% business as usual. And if you think otherwise, I'm sorry, you are a spineless sheep who has fallen victim to irrational mass hysteria.
My son's baseball camp sent out an email today that they will be running camp in July as scheduled, but kids will be required to wear masks THE ENTIRE TIME and parents can't get out of their cars for dropoff/pickup, or stand near the field to watch, etc. The latter, eh, dumb, but whatever. But the masks, hell no. Masks for the kids for 6 hours out in hot/humid weather during physical activity? Have they lost their goddamn minds?
How did 50 got sick with such strict measure?We had major staffing issues in the early days because some employees were sick, but many others simply didn’t show up for work out of fear - others just quit. Many who stayed worked seven days a week for two months straight.
Ultimately, to entice employees back to work, wages were doubled. We also had volunteer nurses from the local hospital arrive - these brought their own PPE, which none of our staff had.
Gradually new rules went into place: all staff had to wear masks, kitchen people were not allowed to leave the kitchen, paper plates and cups were used for service (you should have seen the trash compactor outside - eventually we had to have the garbage guys show up twice a day instead of once every two days), residents were confined to their rooms, activities were cancelled, staff were confined to their floors (and told they could only work at our facility - which was hard on many, because most can’t feed their families by working ‘just’ one job), and visitors were banned from the building (you’d think that family members would have responded favourably to this - but actually many were insanely angry that they were being told to stay away).
The kitchen manager decided that nothing should return to the kitchen except for the steel carts, and those got taken outside and doused in a bleach solution for 30 minutes.
At one point it seemed like the entire building was going to go down. About two weeks in, when our staff was down to a skeleton crew, and over 50 residents were positive (there seemed no end in sight to residents developing symptoms), I said (and truly believed at the time) that every single one of our residents was going to get sick. Thankfully, that didn’t happen.
Miraculously, we managed to contain the outbreak, and then to get clear of it. Weirdly, I now feel safer at work than I do in public.
If you take extreme measures, then you should get past your outbreak. Good luck.
I look forward to getting there bro, we just got to 27. Seems like no end is in sight now. I am down to four members on my staff right now. I am the Director of Dining and I work with a team of a Filipina Dietary Aides. breaks my heart most of them have got it. The ones that are still here are working doubles six days a week just to feed the residents. Troopers.
Sweet n' Sour Sicken is my favorite.
How did 50 got sick with such strict measure?
So if you didn't send the virus into old age homes, protected the elderly and sick then herd immunity probably could of been reached with minimal deaths.
Every life is precious, but was it worth destroying society and the economy over .014% of the population?
But again we live in a society that changes all its rules and bends the knee for the small tiny non-binary and trans population so I guess the reactions make sense.
At the care home where I work we have no known cases (two months ago we had over 70) - and my mom, who broke her pelvic bone, and got through an outbreak on her ward, and made it through 14 days of isolation in her room here at home, is presently doing fine... I’m still employed (I thought for certain I was going to be out of work by now)... and yet every morning for the past week my anxiety, which is knew to me, has gotten worse and worse.
I’ve never experienced anxiety like this - it’s so bad that before work I’m literally hiding underneath my bedsheets. I like it when it’s dark, when I can’t see the daylight.
I remember, decades ago, hearing about this girl I knew in high school who married this guy, and then found out, after they were married, that he had such bad anxiety he would come home and hide in the closet. When I was younger I thought people like that were crazy - I get it now.
This mental health thing is no joke. I wonder how many people are going to be be emotionally traumatized because of this pandemic - millions? A person could be going through a divorce, lose their job, have someone in their family die from coronavirus, suffer through a natural disaster (like a hurricane or an earthquake) and maybe even get Covid19 themselves. A series of terrible things could easily happen at the same time.
I guess you just have to do your best to get through each day. And to think that four months ago my biggest worry was minor work related stuff that now seems completely insignificant.
There was a while where I felt way more comfortable at work than I did away from work. I’m at a fairly large hospital in PA. The news is literally driving people insane. It’s completely disconnected from reality.I work on a covid unit and do you know who is the least anxious about this stuff? Infectious disease specialists. Knowledge is power. Partisanship obfuscates knowledge--and makes you weak minded.
Ehh.. those places are grey area legal because it's like a hotel where you rent a room or something and it really is legally up to the people renting the space WTF they do with their time and dongs.Some Michigan news regarding this whole corona/ covid19 thing I came across some information I thought was interesting. I think a bunch of people saw the get a haircut on the capital yesterday or maybe it was Tuesday. This was because Big Gretch had the state police take away a barber breaking the law and take away his license too. I mean the law is the law and he did things illegally.
However, a gay group sex establishment was deemed essential? Or rather has been open since and no state police have shut it down.Nobody_Important ,
Arkage I know have praised her response and I know she hit 60 approval in. A Detroit poll yesterday. But can you guys explain this? I thought close contain spread the viruses around.
Club open
These approval ratings are temporary. Wait until the pain sets in and the money train dries up. Wait until the weather gets nice and these lockdown loving governors are still trying to lock people at home. The weather has been unseasonably bad in the northeast and midwest. Just wait.Some Michigan news regarding this whole corona/ covid19 thing I came across some information I thought was interesting. I think a bunch of people saw the get a haircut on the capital yesterday or maybe it was Tuesday. This was because Big Gretch had the state police take away a barber breaking the law and take away his license too. I mean the law is the law and he did things illegally.
However, a gay group sex establishment was deemed essential? Or rather has been open since and no state police have shut it down.Nobody_Important ,
Arkage I know have praised her response and I know she hit 60 approval in. A Detroit poll yesterday. But can you guys explain this? I thought close contain spread the viruses around.
Club open
I work on a covid unit and do you know who is the least anxious about this stuff? Infectious disease specialists--Knowledge is power. Partisanship obfuscates knowledge--and makes you weak.
Antibody testing shows 17% of Londoners have had the virus to date.
Number infected: 1.53million
Deaths in hospitals: 5,819 (0.4%)
once you account for care homes coronavirus appears to be 4-6x deadlier than seasonal flu (0.1%), but nowhere near the ridiculous estimate WHO has repeated (3.4%).
The virus seems to be dying off in London. Across the country about 30 per cent of all trusts have had no deaths in the last 48 hours.
3.4% is the Case Fatality Rate which is a different metric to the Infection Fatality Rate. In all the UK briefings that I have watched going back to pre lockdown the IFR was always estimated at less than 1%.
The real bullshit is that the traditional flu is actually much more dangerous for children and especially young children. The flu kills a larger number of children than most people are aware and COVID kills barely any at all. Several European countries have never closed their schools. So much for “science” I guess.
And please spare us all the news articles about multi system inflammatory syndrome. Those articles are anecdotes at best right now and even if they are confirmed we’re still taking about statistically insignificant numbers.
Eh right, but how many did have the flu vs how many had covid? How many of These didn't get the vaccine?
So if you didn't send the virus into old age homes, protected the elderly and sick then herd immunity probably could of been reached with minimal deaths.
Every life is precious, but was it worth destroying society and the economy over .014% of the population?
But again we live in a society that changes all its rules and bends the knee for the small tiny non-binary and trans population so I guess the reactions make sense.
No, speaking in generalities. That sounds like a nightmare -- I know how much work that takes, and I'm sorry that happened to you.Two months ago I thought I was going to lose my job and my mother at the same time. Then my mom fell down the stairs and broke her pelvic bone. Two nights later she began to bleed internally and ended up in the hospital and while she was there an outbreak occurred on her ward. The care-provider who was feeding my mom tested positive. They sent my mom home and she had to stay in bed for 14 days and I had to feed her three times a day while working.
You’re saying my anxiety is the result of ignorance?
Can you elaborate please?
Brazil right now: 310,000 cases and 20,000 deaths.
+ 18,000 cases and +1,188 deaths reported in the last 24h. And governors are pretty much all in agreement about opening businesses again on June 1st.
It's surreal what's happening here. Not only the government is stupid, the people are stupid as well. Most cities have no more than 50% adherence to the isolation measures. There's a lot of people pretending nothing is happening and going by their lives as usual.Now that's fucking nuts.
President Trump doing a far better response than President Bolsanaro.
pretty sure this theory has been debunked several times, and that's without counting all those countries that went for the "herd immunity" and paid the price.So if you didn't send the virus into old age homes, protected the elderly and sick then herd immunity probably could of been reached with minimal deaths.
Every life is precious, but was it worth destroying society and the economy over .014% of the population?
But again we live in a society that changes all its rules and bends the knee for the small tiny non-binary and trans population so I guess the reactions make sense.
I have to work outside so by the time I get back I'm done going outside for the dayJust because it is warm outside doesn't mean people HAVE to go outside. I would much rather be in ac enviroment than outside during summer time anyway. Anything above 75 degree i hot to me
The real first step toward theme parks reopening in the United States has been taken. Universal Studios Orlando has submitted a proposal to open the doors of its park to guests once again on June 5, after being shuttered since March due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. What's more, the proposal has been unanimously approved.
I think you might be wrong. They just don’t care as much about this as you do. Poor people in countries like Brazil deal with the threat of dying a lot more than Americans and Europeans. So to them this new risk is just a part of life. They’re willing to take it. Considering most healthy people can survive this at a very high rate, I just think some groups of people are willing to go on living.It's surreal what's happening here. Not only the government is stupid, the people are stupid as well. Most cities have no more than 50% adherence to the isolation measures. There's a lot of people pretending nothing is happening and going by their lives as usual.
It's insane. We're bound to a disaster.