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'Masters of Doom' (Buy This Book!)


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated

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If you consider yourself a fan of PC gaming, Doom, id, or basically the birth of a multi-million dollar industry, I'd highly suggest you give this book a read. You can grab the paperback version for about 10 bucks on Amazon. The book is so well written and flows so wonderfully that you're going to have a hard time putting it down - I spent quite a few nights ignoring my sleep schedule to finish it off. My favorite aspect is that it paints no broad strokes, sparing none of the little details down to the reason Doom II is beaten by killing John Romero (oh the noes, the spoilers!).

While I'm hyping this book, I'm also looking into finding more tech-industry related good reads. Can anyone recommend a good book on the history of Apple or any other good gaming reads? Thanks.
I didn't know the book was out yet. I've been looking forward to reading it for about a year and every time I've gone into a bookstore I've forgotten about it! I'll buy it ASAP


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Warm Machine said:
I didn't know the book was out yet. I've been looking forward to reading it for about a year and every time I've gone into a bookstore I've forgotten about it! I'll buy it ASAP

Yep, it's actually pretty current as far as video game related books go. It progresses up to the release of Quake 3 and stops around February of this year (abit before E3 when Doom 3's release date was still tenative).
tedtropy said:
While I'm hyping this book, I'm also looking into finding more tech-industry related good reads. Can anyone recommend a good book on the history of Apple or any other good gaming reads? Thanks.

Do yourself a favour, and buy "Infinite Loop: How Apple, The World's Most Insanely Great Computer Company, Went Insane" by Michael S. Malone.

It's 578 well written pages on the history of Apple up to the release of the Imac. Newer editions might go further, but mine is fairly old. Awesome read, especially if you have any interest in technology.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Meatpuppet said:
Do yourself a favour, and buy "Infinite Loop: How Apple, The World's Most Insanely Great Computer Company, Went Insane" by Michael S. Malone.

It's 578 well written pages on the history of Apple up to the release of the Imac. Newer editions might go further, but mine is fairly old. Awesome read, especially if you have any interest in technology.

Awesome - that sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks, I'll be sure to track it down.
Unfortunately it seems to be out of print.

However, Amazon seem to have a fair few copies secondhand. Or you could always try your local library.

I think I might re-read the book. It's been a few years since I finished it, so it will almost be like starting anew.

EDIT: Nice boxart too!



Yeah, I've read it last year (or was it 2 years ago)

I especially liked the parts where they explained the relationship in the company of both the John's. Carmack coding the engine, and Romero coding the stuff to make everything. This is a must-read for anyone interested in the gaming-industry, along with Game Over


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Meatpuppet said:
Unfortunately it seems to be out of print.

However, Amazon seem to have a fair few copies secondhand. Or you could always try your local library.

I think I might re-read the book. It's been a few years since I finished it, so it will almost be like starting anew.

EDIT: Nice boxart too!


Yeah, nabbed a 'like-new' used hardcover copy for like $13 after shipping via an Amazon market retailer. Good enough.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
ManDudeChild said:
For those that can't find the book, why is DOOM 2 beaten by killing John Romero?

If you somehow haven't beaten DOOM II yet, consider this a spoiler warning...

Well, Romero's ego was really kicking into overdrive by the time DOOM 2 was nearing completion. As a joke, the guy working on the final 'Icon of Sin' level (not sure if it was American McGee or someone else) threw Romero's decapitated head on a stick behind the boss wall...thing. You couldn't actually see it in normal gameplay unless you clipped through the wall, but whenever you shot the brain of the boss, the rocket actually clipped through the wall and hit Romero's head, causing it to winch in pain until the boss died. It was something of an inside id joke. Romero actually stumbled across it when he was in development mode finishing up some sound effects for the level and supposedly found it hillarious. In fact, when you first enter the level, you heard a sort of odd demonic speaking which, when reversed, says 'to beat the game you must kill me, John Romero'. That was Romero's touch. It was a pretty nifty secret.
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